Carefully remove the covering from the stabilizer and fin in order to expose the
wooden structure for gluing. The covering should be trimmed away 1/16" inside
the drawn lines. It is extremely important that you cut the covering only and not
the balsa underneath. Do not cut into the balsa. Also remove the covering from
the sides of the fin in the location of the tail fairings.
The vertical fin and gussets are now glued in place onto the rear of the fuselage -
use 5-minute epoxy to give a little working time. Apply glue to the exposed wood
on both sides of the fin base and to the bottom of the fin where it contacts the
stab. With the fin and gussets in place, sight the model from the front to make
sure the fin is absolutely 90O upright to the stab. If needed, use a little masking
tape to pull it into alignment. Wipe off any excess glue using alcohol.
The rudder is now hinged to the vertical fin and the rear of the fuselage. Use the
same hinging method as you used for the ailerons and elevators. Use 5 minute
epoxy on the tail wheel wire to bond it into the hole in the front of the rudder.
Because the aileron servo is already installed and ready, the installation of the rest of the radio system only consists of
dropping in the rudder, elevator and throttle servos, the receiver, and the switch. The pushrod connections to these servos
will be made shortly. Install the rubber grommets and eyelets supplied with your radio system onto the rudder, elevator,
and throttle servos. Install all three servos in place into the fuselage servo tray, again using the screws supplied with your
system. We have found it handy to label the servo leads for easy identification when plugging them into the receiver.
The on/off switch should be mounted on the fuselage side opposite of the motor exhaust. You must cut a small rectangular
slot for the switch body and mount it with the hardware supplied with the radio system.
The receiver is now mounted in place. First feed the receiver's
antenna through the 1/6" hole that you drilled in the bottom of
the fuselage just behind the wing. The receiver is wrapped in
foam rubber, (not included), and placed in the fuselage, just
ahead of the servos. Use foam rubber to pad your airborne
battery pack. Wrap the pack securely within foam and slide it
forward under the fuel tank. The final location of the battery
pack will be determined during final balancing.
Pushrod Assembly & Connection
From the kit contents locate the following:
The Fuselage
2 Nylon Control Horn with Back Plate
4 M2x15mm Horn Mounting Screws
1 5.3x320mm Nylon Throttle Pushrod
1 3.2x280mm Nylon Throttle Pushrod
2 3.2x686mm Nylon
3 2mm Nylon R/C Links
3 2mm Solder R/C Links
4 2x20mm threaded stud
2 2x100mm Pushrod
You will also need three servo output arms for your servos and be sure your
radio system is charged and ready to use for this section.
Use your soldering iron to solder the unthreaded ends of the three 2mm x 20mm threaded studs into three of the solder