SIG Edgetra ARF Assembly Manual Download Page 17




Ailerons - Low Rate:                1” Up and Down  

Ailerons – High Rate:              2” Up and Down  


Elevator – Low Rate:               1” Up and Down 

Elevator High Rate:                 2” Up and Down 


Rudder – Low Rate:        1-1/2” Left and Right 

Rudder – High Rate:       2-1/2” Left and Right   




A Note About High Rate Throws: 
High rate and 3D control throws are only meant for extreme aerobatics 
-  not  for  normal  flying.  You  should  be  competent  and  comfortable 
flying your EDGEtra with normal control throws before attempting high 
A Note About Exponential: 
You will find lots of opinions about the proper amount of exponential 
travel to use on each control surface in both low and high rate settings. 
The best aerobatic pilots in the world agree that you will want more 
expo  at  high  rates  than  at  low  rates.  After  test  flying,  adjust  your 
settings as needed to obtain the control feel you want. Consult your 
radio manual to find out how to adjust the exponential settings of your 




When it comes to test flying a new model, we always advise modelers 
to choose a calm day with little or no wind.  These conditions allow you 
to better evaluate and more accurately adjust the trim requirements 
for your airplane.  As we’ve mentioned before, a good running, reliable 
motor is a must for the ultimate success of your airplane.  Take the time 
to solve any power system problems before you try to fly.   

Always make it part of your pre-flight routine to check each control on 
the  airplane,  making  sure  the  surfaces  are  moving  in  the  correct 
directions.  Also check each control linkage to be sure they are secure 
and that nothing is loose.  With all the controls checked, make a range 
check  with  your  radio  system,  making  sure  everything  is  working 

Taxi the EDGEtra out to the take-off position on the flying field, (holding 
up elevator during the taxi will keep the tailwheel firmly to the ground).  
For takeoff, the airplane should be lined-up with the center of the field 
with the nose pointed directly into the wind.  Hold a little up elevator 
and smoothly advance the throttle - do not slam the throttle full open 
all at once.  As the EDGEtra begins moving forward, back off of the up 
elevator  input  and  use  the  rudder,  only  as  needed,  to  correct  any 
engine torque and/or wind induced deviations from a straight take-off 
run.  Allow the airplane to lift off, using ailerons to keep the wings level.  
Climb to a reasonable altitude before making any trim changes. 

With  the  control  movements  set  at  the  “low  rate”  measurements 
provided  in  this  manual,  the  airplane  should  exhibit  smooth, 
predictable control.  Try a few loops and rolls.  You will find that the roll 
rate is not especially high at the initial aileron settings but they can be 
very  axial  with practice.  Inverted flight is easy,  requiring  surprisingly 
little  down elevator  for  level flight.   The  EDGEtra  also  performs nice 
inside  and  outside  loops,  snap  rolls,  Immelmann  turns,  stall  turns, 

Cuban eights, and spins.  As with any aircraft, getting consistently good 
results is a matter of practice.  

While still at altitude, throttle the engine back to idle.  This will give you 
a  good  idea  of  the  glide  characteristics.    While  still  at  idle,  steadily 
increase  up  elevator  input  to  get  a  feel  for  the  stall  characteristics.  
With practice and a little rudder input, the EDGEtra will become your 
favorite 3D plane on the market!  Stalls tend to be very gentle with one 
wingtip  or  the  other  dropping,  followed  almost  immediately  with 
resumed  flight  as  soon  as  the  elevator  is  neutralized.    This  is  great 
information to have when setting up your first landings. 

With  the  control  movements  set  at  the  “high  rate”  measurements 
provided in this manual, the airplane will be able to perform any 3D 
maneuver you can think of!   

Landing  the  EDGEtra  is  easy,  due  to  the  light  wing  loading  and  3D 
nature.  We suggest using a standard landing approach, beginning with 
a throttled back downwind leg and base turn to the final approach into 
the wind.  During final approach, keep just a little power on until the 
airplane  is  exactly  where  you  want  it  for  touchdown.    In  crosswind 
situations,  a  little  rudder  input  will  likely  be  needed  to  keep  the 
airplane lined up with the runway.  The EDGEtra can be easily landed 
on  either  main  wheels or  in  the three-point position.    After  landing, 
always  remember  to  hold  up  elevator  when  taxiing  to  keep  the 
tailwheel firmly to the ground. 

We  sincerely  hope  that  your  EDGEtra  will  provide  you  with  many 
enjoyable flights. Please operate your airplane  in  a  safe,  responsible 
manner with respect to other flyers, spectators, and property.  

Good luck and safe flying! 



SIG  MFG.  CO.,  INC. is committed  to  your  success  in  both  assembling   
and  flying  the  EDGEtra  ARF.    Should  you  encounter  any  problem 
building this kit or discover any missing or damaged parts, please feel 
free to contact us by email, mail, or telephone. 



P.O. Box  520


401 South Front Street


Montezuma, IA  50171-0520  USA


PHONE: 1-641-623-5154    FAX: 1-641-623-3922  




[email protected] 





The craftsmanship, attention to detail and actions of the builder/flyer 

of this model airplane kit will ultimately determine the airworthiness, 
flight performance, and safety of the finished model.  SIG MFG. CO.’s 
obligation  shall  be  to  replace  those  parts  of  the  kit  proven  to  be 
defective  or  missing.  The  user  shall  determine  the  suitability  of  the 
product for his or her intended use and shall assume all risk and liability 
in connection therewith this model airplane correctly according to the 
plans and instructions. 



Summary of Contents for Edgetra ARF

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ... on prop size NOTE The Castle Creations ESCs that we used as well as many of the other ESC s on the market have a BEC Battery Eliminator Circuit built in BEC allows you to use the same battery pack to Power both your motor and your radio system eliminating the normal radio battery pack As the dual purpose battery runs down in flight the BEC circuit in the ESC will shut down the motor and leave eno...

Page 3: ... Phillips Head Screws Control Horns Etc 5 Painted Fiberglass Horns for ail 2 elev 1 rud 2 Pushrods 2 3mm x 70mm dia Steel Aileron Pushrods 1 3mm dia x 140mm Steel Elevator Pushrod 5 Metal R C Links elev 1 rud 4 5 Ball Link pushrod connectors ail 4 elev 1 5 M3 x 16mm Machine Screws for Ball links 5 M3 Locking Nuts 2 Pull Pull Rudder Parts Kit Miscellaneous 1 Aluminum Wing Joiner tube 4 1 4 20 x 1 3...

Page 4: ...u must be careful around seams or color joints Getting too much heat on the seams may cause them to creep or come loose You must also be careful when using a heat gun when working around the windshield and side windows heat will distort the clear plastic material Recommended Temperatures To adhere the covering 220OF 250OF 104OC 121OC To shrink the covering 300OF 320OF 149OC 160OC NOTE In this manu...

Page 5: ... is now in the proper position for permanently gluing them in place with thin CA glue d Flex the aileron down and hold it in this position Remove the pins from one hinge and then carefully apply 3 4 drops of thin CA glue directly onto the hinge in the gap You will notice that the glue is quickly wicked into the slot as it penetrates both the wood and the hinge We suggest using a fine tipped applic...

Page 6: ...Y TAIL INSTALLATION For the following steps you will need 1 Fuselage 1 Aluminum Wing Tube 2 Wings 4 Nylon Wing Bolts 1 Horizontal Stabilizer Elevator set 1 Vertical Fin Rudder Set 5 Install the Horizontal Stabilizer and Elevator a Remove the elevator and hinges from the horizontal stabilizer and set them aside for now Draw a center line on the stabilizer mount and on the horizontal stabilizer Test...

Page 7: ...joiner into the elevator halves with the rounded center section pointing to the trailing edges of the elevatorhalves line the halves and joiner up using a straight edge and mark where the joiner exits the halves of the elevator h Remove the joiner and roughen the fiberglass that slides inside the slots using sandpaper For added bite add grooves to the fiberglass with a sharp file or a Dremel tool ...

Page 8: ...alcohol and a soft paper towel Let the epoxy completely cure 7 Now it s time to install the rudder a Using a hobby knife carefully cut through the covering on the tail to expose the lowest hinge pocket then carefully insert one side of the three CA hinges into the hinge slots in the rudder using the same techniques you did for the ailerons back in Step 2 of this manual install the rudder on to the...

Page 9: an M3 nut and a metal clevis onto the brass rigging coupler Do this step four times c Slide one of the crimp tubes onto the nylon coated braided steel wire then thread the wire through the hole in the brass rigging coupler and back through the crimp tube d Loop the wire back through the crimp tube and pull the loops tight there s not much extra wire so being conservative here will give you a li...

Page 10: like Locktite on all bolts and nuts used in the assembly of the landing gear 11 Assemble and install the main landing gear a Slide the threaded portion of the axle into the large hole of the landing gear leg and secure it with an M4 nut on each side Apply a drop of blue thread locking compound to each nut before tightening them When tightening the nut keep the flats of the hexnut on the axle si...

Page 11: The front edge of the steering horn should be 3 8 back from the leading edge of the rudder Mark the location of the two steering arm holes on the bottom edge of the rudder b Using a 5 64 drill bit drill a hole at each location you marked making sure to keep the drill bit straight to the rudder you do not want the drill bit to come out the side of the rudder c Thread one of the M3 5 PWA screws i...

Page 12: ...e you need to locate the front of the firewall from the front of the adjustable motor mount With the motor we are using in these photos the motor measurement is 2 5 8 So 8 5 8 minus 2 5 8 6 Your result may be different depending on your motor d Carefully measure and mark the distance determined in the previous step from the front of the firewall to the front of the adjustable motor mount Do this a...

Page 13: ...orarily connect it to the receiver d Connect the ESC s motor wires to the motor Operate the motor and check the direction of rotation NEVER DO THIS WITH A PROPELLER INSTALLED If you need to reverse the rotation refer to the instructions that came with the motor and ESC SAFETY ISSUE We strongly recommend the use of an arming switch for your motor installation With an arming switch you can install y...

Page 14: ...the cowl When you are satisfied with the cowl s placement tape it in place using masking tape b Use a 1 16 bit to drill holes in the firewall for the cowl mounting screws through the pre drilled holes in the cowl c Remove the cowl and thread a M3 x 10mm screw into each of the four cowl mounting holes then remove the screws d Apply a drop or two of thin CA to each of the four cowl mounting screw ho...

Page 15: ...n the bottom surface of the pilot and use epoxy to glue the figure in place b Before applying glue to the canopy attach the hatch to the fuselage There are two locating pins at the front and two hooks at the rear Slide the pins into the pin slots in the rear side of the firewall lower the rear end of the hatch onto the fuselage and allow the hooks to catch Now slide the hatch toward the rear of th...

Page 16: ...k the balance point on the top of the wing next to the fuselage Make the same marks on both sides of the fuselage Flip the aircraft upside down inverted and place your fingertips on the balance point on both sides of the airplane and carefully lift the plane No part of the model should be touching anything except your fingertips If the EDGEtra will sit on your fingertips in a level attitude then i...

Page 17: at the initial aileron settings but they can be very axial with practice Inverted flight is easy requiring surprisingly little down elevator for level flight The EDGEtra also performs nice inside and outside loops snap rolls Immelmann turns stall turns Cuban eights and spins As with any aircraft getting consistently good results is a matter of practice While still at altitude throttle the engin...

Page 18: ... A TOY Flying machines of any form either model size or full size are not toys Because of the speeds that airplanes must achieve in order to fly they are capable of causing serious bodily harm and property damage if they crash IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND YOURS ALONE to assemble this model airplane correctly according to the plans and instructions to ground test the finished model before each fli...
