The covering material included in this kit is Litespan, by Solarfilm. It is a strong, tough, heat-shrinkable synthetic covering
material. Litespan is very light weight, approximately 32 grams per sq. yard. Litespan is heat shrinkable, however it does
not have glue already on it. You must first apply adhesive to the model structure where you want the covering to stick,
using a heat-activated liquid adhesive such as SIG Stix-It or Solarfilm Balsaloc (not supplied). The following parts of the
Antoinette need to be covered:
Wings - cover top only
Fuselage Sides - cover from former F7 to the tail post
Fuselage Top - cover from former F7 to former F9
Fin and Rudder - cover both sides
Stabilizer and Elevator - cover top only
Note: When covering the stabilizer, study the plan carefully to determine which side is the top. The determining factor is
the location of the control horn. It must end up on the left side of the airplane.
Refer to the "COVERING DIAGRAM" to see how to make best use of the covering material provided.
Surface Preparation
Lightly sand the parts to be covered, removing any bumps and unevenness that would show through the covering. Start
with 80 or 100 grit sandpaper on a sanding block, and finish with 220 grit or finer sandpaper. Fill all cracks and hollows
with light weight model filler and sand smooth. Coat the areas where you want the covering to stick with the heat-activated
adhesive, following the manufacturer’s instructions. On both wing panels, apply adhesive to the leading and trailing edges,
the tip and root ribs and to the top surface of each wing rib. Allow the adhesive to dry to the touch.
Litespan is capable of shrinking a great deal. We have tried several methods to control this tendency, including pre-
shrinking the material. Doing this tends to take some (not all) of the "shrink" out of the material. This can be desirable
when trying to minimize any tendency to warp the part being covered. To do this, first cut the piece to shape (such as one
of the wing panels), leaving at least an inch or so of material around all edges. Place the material on a clean, flat heat-
resistant surface (dull side up). With your iron set to about 200 deg. F, iron the material smooth, shrinking it in the process.
The piece is now ready to apply as described below.
Set your covering iron temperature to between 195 deg. F and 210 deg. F. Lay the Litespan on the framework and smooth
out the wrinkles. Tack the Litespan in place at a few points around the edges, using the toe of the iron. While tacking,
gently pull the Litespan to get a smooth fit without large wrinkles. Do not try to pull the Litespan drum tight, just smooth and
wrinkle free. Reheating and peeling back while hot allows the Litespan to be repositioned. Then, seal the Litespan all
around the edges of the wing with the iron. Trim surplus Litespan from around the edges with a sharp blade and reseal the
edges if necessary.
Summary of Contents for Antoinette 1909
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