“P”: Preset a Salvo
The command "
" is used to set up a
, which is a series of connect commands for later
execution with the "
" command. It must be followed by a register letter from A to Z or a register
number from 1 to 256 giving the
into which the connect sequence is to be stored,
followed by zero or more
connect commands
(V, W, X, Y, or Z), followed by a "~" (tilde)
Registers A-Z are the same registers as 1-26. The letter designators are allowed to shorten up
the command sequence slightly, so that “T” commands can be sent in compact form if one of the
first 26 registers is used.
For example, the command:
** PB X2,5,0 Z7 ~ !!
says that two connect commands (output 2 to input 5 AFV, and output 1 to input 7 AFV) are to be
stored into salvo register B (i.e. register 2). Another example:
** P239 Y5,7 ~ !!
says that one connect command (output 5 to input 7 AFV) is to be stored in salvo register 239.
supported connect commands
(those connect commands whose command letters appear in
the "I" command response) may follow the register letter up to the tilde character. The connect
commands do not take effect until the register is
using the
command below.
The maximum allowed number of connect commands is determined by the particular router. In all
cases where this command is implemented, there is guaranteed to be space available to store at
least two complete switch matrices AT ONE LEVEL. If more connect commands are received
than there is space available to store them, the error response string "FULL ERROR Salvo Space
Full" is sent to the host, and only the first part of the salvo is stored. For example:
** FULL ERROR Salvo Space Full !!
says that the salvo request filled memory and the salvo could not be completely stored.
“B”: Output Lock inquiry or change
The command "
" requests that lock information for the specified output be returned to the host,
and optionally that the lock status of that output be changed. Whenever the router receives a “B”
command, it sends one back.
In routers that support the “B” command, the router reports changes to output lock status using
the “B” command, not the “G OUTPUT_LOCK” command.
When an output is locked, it cannot be routed to a new input unless the password sent using the
“K” command matches the password used to lock the output.
In virtual-mapped routers, this command applies lockouts to
virtual destinations
rather than
physical outputs
, so the word “output” should be replaced with “destination” in this command