makes sense to reinitialize the non-volatile RAM. To accomplish a re-initialization, turn on DIP
switch S1-8, power up the router, power it down, and turn off S1-8. If for any reason a customer
decides to do this, it is highly recommended that they record as much of their router setup data as
possible, using the terminal port to access the data.
LED Definitions
The LEDS on the edge of the processor board have the following meanings (LEDa is at the top
and LEDf is at the bottom):
LEDa (Blue) ON if this processor is in control of the router, OFF if it is in standby mode.
LEDb (Yellow) flashing if master and standby processors are syncing up, OFF if they are synced.
LEDc (Green) ON if this processor thinks it is operating properly.
LEDd (Red) flashing if this processor thinks there is a system error.
LEDe and LEDf are always OFF.
On the Control Processor board, along the top of the board and behind the edge mounted LEDs
are three additional status LEDs. The LED closest to the front of the board is used to indicate
condition of the external sync. When there is no external sync connected or detected by the
router the front LED is flashed at about 3 times per second. If the router is locked to an external
sync this LED becomes the MSB of the idle counter. The other two LEDs behind the sync
detection LED are the next two MSBs of the idle counter.
Redundant Processor Capability
The Sequoia router family supports the use of redundant processors. A router with this option has
two control processors. At any given time, one of them is the master and the other is the standby
processor. The master processor is the one that controls the system. The standby processor
simply monitors the activity of the master processor, keeping track of the same router status
information as the master, and takes over the job of master if it detects that the master processor
has failed.
The two processors always monitor each other and present status information on the processor
LEDS to indicate the processor health. See above LED Definitions for a brief description of these
LEDS. Further information is given below. To enable redundant processors, DIP switch S1-2
must be ON. If it is off, the processor will ignore the presence of another processor and will start
up as master processor and control the system (and will not flash the LED that indicates that the
other processor has a problem).
All DIP switches except S1-1 must be set identically on both processors, or the slave processor will flash
its “I am sick” LEDd. (See DIP Switch Settings in Installation section)