Contact Information
For technical support regarding the Sonoclot Analyzer, Signature Viewer Data Collection Software, or
interpreting Sonoclot Signatures, please contact Sienco, Inc. or your local distributor.
Contact information for Sienco, Inc.:
5721 Arapahoe Ave, Unit A1-A
Boulder, CO 80303 USA
Toll Free:
Interpreting Sonoclot Signatures takes some experience. Additionally, being able to confirm any
interpretation is very helpful during initial training with the Sonoclot Analyzer. Sienco offers factory
support with interpreting Sonoclot Signatures through our technical staff or our local distributors. Signature
Viewer, Sienco’s data collection program for the Sonoclot Analyzer, can be used to share your Sonoclot
Signatures for interpretive assistance or confirmation. You can send Signatures by first organizing the
Signatures of interest into a Signature Group, next exporting the Signature Group from Signature Viewer,
and then emailing the exported file to [email protected] or your distributor. Instructions for exporting
data from Signature Viewer are provided below.
Exporting Signature Groups from Signature Viewer
1) Select the Signature Group that you wish to export. Under the File Menu, select Export Signature
Group. An Export Dialog Box will open.
2) In the Export Dialog, you need to enter the filename for the exported Signature Group. NOTE: this
file name includes the entire file path. Use the file path in the text box and add the desired name
to this file path. You must add the Windows filepath character “\” after the complete filepath and
in front of your file name. If you do not use a filepath, the file will be written to the root directory
of your hard disk.
3) Press the Save button
4) If your saved file had the default filepath, then the file will be located within the Exported Data
folder within your Signature Viewer data folder. The default name for your Signature Viewer data
folder is “My Signature Viewer Data” and it is located in your documents folder.
5) Attach the exported file to an email and send it to [email protected] or your distributor. Include
your questions in the email text.
Chapter 6:
Technical Support