1. Install/mount the device.
Installing SITRANS TH in a connection head (Page 23)
Installing SITRANS TH on DIN rail and G rail (Page 24)
Installing SITRANS TR on DIN rail (Page 25)
2. Connect the device.
3. Switch on the power supply.
Switching on the supply voltage (Page 57)
4. Wait for 2 seconds.
After this start-up time, the device is operational.
5. Wait 5 minutes to get exact measured values.
6. If you want to change the factory settings, configure the device using remote operation.
– Read the operating instructions for information on this.
Commissioning SITRANS TF with 4 ... 20 mA
In this section, you will learn how to commission the device step-by-step.
Before you start, please read the following safety notes:
● General safety notes (Page 15)
● Basic safety notes: Installing/mounting (Page 19)
● Basic safety notes: Connecting (Page 31)
● Basic safety notes: Commissioning (Page 53)
Read the entire device manual in order to achieve the optimum performance of the device.
1. If you want to change the factory settings, configure the device using the keys or the USB
modem and the SIPROM T parameter assignment software.
– Read the operating instructions for information on this.
2. Mount the device.
Mounting the SITRANS TF single chamber housing (Page 25)
Mounting the SITRANS TF dual chamber housing (Page 26)
3. Connect the device.
Connecting the SITRANS TF single chamber housing (Page 45)
Connecting the SITRANS TF dual chamber housing (Page 39)
5.4 Commissioning SITRANS TF with 4 ... 20 mA
SITRANS TH320/TH420/TR320/TR420/TF320/TF420
Compact Operating Instructions, 03/2018, A5E41865021-AA