9.5 Protection against short-time voltage dips
Operating Instructions, 02.2013, C98130-A7589-A1-3-7629
Protection against short-time voltage dips
For a drop in the line-side supply voltage, the SITOP PSU100S power supply still maintains
the output voltage for a short time in the millisecond range (see Chapter Technical data
(Page 39)).
For line supplies that manifest frequent brief voltage dips, in order to increase the power
supply reliability, it may make sense to increase the line buffering time in the device using an
additional SITOP PSE201M buffer module.
The SITOP PSE201M buffer module, based on electrolytic capacitors, is connected in
parallel to the 24 V power supply output (Figure 9-5 Buffering brief power failures using the
SITOP PSE201M buffer module (Page 65)). The buffer time is 200 ms at 40 A up to 1.6 s for
a load current of 5 A. This time can be increased a multiple number of times by connecting
buffer modules in parallel; the maximum buffer time is 10 s.
You can find additional information at:
SITOP PSE201M manual (
Figure 9-5
Buffering brief power failures using the SITOP PSE201M buffer module