Mounting and Commissioning
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
C53000-G1176-C169-5, Release date 02.2011
Availability of the protection data interfaces
The quality of protection data transmission depends on the availability of all transmission media. Therefore,
check the statistic information of the device.
Check the following indications:
• Indication No. 7753
(availability per minute) and indication No. 7754
(availability per
hour) indicate the availability of protection data interface 1. The value of No. 7753
should attain
a minimum per-minute-availability of 99.85% after two minutes of operation. The value for No. 7754
should attain a minimum per-hour-availability of 99.85 % after one hour of operation.
• For protection data interface 2 indication No. 7755
and No. 7756
is most relevant,
the same limits as for protection data interface 1 apply.
If these values are not attained, the protection communication should be checked.
If GPS synchronisation is used, the transmission times can be retrieved separately for each direction:
• For protection data interface 1, indication no. 7876
„PI1 TD S“
indicates the transmission time in sending
direction and no. 7875
„PI1 TD R“
in receiving direction.
• For protection data interface 2 the indications No. 7878
„PI2 TD S“
and No. 7877
„PI2 TD R“
are dis-
played corresponding to protection data interface 1.
In all other cases, the mean value for both directions will be indicated:
• Indication No. 7751
„PI1 TD“
indicates the transmission time for protection data interface 1.
• Indication No. 7752
„PI2 TD“
indicates the transmission time for protection data interface 2.
Checking further links
If more than two devices are connected, that is if the protected object has more than two ends, or if two devices
are connectd via both protection data interfaces to create redundancy, repeat all checks for every possible link
as described above including the consistency check.
If all devices involved in the topology communicate properly and all parameters are consistent, the message
No. 3464
„Topol complete“
If there is a ring topology, the message No. 3457
" must also appear after closing the ring.
If you have got a ring topology and the message
(no. 3458) is displayed instead of
, the protection data communication is functional but the ring is not closed. Check the
missing links as described above including the consistency check until all links to the ring have been made.
Finally, there should be no more fault messages concerning the protection data interfaces.
Topology and statistics of the protection data interfaces can be graphically displayed on the screen using the
WEB Monitor. This requires a personal computer with web browser. Figure 3-26 shows the general information
of the communication topology.