Mounting and Commissioning
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
C53000-G1176-C169-5, Release date 02.2011
Perform the above check at the other end with the device being connected there and its corresponding com-
munication converter.
Continue with the margin heading „Consistency of Topology and Parameterization“.
Consistency of topology and parameterisation
Having performed the above checks, the linking of a device pair, including their communication converters, has
been completely tested and connected to the auxiliary supply voltage. Now the devices communicate by them-
• Check now the Event Log or the spontaneous annunciations of the device you are working on:
– Message No. 3243
„PI1 with“
(protection data interface 1 linked with) followed by the device index of
the other device, if interface 1 is applying.
– Message No. 3244
„PI2 with“
(protection data interface 2 linked with) followed by the device index of
the other device, if interface 2 is applying.
– If the devices are at least connected once, the message No. 3458
will appear.
– If no other devices are involved in the topology as an entity, the message No. 3464
„Topol complete“
will then be displayed, too.
– And if the device parameterisation is also consistent, i.e., the prerequisites for setting the functional scope
(Section 2.1.1), of system data 1 (, system data 2 (, the topology and protection data in-
terface parameters (Section have been considered, the fault message, i.e. no. 3229
„PI1 Data
or 3231
„PI2 Data fault“
, for the checked interface will disappear. The communication and
consistency check has now been completed.
– If the fault message of the interface being checked does not disappear, however, the fault must be found
and eliminated. Table 3-22 lists indications that indicate such faults.
Table 3-22
Inconsistency Messages
Finally, there should not be any more fault messages of the protection data interfaces.
Short text
3233 „DT inconsistent“
„Device table inconsistent“: The indexing of the devices is inconsistent
(missing or double numbers, cp. Section
3234 „DT unequal“
„Device table unequal“: The ID numbers of the different devices are not
equal (cp. Section
3235 „Par. different“
„Parameterization inconsistent“: Different functional parameters were
set for the devices. They must be equal at all ends:
Differential protection exists or not
(cp. Section 2.1.1)
Transformer in the protected zone or not
(cp. Section 2.1.1)
Nominal frequency (cp. Section 2.1.2)
Operational power or current (cp. Section 2.1.4)
3487 „Equal IDs“
„Same device address“: The parameter 4710 LOCAL RELAY was set
identical for several devices.