Functional description
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©SIEMENS AG 2013 General notes about function and handling of the block:
Multiple applications
The nodal blocks can be requested several times within the application. Depending on the parameterizing
at the inputs functions can be carried out like:
- distribution of the information to several targets
- enlargement of the quantity structure by clever filtering (using efficient CPUs correspondingly)
Update of an automatically created image-DB:
The block creates an image-DB (default DB80) in the CPU-start-up procedure (cold start) if no external
data block is assigned (Para_Image_DB = 0). The size of this image-DB depends on the parameterized
maximum number of information elements (max_No_of_Images
The update of the image-DB is carried out automatically by incoming spontaneous, requested or cyclic
information. At the nodal block thus no explicit parameterizing of the information to be processed is nec-
New additional information in the subordinated station are added automatically into the image until
achievement of the parameterized maximum number of information elements and processed if they per-
form the parameterized filter adjustments.
In case already existing information are changing (IOA, TK) in the subordinated station, a new start (cold
start) is required. Hereby the image-DB is created new and updated.
External parameter and image data block.
A data block may be assigned to the FB (DB-Number -> Para_Image_DB) whose structure is described
A sample data block (DB161) is added to the library which should serve in principle as a basis! If only the
number of array fields is set to the number of expected information in this data block (or in a copy) and
the DB is assigned without further adaption this functionally corresponds to the automatically creation.
The only difference is the (own) fixed DB number and the structured design. This allows already a moni-
toring / diagnosis and may be already helpful.
In a second step individual adaptions may be carried out in the data block:
- Fixing of the number of required information by the size of array (declaration view, the further
adjustments have to be carried out in the data view!)
- For each information to be forwarded minimum the information object address (IOA, Parameter:
P_Src_Info_Address) has to be indicated.
The first parameter field with information object address = 0 is established during start up. From
this all further images are released for the automatic update.
- The ASDU address (P_Src_ASDU_Address) has not to be indicated if it has been limited ac-
cordingly with the block parameters or the information addresses are clearly. With use of the
image however the value is written with the received ASDU address and fixed.
With „P_Dst_Info_Address“ it is possible to convert the information object address. Without
specification (according to default = 0) the received IOA will be forwarded.
With P_Threshold_Value it is possible to parameterize an individual threshold for measured
values. Without specification (default = 0.0) an optional global threshold specified at the block
input ‚Threshold_Val_ME‘ is effective.
All further values in the data block are written from the FB during operating time and may be read only
from the user. Exception: If the value ‚Im_TI_Basic‘ is already pre-allocated with the expected type identi-
fication the FB can respond to a GI (with status .not topical) immediately after start up, even if the infor-
mation was never updated. The pre-allocated type identification will be overwritten and not checked when
receiving a message with suitable IOA.
Please observe when reading the information contained in the image:
The values
contained in ‚IM_Value‘ have to be read as Dword / Dint or Real
Measured values in ‚IM_Value‘ are always available as Real value in Simatic format, independ-
ent like from receive value.