Vacuum circuit breaker 3AE
Instructions for assembling and disassembling ten-pole
X01 and X02 connectors
These operating instructions describe how to assemble and disassemble the ten-pole X01 and X02 connectors. In
doing so, it is possible to wire the upper parts of the ten-pole X01 and X02 connectors in such a way that the low-
voltage interface is connected to the signaling switch in the plug-in unit.
Fig. 1
Terminal strip with the ten-pole X01 and X02
connectors located behind
For clearer orientation, the terminal strip is no longer
illustrated in Fig. 2 to Fig. 4.
1. Disassemble and remove the shrouding cover and
cover for the low-voltage interface (see vacuum cir-
cuit breaker 3AE 9229 0001 176 operating instructi-
ons, chapter entitled "Disassembling and assemb-
ling covers").
Fig. 2
Position of the ten-pole connectors (illustra-
tion without terminal strip)
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AG 01.2011 en
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