P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.5 Starting up the PLC program
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Data backup
The PLC-CPU does not save any symbolic names, but instead only the datatype descriptions of the block
parameters VAR_INPUT, VAR_OUTPUT, VAR_IN_OUT, VAR and the datatypes of the global data blocks.
If the STEP 7 project exists and has been created according to the instructions given above, then symbols can be
processed in the PLCCPU on this machine. It may also be advisable to store the machine source programs as
".awl" files in case they are required for any future upgrade.
The source programs of all organization blocks and all instance data blocks should always be available.
PLC-series startup, PLC archive
Once the blocks have been loaded to the PLC CPU, a series archive can be generated via the HMI operator
interface to back up data on the machine. To ensure data consistency, this backup must be created immediately
after block loading when the PLC is in the Stop state. It does not replace the SIMATIC project backup as the
series archive saves binary data only, For instance, no symbolic information is present here. In addition, no CPU
DBs (SFC 22 DBs) or SDBs generated in the CPU are saved.
The PLC series archive can be generated directly from the relevant SIMATIC project as an alternative. To do this,
in STEP 7 select the "Archive" tab available under the "Options" > "Settings" menu item. This contains an entry
"SINUMERIK (*.arc)", which must be selected to create a series commissioning file. After selection of the archive,
select the "File" > "Archive" menu item. The relevant series archive will then be generated. If the project contains
several programs, the program path can be selected. A series archive is set up for the selected program path. All
blocks contained in the program path are incorporated into the archive, except for CPU-DBs (SFC 22 DBs). In
addition, the "SDB archive" can be activated or deactivated in the function. With this selection the SDB present in
the STEP 7 project can be added to the archive or left outside.
The process of generating a series archive can be automated (comparable to the command interface in STEP7).
In generating this series archive, the command interface is expanded.
The following functions are available for this expansion:
The functions (shown here in VB script) are not available until server instantiations and Magic have been called:
Const S7BlockContainer = 1138689, S7PlanContainer = 17829889
Const S7SourceContainer = 1122308
set S7 = CreateObject("Simatic.Simatic.1")
instantiate rem command interface of STEP 7
Set S7Ext = CreateObject("SimaticExt.S7ContainerExt")
Call S7Ext.Magic("")
No sensible recompilation is possible without the related project for this machine. This
especially affects, for instance the function status of the block or the necessary changes
done in the PLC-CPU programs later. It is, therefore, necessary to keep a backup copy of the
STEP 7 project located in the PLC CPU on the machine. This is a great help for the service
case and saves unnecessary consumption of time in restoring the original project.