A.3 Connecting a fail-safe digital input
Converter with the control units CU240D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.9 SP10, A5E34262100B AF
p20033 = 440
Run sequence of the AND logic block within runtime group 5 (processing
after the time block)
p20159 = 5000.00
Setting the delay time [ms] of the time module: 5 seconds
p20158 = 722.0
Connect the status of DI 0 to the input of the time block
r0722.0 = Parameter that displays the status of digital input 0.
p20030[0] = 20160
Interconnecting the time block to the 1st AND input
p20030[1] = 722.1
Interconnecting the status of DI 1 to the 2nd AND input
r0722.1 = Parameter that displays the status of digital input 1.
p0840 = 20031
Interconnect the AND output to ON/OFF1
Explanation of the application example using the ON/OFF1 command
Parameter p0840[0] is the input of the "ON/OFF1" block of the inverter. Parameter r20031 is
the output of the AND block. To interconnect ON/OFF1 with the output of the AND block, set
p0840 = 20031.
Figure A-5 Interconnecting blocks by setting p0840[0] = 20031
Connecting a fail-safe digital input
The following examples show the interconnection of a fail-safe digital input corresponding to
PL d according to EN 13849-1 and SIL2 according to IEC61508. You can find additional
examples and information in the "Safety Integrated" function manual.
Special requirements placed on EMC-compliant installation
Use shielded signal cables. Connect the shield at both conductor ends.
In order to connect two or more inverter terminals, use the shortest possible jumpers directly
at the terminals themselves.
The examples comply with PL d according to EN 13849-1 and SIL2 according to IEC 61508
for the case that all components are installed within one control cabinet.
Figure A-6 Connecting a sensor, e.g. Emergency Stop mushroom push-button or limit switch