SIMO_CHN Function
3.1 Description
SIMOCODE DP PCS 7 Library Migration (Legacy) - V9.0 SP2
Programming and Operating Manual, 09/2019, A5E48307694002A/RS-AA/001
Different operating modes
Local / Remote : In Local mode, the block control is switched off. SIMOCODE-DP is
controlled through the local control station or the operator panel.
In Remote mode, SIMOCODE-DP is controlled through the PLC / CPU control station of
the block.
Automatic : In Automatic mode, SIMOCODE-DP 3UF5 is controlled by a program through
linked block signals.
Manual : In Manual mode, SIMOCODE_DP 3UF5 is controlled by an operator through the
OS, or linked block inputs.
The SIMOCODE-DP is controlled and monitored using data from the process image.
Moreover, data records containing statistical and diagnostic information can be read or
written by means of acyclic DPV1 services (if integrated through GSD sie?8069.gs?).
Project configuration
The following steps describe how to enable the communication functionality of the
SIMOCODE-DP device on the PROFIBUS network.
The PROFIBUS DP master is a CP 443-5 Extended (MLFB: 6GK7 443-5DX03-0XE0)
The Operating Mode of the DP network is DPV1
SIMATIC PDM is installed.
SIMOCODE-DP Basic parameterization
There are SIMOCODE-DP device parameters that must be set initially (e.g. using the
software WinSIMOCODE-DP) to enable the communication functionality on the PROFIBUS
as follows:
PROFIBUS network speed: The default network speed of a SIMOCODE-DP device is
500 Kbaud.
This must be set accordingly to the settings in the Hardware Configuration.
PROFIBUS-DP address: The default network address of a SIMOCODE-DP device is 126.
This must be changed accordingly to the settings in the Hardware Configuration.
Block DP Parameter: During PROFIBUS-DP start-up, the DP master downloads the
device parameters to the SIMOCODE-DP.
For SIMOCODE-DP, this operation is not desired since parameterization will be carried
out via the software WinSIMOCODE-DP or SIMATIC PDM and not STEP 7. This blocking
option disables the parameters being downloaded from the DP master and has to be set.