On the phone
If you want to use this function, ask your Hearing Care
Professional to do the following:
Activate the AutoPhone function.
Check the telephone receiver’s magnetic field.
For the automatic program switch, your hearing instru-
ment detects the telephone receiver’s magnetic field.
Not all telephones produce a magnetic field strong
enough to activate the AutoPhone function. In this
case, you can use the Siemens AutoPhone magnet,
which is available as an accessory, and attach it to the
telephone receiver.
See the AutoPhone magnet user guide for
instructions on how to position the magnet.
Use the approved AutoPhone magnet only. Ask
your Hearing Care Professional for this acces-
Magnets can disturb electrical devices and delete
stored data.
Keep magnets away from computers, moni-
tors, television sets, storage media and other
electronic equipment/devices.