Landis & Staefa Division
December 04, 1998
Burner control has initiated lockout
Red fault LED on
Press lockout reset button for 0.5...3 s
Diagnosis of cause of fault
Wait > 10 s
Press lockout reset button for > 3 s
Read blink code of red fault LED
«Error code table»
Burner control in operation
Green flame signal LED on
Press lockout reset button for 0.5...3 s
Read flame establishment time
Press lockout reset button for > 3 s
Read blink code of green flame signal
«Error code table»
After lockout, the red fault LED is steady on.
For reading the cause of fault, refer to the blink code given in the following table:
Error code table
Blink code
Possible cause
2 x
No establishment of flame at the end of «TSA»
Faulty or soiled detector electrode
Faulty or soiled fuel valves
Poor adjustment of burner
3 x
Air pressure monitor does not close
«LP» faulty
«LP» incorrectly adjusted
Fan motor does not run
4 x
Air pressure monitor does not open or extraneous light on burner startup
«LP» faulty
«LP» incorrectly adjusted
5 x
Extraneous light during pre-purging
Or internal device fault
7 x
Loss of flame during operation
Poor adjustment of burner
Faulty or soiled fuel valves
Short-circuit between detector electrode and ground
8...17 x
18 x
Air pressure monitor opens during pre-purging or operation
«LP» incorrectly adjusted
Four times loss of flame during operation (LMG25)
19 x
Faulty output contact
Wiring error
External power supply on output terminal
20 x
Internal device fault
During the time the cause of the fault is diagnosed, the control outputs are deactivated.
The burner remains shut down
Exception: fault status signal «AL» at terminal 10
The burner is switched on only after a reset is made.
Press lockout reset button for 0.5...3 seconds
Operating concept
Diagnosis of cause of
R ed LE D on
L E D o n (w a itin g tim e > 1 0 s )
P re ss lo cko u t re se t
b u tto n
fo r > 3 s
B lin k co d e
O ff
A p p ro x.
3 s
B lin k co d e
F a u lt