Structure and function
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
Line separator
All FDnet/C-NET devices are equipped with a line separator.
The FDnet/C-NET device is equipped with electronic switches which isolate the
defective part in case of a short-circuit on the detector line. The rest of the detector
line remains serviceable. On a loop line all FDnet/C-NET devices remain fully
functional after a simple error.
Behavior in degraded mode
Applicable for the FDnet/C-NET:
When the main processor of the fire control panel fails, the control panel is in
degraded mode operation. Depending on the control panel type, the fire control
panel can continue to perform the most important alarming and signaling functions
in degraded mode operation.
Alarm sounders are also activated and deactivated in case of a fire alarm in
degraded mode.
Degraded mode operation on the FDnet/C-NET is not supported in the same way
by all control panels. The information in the 'List of compatibility' and in the
corresponding control panel documentation must be taken into account during
project planning.
Interface to service devices
A proximity interface (MC link) is available for commissioning and maintenance in
order to communicate with the detector exchanger and tester FDUD292 and the
intelligent detector tester FDUD293.
You will find more information in documents 007227 and 009718.
Status queries with detector exchanger and tester FDUD292 or intelligent
detector tester FDUD293 are only possible with devices of the 'Sinteso' product
line on the FDnet.