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A5W00062161 AB
Smart Infrastructure
Open Source Software (OSS)
Information on the open source software components used within the product (including their copyright-
holders and the license conditions) can be found in the datasheets A6V11444716 (EVG4U10E..,
EVF4U20E..) and A6V12028437 (EXG4U10E.., EXF4U20E..) at
End User License Agreement
Unless otherwise agreed in a separate writing between parties (i.e., Siemens and you or the company
legally represent), the software included in this product is licensed for use subject to the Siemens end-user
license agreement (EULA) posted at www.siemens.com/intelligentvalve for this software identified by
product model or part number on the website.
Issued by
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Smart Infrastructure
Global Headquarters
Theilerstrasse 1a
6300 Zug
Tel. +41 58-724 24 24
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2019
Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.