Siemens Building T
Cerberus Division
Faults / overhaul
If the detector is removed a fault is triggered (detection line interruption). Close the detec-
tor monitoring contact in the base of the interactive system.
Too powerful a signal: «RANGE» 13, Signal
60: Set switch S3 to weak.
Too weak a signal: «RANGE» 4, Signal
50: Set switch S3 to strong or enlarge the
reflector dimension.
Interruption to beam
An interruption to the beam can be evaluated as an alarm or a fault depending on the S6
Dip-switch setting.
If it is evaluated as a fault, this function can be correctly tested by covering the reflector
with non-reflective material. When covering the reflector, depending on the material
used, reflections of up to approx. 10m can still cause an alarm by the material reflecting a
weakened signal to the receiver.
Interruptions of the beam by moving objects are to be avoided. These can lead to inadver-
tent alarms or disturbances.
If a specular surface comes too close to the measurement section or near the detector, a
reflection can occur. Reflections can lead to an amplified signal.
This can cause unwanted faults with both systems (interactive, collective).
Checklist for trouble-shooting
Is the building structure stable?
Is the detector solidly mounted and are all screws tightened?
Is the correct type of reflector installed?
Are the Dip switches S1 – S6 set correctly?
Is the correct voltage connected to the detector
Are the range and signal really adjusted to the absolute maximum?
Does the signal fall to 0 if the reflector is covered?
Was the detector initialized after adjustment with cover mounted?
Is the beam sometimes interrupted by obstacles (crane, decorations, spiders’ webs
Is the beam sometimes subject to mist, steam or dust?
Is there danger of condensation?
Does the sun or another powerful light source impinge on the detector direct?
Do radiators have an influence on the beam (thermal turbulence)?