Document No. 550-139
Installation Instructions
October 26, 2016
Information in this document is based on specifications believed correct at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes as
design improvements are introduced. Product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. ©
2016 Siemens Industry, Inc.
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
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Document No.550-139
Printed in the USA
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Application 6669
– Variable Air Volume with
Changeover with Hot Water Reheat.
Cyber security disclaimer
Products, solutions and services from Siemens
include security functions to ensure the secure
operation of building automation and control, fire
safety, security management, and physical security
systems. The security functions on these products,
solutions and services are important components of
a comprehensive security concept.
Drafting, implementing and managing a
comprehensive and up-to-date security concept,
customized to individual needs, is nevertheless
necessary, and may result in additional plant- or
site-specific preventive measures to ensure secure
operation of your site regarding building automation
and control, fire safety, security management, and
physical security. These measures may include, for
example, separating networks, physically protecting
system components, user training, multi-level
defensive measures, etc. For additional information
on security as part of building technology and our
product, solution and service offerings, please
contact your Siemens sales representative or project
department. We strongly recommend to always
comply with our security advisories on the latest
security threats, patches and other related