COM-00-21-04 OCTOBER 2021
Version No.: A.1
3.4.2 Antenna System Connections
Dual Type N Female connectors, one for transmit and receive and one for future dual receive
are located on the front of the radio. Flexible coaxial cable with a Type N Male connector should
be connected between the main RF transmission cable and the radio. Ensure the coaxial cable
is properly grounded and properly connected to a lightning protector (e.g. Polyphaser).
Figure 3-5 Antenna Connections
GPS Synchronization
3.5.1 Overview
Airlink Venus employs optional GPS-based timing to synchronize the operation of the network if
necessary. An optional L1 GPS antenna such as the Trimble Bullet III antenna or equivalent as
noted in the following section can be ordered. When used, GPS information can be retrieved by
the Command Line Interface (CLI) or SNMP interface.