Cascading CC-CO
If 2 CC-CO routes are cascaded, the bridgeable distance can be significantly increased. A requirement for this is
for the converters in the center to be supplied with auxiliary power. The auxiliary power can be fed via a 2nd
pair of pilot wires.
Pay attention to the voltage drop via the pilot wires if there is a maximum power consumption of 4 W/
10 VA for each communication converter.
Both devices in the center must be configured as main-unit devices. The main-unit device for route 2 must be
operated in cascade mode.
[dw_cascading_communication-converters_jumper-M_on-off, 1, en_US]
Figure 3-5
Cascading of Communication Converters
C - Cascading off
M - Main unit
C - Cascading on
Application Examples and Configuration
3.5 Cascading CC-CO
Accessories, Communication Converter - Copper/Synchronous Interface, Manual
C53000-B1174-C190-1, Edition 01.2022