Siemens AG
SIWAREX_MS_Quick Guide_V4.0.doc, 12/2010
Standstill range
Standstill time:
Standstill range and Standstill time (in msec) are used to monitor when the scale has
stand still.
If the weight change is lower than the specified range (standstill range) within the specified
period (standstill time) the scale stands still.
The monitoring of the scale standstill is used e.g. for the commands “zeroing” or “taring”.
Neg. zeroing range %, Pos. zeroing range %
Weighing range:
By executing the command “zeroing” the weight value is set to zero. With the parameters
“Neg. zeroing range %” and “Pos. zeroing range %” the zeroing range is defined. The
values are set as percent of the parameter “Weighing range”.
The parameter “Weighing range” is the maximum of material, which will put on the scale.
For example (see also the picture above):
The zeroing range is between -20 kg (-1% of 2000) and +60 kg (+3% of 2000).
Zeroing will be rejected if the current gross weight is too high or too low.
After setting the parameters, click
to send the changed parameters to the Siwarex
MS module: