Siemens AG
SIWAREX_MS_Quick Guide_V4.0.doc, 12/2010
The decimal point is not part of the integer-value and is only used for the Siwatool-display
(and a remote display, if available).
That means the numeral step and the decimal point have to determine, so that the
displayed weight value (weight value = integer-value) will not increase the value of
Characteristic Value:
Characteristic value of the load cell.
The specification of the characteristic value can be read into the techincal data sheet of
the load cell.
Limit frequence:
If this parameter is set to 5 Hz, the scale will respond quickly to a weight change; if it is set
to 0.05 Hz, the scale will “move slowly”.
Step response of the limit frequence of 2 Hz:
Depth of average value filter:
The average value filter ensures a stable weight value and prevents interference.
The weight is measured according to the average value of n weight values.
If n = 10, 10 weight values will be used for calculating the average value. The earliest
value is discarded every 20 milliseconds and the latest value will be added for the
Critical damping