Transporting transportation units packed in boxes
Transportation with the fork-lift truck
Danger when a transport unit/device tips over
If the forks are too short, this can cause the transportation unit/the device to tip over resulting
in death, serious injury, or damage inside the cabinet.
● The forks of the truck must protrude at the rear of the transportation unit.
● Only use forklifts approved for the purpose of transporting the devices.
Transportation with the crane
Danger due to falling transport unit/cabinet
If the lifting gear or load suspension devices were to fail, the transportation unit/the cabinet
could fall. Death, serious injury, or material damage can result.
● Do not stand underneath or near to a raised load.
To protect the boxes against pressure, use sufficiently long rope and a spreader beam. Please
proceed as follows:
1. Attach the rope/cable to the pallet as shown in the following diagram.
2. Attach the rope/cable to the spreader beam
and the crane hook.
Preparations for use
4.4 Transportation
Operating Instructions Rev.201910281441 EXAMPLE