Operating instructions card reader AR6331-CP / AR6332-CP
Order no.: A24205-A335-H050
Copyright 2003 by
Siemens Gebäudesicherheit
Issue: November 2003 - This manual supercedes and renders invalid all earlier versions. The information in this
manual can be changed without prior notice.
This document and its contents may not be passed on, reproduced, used or communicated in any way
without explicit consent. Any contravention of this will result in a right to claim for damages. All rights
reserved in the event that a patent is granted or the product is GM registered.
The information in this manual has been put together to the best of the authors' knowledge and conscience.
Siemens Gebäudesicherheit accepts no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information in this
manual. In particular, Siemens Gebäudesicherheit cannot be held liable for consequential damages caused as a
result of incorrect or incomplete information. As it is impossible to avoid mistakes despite all our efforts, we are
always grateful if these are pointed out.
The installation recommendations contained in this manual assume the most favorable framework conditions.
Siemens Gebäudesicherheit cannot guarantee that the system will function perfectly under other conditions.
Siemens Gebäudesicherheit cannot guarantee that the information contained in this document is not protected by
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