- Via Toscana, 57/59 - 20090 BUCCINASCO (Mi) - ITALY - tel. 02 - 45713300 - www.sielco.org
RTX19/1 - USER & MAINTENANCE MANUAL - rev.1.4 - 02/17
Page 5
The RTX19/1 Receiver is the front-end of a high quality FM Transponder which repeats the program
coming from another FM broadcast site coupled with a local standard FM transmitter. Design of this
apparatus derives from the extablished EXC/RTX19 series STL (Studio to Transmitter Link) whose circuitry
is used in conjunction with an advanced sinthesized FM receiver front-end in the same modern and attractive
slim case. It allows the reception of mono or stereo signal and its retransmission without using any additional
stereo-coder on the subsequent transmitter. In both cases the LF output signal from the receiver must be sent
to the stereo input (linear or not pre-emphasised) of the local FM rebroadcast transmitter.
Being the Receiver fully sintesized and completely digitally controlled, it is extensively on field program-
mable by front panel or remotely in every respect. The alphanumeric display permits easy and accurate
metering, adjustment and continuous monitoring of modulation levels, power, operation and internal
parameters. All these information are externally available on a RS232 I/O serial port that may be used to
remotely control the equipment. In addition to this, some signals and controls are also available on a parallel
I/O socket for easy interfacing with others analog controllers or supervisory systems. A powerful 3-levels
password management permits a very high degree of security and privacy as may be required in different
The LF MPX output level is precisely adjustable over a broad range by means of 0.5dB stepwise
variable attenuator. In addition to the main MPX output which is present on two BNC connectors with
opposite phase, the receiver is equipped with a balanced XLR connector which outputs a filtered
monophonic signal and an additional auxiliary buffered BNC connector which may be internally assigned
to another mono or mpx filtered or wide-band filtered LF monitor output. The MPX output is capable to
provide RDS and SCA signals, with almost no attenuation.
An optional top-quality stereo laboratory-grade decoder board may be factory installed or field retrofitted
with minimum required technical skill. The powerful internal software and monitoring functions recognise its
presence and enable the function. A universal switch-mode power supply permits operation in the extended
95-250 Vac range with no external or internal preset.