IV404E Rev.000 SIEL S.p.A.
Issue date: 2017-06-05 Pag. 23 di 90 + FR
3.1.5 Differential (RCD)
If the SAFEPOWER EVO HFT protection against electric shock uses differential current devices (RCD),
these have to have the following characteristics:
Sensitivity 300mA
sensitive direct current and unidirectional components (class B)
insensitive to transient current pulses
delay greater than or equal to 0.1 s.
When operating in the presence of mains supply, a differential breaker (RCD) installed on the input will
intervene as the output circuit is not isolated from the input circuit.
When operating without mains supply (from battery) the input differential breaker will intervene only if it
is able to switch as a result of leakage current without any voltage at its poles (for example a differential
breaker with an auxiliary relay is not suitable). However it is possible to install additional differential
breakers on the output of the UPS, possibly coordinated with those on the input.