o p t o - e L e c t r o n i c p r o t e c t i v e d e v i c e S | S i c K
Subject to change without notice
from a simple solution through to
a wide range of functions
the S300 Mini Standard is ideal for simple tasks, with its outstanding
price/performance ratio. the remote version of the S300 Mini has
an impressive range of functions in a very compact form.
S300 Mini Standard
• A triple field set: one protective field, two warning fields
• Scanning range: 2 meters or 3 meters
• 270° scanning angle
Areas of application
• As pressure sensitive mat replacement
• As a replacement for bumpers on
smaller and simpler vehicles
• Up to 16 triple field sets with two warning fields and one
protective field each, as well as up to 32 monitoring cases.
• 270° scanning angle
• Up to 4 scanners on one Flexi Soft safety controller
Areas of application
• For more complex vehicles with greater functions
S300 Mini Remote
The S300 Mini’s warning and protective fields enable flexible reaction to a variety of hazardous situations
protective field
Warning field 1
Warning field 2
3 m radius
270° scanning angle
8 m radius