Values required to calculate the light spot size:
Light spot size on the device cover: 7 mm (rounded up)
Divergence of single light spot: 0.023 deg (0.4 mrad) horizontally, 0.15 deg
(2.6 mrad) vertically
Additional factor HDDM+ (The real spot size consists of several overlapping single
spots. The number of individual spots depends on the selected scan configuration)
Formula for calculating the light spot width:
(Light spot divergence horizontal [mrad] + HDDM+ supplement [mrad]) x distance [m] +
light spot size on the device cover [mm] = light spot width [mm]
Calculation example of light spot width at 30 m distance and 0.04° angular resolution:
(0.4 mrad + 0.698 mrad) * 30 m + 7 mm = 40 mm
Cannot be used for overlapping resolutions 0.020°/12.5 Hz and 0.040°/25 Hz. Spot
size here corresponds to 0.040°/12.5 Hz and 0.080°/25 Hz.
Formula for calculating the height of the light spot:
Light spot divergence [mrad] x distance [m] + light spot height at the device cover [mm]
= light spot height [mm]
Calculation example of spot height at 30 m distance: 2.6 mrad * 30 m + 7 mm =
85 mm
Formula for calculating the minimum object size (horizontal):
Angular resolution [mrad]) x distance [m] = minimum object size [mm]
Calculation example of minimum object size (horizontal) at 30 m distance and 0.04°
angular resolution: 0.7 mrad) * 30 m = 21 mm
Cannot be used for overlapping resolutions 0.020°/12.5 Hz and 0.040°/25 Hz. Mini‐
mum object sizes here correspond to 0.040°/12.5 Hz and 0.080°/25 Hz.
Formula for calculating the minimum object size (vertical):
(Light spot divergence vertical [mrad]) x distance [m] = minimum object size [mm]
Calculation example of minimum object size (vertical) at 30 m distance: 2.6 mrad *
30 m + 7 mm = 85 mm
8026338/0000/2022-02-15 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | LRS4000
Subject to change without notice