Manuel d'utilisateur
Manuel d'utilisateur
FR 20
1. Review by Veasey SC, Guilleminault C, Strohl KP et al. Medical Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Review by the
Medical Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Task Force of the Standards of Practice Committee of the American Academy
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2. Penzel T, Möller M, Becker HF, et al. Effect of sleep position and sleep stage on the collapsibility of the upper airways
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3. Oksenberg A, Khamaysi Y, Silverberg DS, et al. Association of body position with severity of apneic events in patients
with severe nonpositional obstructive sleep apnea. Chest 2000;118:1018–1024.
4. Sahlin C, Svanborg E, Stenlund H, et al. Cheyne-Stokes respiration and supine dependency. Eur Respir J 2005;
25: 829-833.
5. Cartwright RD. Effect of sleep position on sleep apnea severity. Sleep 1984; 7: 110–14.
6. Oksenberg A, Silverberg DS, Arons E, et al. Positional vs nonpositional obstructive sleep apnea patients. Anthropomorphic,
nocturnal polysomnographic and multiple sleep latency test data. Chest 1997;112:629–639.
7. Mador MJ, Kufel TJ, Magalang UJ, et al. Prevalence of positional sleep apnea in patients undergoing polysomnography.
Chest 2005;128:2130–2137.
8. Nakano H, Ikeda T, Hayashi M, et al. Effects of Body Position on Snoring in Apneic and Nonapneic Snorers. Sleep
2003; 2:169-172.
9. Skinner MA, Kingshott RN, Filsell S, et al. Efficacy of the ‘tennis ball technique’ versus nCPAP in the management of
position.dependent obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Respirology 2008; 13: 708-715.
10. Epstein LJ, Kristo D, Strollo PJ, et al. Clinical guideline for the evaluation, management and long-term care of obstructive
sleep apnea in adults. J Clin Sleep Med 2009;5(3):263-276.