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Soft-Off by PWRBTN
Pressing the power button for more than 4 seconds forces the system to
enter the Soft-Off state when the system has "hung".
The choice: Instant-Off or Delay 4 Sec.
Wakeup After PWR-Fail
Use this item to indicate what you expect to happen after a power
failure has occurred.
The choice: Auto, On, or Off.
IRQEvent Activity Detect
Options are in its sub-menu.
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu of detailed options.
PS2KB Wakeup from S1~S5
Enables you to allow keyboard activity to awaken the system from
power saving mode.
The choice: Disable or Enabled.
When this item enabled, you can set VGA to awaken the system.
The choice: OFF or ON.
When LPT & COM stays On, any activity from one of the listed system
peripheral devices or IRQs wakes up the system.
The choice: NONE, LPT, COM, or LPTCOM.
When HDD & FDD stays On, any activity from one of the listed system
peripheral devices wakes up the system.
The choice: OFF or ON.
PCI Master
When PCI Master stays On, any activity from one of the listed system
peripheral devices wakes up the system.
The choice: OFF, or ON.
PCI & USB Device
Use this item to enable modem activity fields become available and
you can set the date(day of the month), hour, minute and second to
turn on your system. When set to 0 (zero) for the day of the month, the