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Init Display First
This item allows you to decide to activate PCI Slot or on-chip VGA first.
The choice: PCI Slot or AGP.
OnChip USB Controller
This should be enabled if your system has a USB installed on the system
board and you want to use it. Even when on chip USB so equipped, if
you add a higher performance controller, you will need to disable this
The Choice: All Disabled, All Enabled, 1&2 USB Port, 2&3 USB
Port, 1&3 USB Port, 1 USB Port, 2 USB Port, or 3 USB Port.
USB Keyboard Support
Select Enabled if your system contains a Universal Serial Bus (USB)
controller and you have a USB keyboard.
The Choice: Enabled or Disabled.
USB Mouse Support
Select Enabled if your system contains a Universal Serial Bus (USB)
controller and you have a USB Mouse.
The Choice: Enabled or Disabled.
Onboard LAN Boot ROM
This item allows you to enable or disable the onboard LAN Boot ROM
The Choice: Enabled or Disabled.
IDE HDD Block Mode
Block mode is also called block transfer, multiple commands, or mul-
tiple sector readwrite. If your IDE hard drive supports block mode
(most new drives do), select Enabled for automatic detection of the
optimal number of block readwrite per sector the drive can support.
The choice: Enabled or Disabled