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PM Wake Up Events
Options are in its sub-menu.
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu of detailed options.
IRQ [3-7, 9-15], NMI
When enabled, any event occurring at IRQs 3 through 15 (excluding
IRQ 8) will awaken a system, which has been powered down.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
IRQ 8 Break Suspend
This field allows you to enable or disable monitoring of IRQ8 so that it
does not awaken the system from a suspend mode.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
RING Power Up Control
When set to Enabled, the system power will be turned on if there is any
modem activity.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
PCIPME Power Up Control
When set to Enabled, system power will be turned on if there is any
PCI card activity from PCI cards that trigger a PME event, such as
LAN or Modem cards.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
USB Port Wake Up Control
This item enable/disable the USB wakeup function.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
PS2KB Power Up Control
When Select Password, Please press ENTER key to change Password
Max 8 numbers. If Select Password, and press Enter twice It mean KB
Power On Function Disable. Hot Key: Alt+Ctrl+<-
The choice: Hot key, Password, Any key.
PS2MS Power Up Control
This item selects the PS2MS Power Up Control.
The choice: Disabled, Click, Move & Click.
Power Up by Alarm
When set to Enabled, the following three fields become available and
you can set the month, date (day of the month), hour, minute and second