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LEA estas instrucciones.


CONSERVE estas instrucciones.


PRESTE ATENCION a todas las advertencias.


SIGA todas las instrucciones.


NO utilice este aparato cerca del agua. 


LIMPIESE UNICAMENTE con un trapo seco.


NO obstruya ninguna de las aberturas de ventilación. Instálese según lo 
indicado en las instrucciones del fabricante.


No instale el aparato cerca de fuentes de calor tales como radiadores, registros 
de calefacción, estufas u otros aparatos (incluyendo amplificadores) que 
produzcan calor. 


NO anule la función de seguridad del enchufe polarizado o con clavija de 
puesta a tierra. Un enchufe polarizado tiene dos patas, una más ancha que la 
otra. Un enchufe con puesta a tierra tiene dos patas y una tercera clavija con 
puesta a tierra. La pata más ancha o la tercera clavija se proporciona para su 
seguridad. Si el tomacorriente no es del tipo apropiado para el enchufe, con-
sulte a un electricista para que sustituya el tomacorriente de estilo anticuado. 


PROTEJA el cable eléctrico para evitar que personas lo pisen o estrujen, particular-
mente en sus enchufes, en los tomacorrientes y en el punto en el cual sale del 


UTILICE únicamente los accesorios especificados por el fabricante.



DESENCHUFE el aparato durante las tormentas eléctricas, o si no va a ser utilizado 
por un lapso prolongado.


TODA reparación debe ser llevada a cabo por técnicos calificados. El aparato 
requiere reparación si ha sufrido cualquier tipo de daño, incluyendo los daños al 
cordón o enchufe eléctrico, si se derrama líquido sobre el aparato o si caen objetos 
en su interior, si ha sido expuesto a la lluvia o la humedad, si no funciona de modo 
normal, o si se ha caído.


NO exponga este aparato a chorros o salpicaduras de líquidos. NO coloque objetos 
llenos con líquido, tales como floreros, sobre el aparato.

UTILICESE únicamente con un carro, pedestal, trípode, 
escuadra o mesa del tipo especificado por el fabricante o ven-
dido con el aparato. Si se usa un carro, el mismo debe mov-
erse con sumo cuidado para evitar que se vuelque con el 

Este símbolo indica que la unidad contiene niveles de voltaje 
peligrosos que representan un riesgo de choques eléctricos.

Este símbolo indica que la literatura que acompaña a esta 
unidad contiene instrucciones importantes de funcionamiento 
y mantenimiento.



EGGETE queste istruzioni.


CONSERVATE queste istruzioni.


OSSERVATE tutte le avvertenze.


SEGUITE tutte le istruzioni.


NON usate questo apparecchio vicino all'acqua. 


PULITE l'apparecchio SOLO con un panno asciutto.


NON ostruite alcuna apertura per l'aria di raffreddamento. Installate l'apparec-
chio seguendo le istruzioni del costruttore.


NON installate l'apparecchio accanto a fonti di calore quali radiatori, aperture 
per l'efflusso di aria calda, forni o altri apparecchi (amplificatori inclusi) che gen-
erino calore.


NON modificate la spina polarizzata o con spinotto di protezione. Una spina polar-
izzata è dotata di due lame, una più ampia dell'altra. Una spina con spinotto è dot-
ata di due lame e di un terzo polo di messa a terra. La lama più ampia ed il terzo 
polo hanno lo scopo di tutelare la vostra incolumità. Se la spina in dotazione non si 
adatta alla presa di corrente, rivolgetevi ad un elettricista per far eseguire le modi-
fiche necessarie. 


 EVITATE di calpestare il cavo di alimentazione o di comprimerlo, specie in corrispon-
denza di spine, prese di corrente e punto di uscita dall'apparecchio.


 USATE ESCLUSIVAMENTE i dispositivi di collegamento e gli accessori specificati 
dal costruttore.



SCOLLEGATE l'apparecchio dalla presa di corrente in caso di temporali o di non uti-
lizzo per un lungo periodo.


RIVOLGETEVI a personale di assistenza qualificato per qualsiasi intervento. È nec-
essario intervenire sull'apparecchio ogniqualvolta sia stato danneggiato, in qualsiasi 
modo, ad esempio in caso di danneggiamento di spina o cavo di alimentazione, ver-
samento di liquido sull'apparecchio o caduta di oggetti su di esso, esposizione 
dell'apparecchio a pioggia o umidità, funzionamento irregolare o caduta.


NON esponetelo a sgocciolamenti o spruzzi. NON appoggiate sull'apparecchio 
oggetti pieni di liquidi, ad esempio vasi da fiori.

USATE l'apparecchio solo con carrelli, sostegni, treppiedi, 
staffe o tavoli specificati dal costruttore o venduti insieme 
all'apparecchio stesso. Se usate un carrello, fate attenzione 
durante gli spostamenti per evitare infortuni causati da un 
eventuale ribaltamento del carrello stesso.

Questo simbolo indica la presenza di alta tensione all'interno 
dell'apparecchio, che comporta il rischio di folgorazione.

Questo simbolo indica la presenza di istruzioni importanti per 
l'uso e la manutenzione nella documentazione in dotazione 

Summary of Contents for AMS8100

Page 1: ...ATIC MICROPHONE MIXER NOTE Shure AMS8100 Mixers are designed for use only with Shure AMS Condenser Microphones Conventional condenser or other microphones will not operate properly with the AMS8100 OUTPUT 2 4 6 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AUX MASTER PHONES POWER LIMITER 30 12 0 12 0 AMS8100 ...

Page 2: ...ndant les orages ou quand il ne sera pas utilisé pendant longtemps 14 CONFIER toute réparation à du personnel qualifié Des réparations sont nécessaires si l appareil est endommagé de quelque façon que ce soit comme par exemple cor don ou prise d alimentation endommagé liquide renversé ou objet tombé à l intérieur de l appareil exposition de l appareil à la pluie ou à l humidité appareil qui ne mar...

Page 3: ...iones importantes de funcionamiento y mantenimiento ISTRUZIONI IMPORTANTI PER LA SICUREZZA 1 EGGETE queste istruzioni 2 CONSERVATE queste istruzioni 3 OSSERVATE tutte le avvertenze 4 SEGUITE tutte le istruzioni 5 NON usate questo apparecchio vicino all acqua 6 PULITE l apparecchio SOLO con un panno asciutto 7 NON ostruite alcuna apertura per l aria di raffreddamento Installate l apparec chio segue...

Page 4: ...tions as large as 400 input channels The AMS8100 is fully link compatible with Shure s SCM810 and FP410 automatic mixers Thesingle rack heightchassisisidealforinstallations with limited rack space The removable header type input and output connectors are quick convenient and eliminate the time and expense of wiring XLR microphone connectors TheAMS8100isdesignedfor100 120Vac operationand its line c...

Page 5: ...English CONTENTS Description 5 Features 5 Contents 6 Operating Principles 7 Front Panel 8 Rear Panel 9 AMS Microphones 10 Dip Switches 11 Setup 12 Mixer Linking 14 Specifications 16 Advanced Functions 17 ...

Page 6: ...ones are activated In a sound reinforcement application if the system gain is set below the feedback point with a single microphone gated on the increase in system gain with addi tional on microphones could cause feedback NOMA pre vents this by automatically reducing all on microphone gains by 3 dB as additional microphones are gated on This main tains constant total system gain avoiding feedback ...

Page 7: ...egion for compensation of off axis micro phones or for cutting the high frequency sibilance of mi crophones Î AUX Level Control Sets the input level for aux level equipment connected to the adjacent 1 4 inch phone jack INPUT or rear panel 1 4 inch AUX input Ï Aux INPUT 1 4 inch Phone Jack Mixes external auxilia ry or line level sources i e tape recorders into output This input is not automatic Sig...

Page 8: ...anced output signal for connection to amplifiers record ers or other mixers Pin 1 hot Pin 2 cold Pin 3 ground Ifconnecting to an unbalancedinput connectpin 2 to pin 3 ground Ï OUTPUT LEVEL Switch Switches between 4 dBu line 10 dBV aux and mic level output Switch is lo cated behind OUTPUT connector Ð DIRECT OUT 1 4 inch Phone Jacks Provides non gated aux level signal from each channel Direct outs a...

Page 9: ...tyle microphone which has an XLRbuiltin and a cable as shown below mustbeused tocon nect it to the AMS8100 This same type of cable can be used as an extension cable between the AMS22 or AMS28 micro phones and the AMS8100 mixer Under most circumstances lengths of 150 meters 500 ft or greater of high quality 2 conductor shielded microphone cable can be used between the microphone and the AMS mix er ...

Page 10: ...S8100functions asa standard 8x1 mixer Last Mic Lock On Last Mic Lock On feature keeps the mostrecently activated microphone turned on until a newlyac tivated microphone takes its place When defeated micro phones turn off after their preset hold time Hold Time Adjusts the time an activated microphone which is not locked on remains on after the talker stops talk ing Settings are 0 4 seconds or 1 0 s...

Page 11: ...lifiers or recorders 3 If additional AMS8100 mixers are to be linked to increase the number of microphone inputs connect them by means ofthe Link In and Link Outjacks Connectthe LINK OUT of the first mixer to the LINK IN of the next mixer and so on Leave the LINK IN jack of the first mixer and the LINK OUT jack of the last mixer unconnected NOTE These jacks are forlinking only notfor audio inputs ...

Page 12: ... FULL CCW 50 ROTATION HIGH FREQUENCY SHELVING EFFECTS 200 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 000 10 000 20 000 FREQUENCY Hz FULL CW FULL CCW 50 ROTATION LIMITER The AMS8100 has a peak output limiter that prevents dis tortion during loud program peaks without affecting normal program levels Increasing the individual or Master level con trols will increase the average output and in turn the amount of limitin...

Page 13: ...ix mix er will function with the microphones connected to it Linking an AMS8100 to AMS8000 AMS4000 To link the AMS8100 with AMS8000 or AMS4000 mixers a special cable must be constructed by the installer see be low Use high quality 2 conductor shielded cable Itisimpor tantto connectthe mini DINconnectorto the AMS8100 sLINK IN and the 1 4 in connectors to the AMS8000 or AMS4000 LINK OUT connector Wh...

Page 14: ...nctions such as Last Mic Lock on and MaxBus are connected on all linked mixers and are not affected by the Global Local switch An example of the possibilities of this setup is shown in Figure 8 Here two AMS8100s are set to Local and the result ing sound distribution provides local sound reinforcement while avoiding feedback This is a simple mix minus setup The third AMS8100 is set to Global and fe...

Page 15: to 1 0 s Decay Time 0 5 s Off Attenuation 15 dB switchable to Overload and Shorting Protection Shorting outputs even for prolonged periods causes no dam age Microphone inputs are not damaged by signals up to 3 V Line and Monitor inputs by signals up to 20 V Equalization Low frequency 6 dB octave cut adjustable corner from 50 to 300 Hz High frequency 6 dB at 5 kHz 8 dB at 10 kHz shelving Limit...

Page 16: ...losure to logic ground forces channel on see illustra tion B above Factory setting provides that when both Mute and Override are activated Mute takesprecedence seeInter nal Modifications for Override precedence LOGIC GROUND Logic ground is distinct from the AMS8100 audio ground Make all logic ground connections to thispin includingpowersupplygroundofexternal logiccircuit ry To avoid switching clic...

Page 17: ...ough sneeze etc all other microphones will be muted CHAIRPERSON CONTROLLED MUTING CH 1 M3 M5 M5 M7 M2 M4 M6 LOGIC GROUND Remote Channel On Indicators Remote indicators can be used to indicate when a talker s microphone is on Connect the LEDs and a 5 volt supply to the GATE OUT pins as shown in the illustration REMOTE CHAN NEL ON INDICATORS Channels 1 2 and 3 shown modified To avoid switching click...

Page 18: ...24 volt relays can be used with the AMS8100 without modification if the relay coil current draw is under 500 mA LOUDSPEAKER MUTING 12 V POWER SUPPLY G5 G3 G1 LOGIC GROUND D 1N4148 FROM POWER AMP D D D Filibuster Mode In normal operation when several people talk each mi crophone gates on so that no speech is missed In filibuster action a microphone that is gated on prevents other micro phones from ...

Page 19: ...o power transformer T901 and using a screwdriver turn the center rotor to the 230 V position 4 Locate Fuse F901 and remove it Replace it with a 100 mA 250 V time delay fuse for 220 240 volt operation 200 mA 250 V slow blow fuse for 100 120 volt operation Fuse part numbers are Fuse Type Shure Part No Littelfuse Part No 100 mA 250 V 80C258 218 100 200 mA 250 V 80BC8196 239 200 5 Replace the power co...

Page 20: ... to be used for the desired gain Master Section Gain Resistance 6 dB 5 1 kW 0 10 kW 6 dB 20 kW Procedure Remove resistor R9230 Install new resistor at jumper X914 Limiter Threshold All three threshold settings 16 8 and 4 dBu can be changed To shift the threshold down by 6 dB 10 2 and 2 dBu resistor R will be 82 kW To shift the limiter thresholds up by 6 dB 22 14 10 dBu R will be 330 kW Procedure R...

Page 21: ...t rec ommended Procedure Install a 2 MW resistor at jumpers X903 Remote Control of Link Global Local Off Attenua tion Last Mic Lock on and Automatic Manual DIP Switches If desired these functions can each be remotely con trolled with an SPST switch Procedure 1 Solder a wire in the pc board jumper hole adjacent to the desired function printed on the pc board These jumpers are located just behind DI...

Page 22: ...s http www shure com 5800 W Touhy Avenue Niles IL 60714 4608 U S A Phone 800 257 4873 Fax 847 866 2279 In Europe Phone 49 7131 72140 Fax 49 7131 721414 In Asia Phone 852 2893 4290 Fax 852 2893 4055 Elsewhere Phone 847 866 2200 Fax 847 866 2585 ...
