Ordercode: 30751
Sunstrip Active MKII 110V
Changing the Lamp
Disconnect mains power supply. Allow the fixture to cool for at least 15 minutes before handling and
replacing lamp.
Read lamp instructions.
Follow directions for installing a new lamp page 9.
Replacing the Fuse
Power surges, short-circuit or inappropriate electrical power supply may cause a fuse to burn out.
If the fuse burns out, the product will not function whatsoever. If this happens, follow the directions below:
Unplug the unit from electric power source.
Insert a flat-headed screwdriver into a slot in the fuse cover. Turn the screwdriver to the left, at the
same time gently push a bit (Turn and Push). The fuse will come out.
Remove the used fuse. If brown or unclear, it is burned out.
Insert the replacement fuse into the holder. Reinsert the fuse cover. Be sure to use a fuse of the
same type and specification. See the product specification label for details.
This troubleshooting guide is meant to help solve simple problems.
If a problem occurs, carry out the steps below in sequence until a solution is found. Once the unit
operates properly, do not carry out following steps.
No Light
If the light effect does not operate properly, refer servicing to a technician.
Suspect three potential problem areas as: the power supply, the lamp, the fuse.
Power supply. Check that the unit is plugged into an appropriate power supply.
The lamp. Replace the old lamp with a new one with the same specifications. See page 9 for
replacing the lamp.
The fuse. Replace the fuse. See page 18 for replacing the fuse.
If all of the above appears to be O.K., plug the unit in again.
If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, do not open the Sunstrip Active, as this
may damage the unit and the warranty will become void.
Return the device to your Showtec dealer.
No Response to DMX
Suspect the DMX cable or connectors, a controller malfunction, a light effect DMX card malfunction.
Check the DMX setting. Make sure that DMX addresses are correct.
Check the DMX cable: Unplug the unit; change the DMX cable; then reconnect to electrical power.
Try your DMX control again.
Determine whether the controller or light effect is at fault. Does the controller operate properly with
other DMX products? If not, take the controller in for repair. If so, take the DMX cable and the light
effect to a qualified technician.