Operating Your Shoprider® Scooter
Mounting the Scooter
the scooter.
Mount the scooter, either by lifting the armrest and sliding on to the seat or rotate the seat by lifting seat swivel lever
and then rotate to face the tiller. Make sure the seat locks in place.
Adjust the seat so you are comfortable and are able to easily reach the steering tiller.
Adjust the tiller as described previously.
Ensure you have both hands free and any items such as walking canes are stored in the optional cane/crutch holder
(see the dealer if you require one of these optional items).
Starting Scooter Movement
Insert the Key in to the slot and turn it to the ON position
The speed setting should be set to 1 or 2 setting.
Pull the right hand finger lever except ROCKY6 GOLF which is push (Wig Wag) the scooter will move slowly forward.
The further you pull/ push the faster the scooter goes but will only reach the speed level that has been selected.
To STOP release the lever and the scooter will slowly come to a stop and the magnetic brake will be applied.
Steering the scooter is light and easy. Ensure when starting off you give a wide clearance when turning so that the rear wheels
clear any obstacle that you are passing. When steering through limited spaces such as a doorway or when turning around, turn
the tiller handles where you want to go and then apply power gently. The scooter will turn very tightly, but will still move with
complete stability as long as the speed is not too high.
Do not turn sharply at high speed
Before reversing ensure that the area behind is free from any hazards or obstructions. Adjust your speed setting to a low
setting before you reverse. Pull/press the left thumb/finger lever (Wig Wag), and steer wide of all corners and obstacles.
Remember that when reversing you have to steer in the opposite direction to the way you want to go. Take your time when
reversing to ensure you do not run it to any objects.
Please note your scooter will always travel slower in reverse and has a slight delay before moving, this is due to safety
measures built into the scooters electric system.
Before dismounting always ensure that the
“key is turned to the OFF position”.
CAUTION: Please ensure that care is exercised when entering.
Or leaving the scooter and that the tiller is not used for support.
Basic Driving
Practice all the skill learned from the above sections. When you have gained experience and confidence with these basic skills
then you are ready to start using your
® scooter to its' full potential.
For your first lesson be sure you and your
® scooter are on a level surface with plenty of room to test drive