Scooter Tiller Controls
Speed Control Dial
The speed control dial allow the scooter to set the speed between 1 (minimum) and 10 (maximum).
Battery Level Indicator
There are 8 LED light bars which indicate the amount of charge remaining in the batteries for the scooter. As the charge
diminishes the LED light will move to the next brightest LED light (from left to right). When the LED light bars move to the last
light and start flashing the batteries are in critical need of charging.
Caution – Do Not Allow the LED bars to go out completely as complete discharge of the batteries could cause
critical damage to the batteries and scooter electrics.
A blue coloured button on the tiller operates the lights on the scooter.
A yellow coloured button on the tiller operates the horn.
Thumb/Finger Lever Control (Wig Wag)
The thumb/finger lever control known as the Wig Wag controls the forward and reverse movement of the scooter. There is a
sticker on the tiller to indicate the direction that scooter will travel when the Wig Wag is depressed or pulled. The amount of
pressure applied to each lever will determine the speed the scooter will travel. Release the lever and the scooter will slowly
come to a stop and the electromagnetic brake will be applied.
On/Off Key Switch
Insert the key in to the key barrel on the tiller. Turn the key and the Battery indicator gauge pointer will move to the green or
LED light bars light up. There will be a short delay before the thumb/finger lever can be operated, while the controller is
checking the circuits.
Indicator Switch (where fitted)
Operates the turn indicators on the scooter.
Hazard Warning Switch (where fitted)
A red button operates all the indicators on the scooter at one time.
High / Low Speed Switch (where fitted)
® scooters have a High / Low speed settings,
“WARNING: The legal speed limit in most states in
public areas is 10Kph. The scooter is set up with a Hi/Lo switch which when set to low will meet the legal
Electromagnetic Brake
® scooters have Electromagnetic brakes fitted. The brake is automatically operated when the control levers
(Wig Wag) are released. There is a very slight delay when the scooter decelerates – This allows the scooter to come to a
smooth stop.