is selected the stored data from the DT-209X is cleared. No
eval of previously stored data is possible. Selecting Cancel exits
evice memory function.
3. Restore
“R” Tab. (Shortcut Keystroke ALT + R).
4. Download – download function from the software. This allows transfer of stored
data from the Tachometer to the software. (Shortcut Keystroke ALT + D).
Numbered tabs separates each memory block.
memory to proceed. Selecting “YES” opens the save file window,
onnection with the DT-209X and the host
nce “OK”
rther retri
e Clear d
– opens previously saved file. From the screen the restored file has
5. Print – print function for the table of values. Size of print is dependent on
the attached printer settings. (Shortcut Keystroke ALT + P).
6. Clear Device Memory – stored data from the tachometer is cleared.
CCCCC is displayed from the tachometer LCD screen once confirmation
is complete. Shown below is the confirmation window for the clear device
selecting “NO” opens a confirmation window, selecting “CANCEL”, exits
out the clear device memory function.
It is necessary that there is c
computer for the Clear device memory to work.