#LFO_ASCALE is the multiplier of all LFO element interactions with a limiter set to 1.0. Increasing the value leads to
a greater effect of the limiter on the resulting waveform. Values over 1.0 are recommended. The higher the value, the
longer the filters stay at the lowest and highest points of the wave.
#LFO_kLPF is the slew limiter for the LFO waveform. This parameter allows you to avoid rapid jumps in LFO values.
The lower the value, the smoother the waveform. Smoothing is achieved via a low-pass filter; as a result, subsonic
frequencies can have a substantial effect on the resulting sound. The standard value is 1.0 (no filtering). Set the
value to 0.003 (20Hz) to eliminate the LFO’s effect on the sound. The accepted value range is 0.001 to 1.0.
LFO_MAIN parameters:
The MIN and MAX parameters determine the range of the RATE knob.
Recommended values: 0.016666651 – 8.0.
#LFO_MAIN_MIN sets the lowest rate for LFO_MAIN (in Hz). The default value is 0.016666651Hz (~ 1 minute).
#LFO_MAIN_MAX sets the fastest rate for LFO_MAIN (in Hz). The default value is 8Hz.
#LFO_MAIN_PHASE_L determines the phase of LFO_MAIN in the left channel. The value range is 0.0 to 359.0
#LFO_MAIN_PHASE_R determines the phase of LFO_MAIN in the right channel. The value range is 0.0 to 359.0
LFO2 parameters:
#LFO2_RATE sets LFO2 rate. This parameter has no physical controls. The value range is 0.005 to 4000Hz.
#LFO2_AMP sets LFO2 amplitude, which is then summed with LFO_MAIN. The value range is 0.0 to 1.0.
#LFO2_PHASE_L determines the phase of LFO2 in the left channel. The value range is 0.0 to 359.0 degrees.
#LFO2_PHASE_R determines the phase of LFO2 in the right channel. The value range is 0.0 to 359.0 degrees.
LFO3 parameters:
#LFO3_FSCALE is LFO3’s rate scale relative to the tempo set by the RATE knob or TAP footswitch. The value range is
0.001 to 1000. At 0.5, LFO3 is twice slower than the RATE/TAP value; at 3, it is three times faster than the RATE/TAP
#LFO3_AMP sets LFO3 amplitude, which is then multiplied by (LLFO2). The value range is 0.0 to 1.0.
#LFO3_AMP_BIAS determines LFO3’s amplitude offset. The value range is 0.0 to 1.0. The sum of #LFO3_AMP and
#LFO3_AMP_BIAS must not exceed 1.0.
#LFO3_WAVE selects LFO3 waveform. The accepted values are 0 (saw wave) and 1 (S&H).
#LFO3_PHASE_L determines the phase of LFO3 in the left channel. The value range is 0.0 to 359.0 degrees.
#LFO3_PHASE_R determines the phase of LFO3 in the right channel. The value range is 0.0 to 359.0 degrees.