my Zaurus SL-C3000 and SL-C3100
54 of 212
16/09/2007 12:23
If you want your Zaurus to be accessed via ssh as well, then you need to install the following:
openssl - [openssl_0.9.7d_arm.ipk]
openssh-server [openssh-server_3.6.1p1_arm.ipk]
openssh-addon - [openssh-addon_3.6.1p1_arm.ipk]
Enabling telnet
telnet client
There already is a command line telnet client pre-installed on the Zaurus which you can use.
In order to enable the telnet daemon within inetd, uncomment the telnet entry in /etc/inetd.conf
and restart inetd.
# su
# vi /etc/inetd.conf
telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.telnetd
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet restart
Make sure you use tcp wrapper as it is slightly more secure. Then enable tcp wrapper security by
creating hosts.allow and hosts.deny as follows:
# su
# echo "ALL:ALL" > /etc/hosts.deny
# echo "in.telnetd: 192.168.129., 192.168.1." >> /etc/hosts.allow
Add any IP range you want to give access to in addition to the above.
Installing FTP
ftp client
A command line ftp client is already installed, however, there are much nicer ftp clients such as
ncftp [ncftp_3.1.5-1_arm.ipk] and lftp [lftp_2.6.7-1_arm.ipk]. Alternatively, there are also GUI
based ftp clients such as opie-ftp [opieftp_0.9.1-20020702_arm.ipk] and jftp [jftp_0.23.1_arm.ipk].
ftp server
If you want to serve as a ftp server then you need to install utftp [utftpd_0.2.4_arm.ipk] or
troll-ftpd [troll-ftpd_1.28-cg2_arm.ipk]. Alternatively, you can ftp to port 4242 on the Zaurus which
is a very basic ftp service.
Alternatively, you can also enable the ftp daemon within inetd. To do that, uncomment the ftp entry
in /etc/inetd.conf and restart inetd.
# su