my Zaurus SL-C3000 and SL-C3100
42 of 212
16/09/2007 12:23
The C3000 and C3100 come with a backup and restore tool which is located under the Settings tab.
Use this application to backup your Zaurus. It allows you to backup your system (flash, applications
and configurations) to either SD, CF or /hdd3. Basically, everything except /hdd3, /hdd1, /root and
/mnt will be backed up and can be restored which means you will need to backup /hdd3 by other
means. Before you backup, make sure you unmount any loop devices that are mounted, unless
they are mounted under /mnt, otherwise they will be backed up as well (which you think might be
great) but you won't be able to restore the backup image (because the additionally backed up files
on the loop device(s) will make the backup image bigger than the backed up partitions). If you have
automounter installed, you can unmount all the loop devices by running the following:
# su
# automounter stop
Once you have backed up all the files on your Zaurus, you can remount all the loop devices by
running the following:
# su
# automounter start
Since /hdd3 is quite large, you either need to get a big CF card, or mount a Samba or USB drive
that has enough space to hold your data. A USB drive would be the best (cheaper than CF drive and
faster than Samba since its connected directly and not over a network unless you have got a fast
Assuming you have your USB disk mounted as /mnt/usbdisk1 you could do the following to backup
# tar cf - /hdd3 | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/hdd3-backup.tgz
If you are paranoid you can backup /hdd1, /hdd2 and /home as well:
# tar cf - /hdd1 | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/hdd1-backup.tgz
# tar cf - /hdd2 | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/hdd2-backup.tgz
# tar cf - /home | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/home-backup.tgz
# tar cf - /root | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/root-backup.tgz
# tar cf - /mnt | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/mnt-backup.tgz