Group discount key (
Program each item as follows:
• RATE (Use the numeric entry)
Percent rate (0.00 to 100.00)
• TEXT (%) (Use the character entry)
Description for the group discount key. Up to 8 characters
can be entered.
• TEXT (ST) (Use the character entry)
Description for the group subtotal. Up to 8 characters can be
• SIGN (Use the selective entry)
Programming of the + or – sign assigns the premium or
discount function to each group discount key.
Minus (discount)
Plus (premium)
• TAXABLE1 thru 4 (Use the selective entry)
YES: Taxable
• FOOD STAMP (Use the selective entry)
Food stamp status
Food stamp ineligible
YES: Food stamp eligible
• %HALO (High Amount Lockout: use the numeric entry)
HALO (High Amount Lockout) for the group discount key
(0.00 to 100.00)
• DATA ENT. JOB# (Use the numeric entry)
Key data entry job number (Capture job no.: 0 thru 99)
When “0” is programmed, data entry is inhibited.
You can also select a group discount key by pressing the
corresponding key when it has been placed directly on the
keyboard instead of selecting the key from the menu.
Select the desired key from the
group discount keys list.