E – 14
w ill be displayed if:
m ore or less than the quantity or w eight of foods suggested in each M ENU GUIDE is program m ed
w hen the INSTANT COOK/START pad is pressed.
To clear, press the STOP/CLEAR pad and reprogram m e.
2. When using the autom atic features, carefully follow the details provided in each M ENU GUIDE to
achieve the best result.
If the details are not follow ed carefully, the food m ay be overcooked or undercooked or
m ay
be displayed.
3. Food w eighing m ore or less than the quantity or w eight listed in each M ENU GUIDE, cook m anually.
Refer to cook book.
4. When entering the w eight of the food, round off the w eight to the nearest 0.1kg(100g). For exam ple,
1.65kg w ould becom e 1.7kg.
5. To change the final cooking or defrosting result from the standard setting, press the M ORE(
) or
) pad prior to pressing each autom atic operation pad. See page E-34.
6. The final cooking result w ill vary according to the food condition (e.g. initial tem perature, shape,
quality). Check the food after cooking and if necessary continue cooking m anually.
7. You can get a cooking hint w henever HELP is lit in the display. See page E-33.
Notes for Automatic Operations