Sharp R-770B Operation Manual Download Page 1




Herjdjlcndj gj ärcgkefnfwbb b htwtgns




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Summary of Contents for R-770B

Page 1: ...HR VBRHJDJKZJDFY GTXM C DTHÜZBV B ZBÖZBV UHBKTV MICROWAVE OVEN WITH TOP BOTTOM GRILLS Herjdjlcndj gj ärcgkefnfwbb b htwtgns OPERATION MANUAL R 770B MODEL Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...

Page 2: ... 30 LHEUBT ELJ ZST AEZRWBB 32 Aezrwby cghfdrf 32 Cbuzfkbpfwby 34 Aezrwby vtzmit jkmit 35 Htuekbhjdfzbt dhtvtzb d üjlt ghbujnjdktzby 35 EÜJL PF GTXM 36 GTHTL NTV RFR DSPDFNM VFCNTHF 37 NTÜZBXTCRBT ÜFHFRNTHBCNBRB 37 CONTENTS Warning E 1 Special Notes E 2 Installation Instructions E 3 Oven Diagram E 3 Operation of Touch Control Panel E 4 Control Panel Display E 4 Touch Control Panel Layout E 5 Before...

Page 3: ...CCNFZLFHNF Hjccbb Htubcnhfwbjzzsq zjvth d Ujchttcnht HJCC SG 0001 11 BZ02 VJLTKM R 770B IFHG cjjndtncndetn nht jdfzbyv zjhvfnbdzsü ljrevtznjd gj tpjgfczjcnb UJCN 27570 14 88 VÄR 335 2 6 1986 UJCN H VÄR 335 2 25 1994 VÄR 335 2 25 1988 gj ÄVC UJCN 23450 83 zjhvs URHX 5 80 In accordance with Article 5 of the Russian Consumer Rights Protection Law and the Russian Federation Government Decree 720 dated...

Page 4: ...dfnmcy rdfkbabwbhjdfzzsv ntüzbrjv gj j ckeöbdfzb gjlujnjdktzzsv abhvjq Ifhg 8 Zbrjulf zt gjkmpeqntcm gtxm tckb jzf zt hf jnftn ljközsv j hfpjv bkb ckjvfzf lj ntü gjh gjrf jzf zt eltn gjxbztzf rdfkbabwbhjdfzzsv cgtwbfkbcnjv gjlujnjdktzzsv abhvjq Ifhg Jcj tzzj dfözj xnj s ldthwf gtxb pfrhsdfkfcm gkjnzj b zt bvtkf gjdhtöltzbq F bvtzzj 1 ldthwf zt ljközf snm gjrjhj ktzf 2 gtnkb b pfotkrb zt ljközs snm...

Page 5: ...ltkfnm ztkmpy Ghjrfksdfnm ötknrb b tkrb ybw f nfröt hfrjdbzs ecnhbw gthtl ghbujnjdktzbtv Ntv cfvsv ds bp töbnt dphsdf Ghjnsrfnm rjöehe rfhnjatky y kjr rf fxrjd üjn ljujd cjcbcjr b ecnhbw lky dsüjlf gfhf zfheöe Bcgjkmpjdfnm cgtwbfkmze gjcele lky ghbujnjdktzby djpleizjq rereheps d vbrhjdjkzjdjq gtxb Gjljölbnt lj ntü gjh gjrf otkxrb jn djpleizjq rereheps elen hfplfdfnmcy c bznthdfkjv 1 2 ctrezls Gtht...

Page 6: ... b gfhf zfghbvth jrjkj j sxzjq gkbns Gtxm ljközf snm ecnfzjdktzf nfr xnj s zt gthtrhsdfkbcm dtznbkywbjzzst jndthcnby Zfl gtxm ljközj bvtnmcy zt vtztt 40 cv cdj jlzjuj ghjcnhfzcndf 5 Ghjbpdjlbntkb b lbcnhb m nths zt ztcen jndtncndtzzjcnb pf gjdhtöltzby gtxb b nhfdvs gjnht bntky dspdfzzst ztghfdbkmzsv gjlrk xtzbtv gtxb r ctnb Gtxm gbnftncy jn jlzjafpzjq ctnb gthtvtzzjuj njrf c zfghyötzbtv 220 D b xf...

Page 7: eghfdktzby jceotcndkytncy zföfnbtv cjjndtncnde otq rzjgrb hfcgjkjötzzjq zf gfztkb eghfdktzby Pderjdjq cbuzfk ghb zföfnbb zf rzjgre cdbltntkmcndetn j tpjib jxzjv ddjlt Pderjdjq cbuzfk lkbntkmzjcnm ghb kbpbntkmzj 2 ctrezls hfplftncy nfröt d rjzwt wbrkf ghbujnjdktzby Rhjvt njuj rjulf nht etncy dsgjkztzbt cktle otuj ifuf ghbujnjdktzby pdexbn 4 rhfnzsq pderjdjq cbuzfk GTHTDTHZENM LJ FDBNM ZFRHSNM GT...

Page 8: ...CRF Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre j tcgtxbdftncy ds jh vtz bp 5 hfcghjcnhfztzzsü kturbü pfrecjr RZJGRF HFPJUHTD Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre j tcgtxbdftncy hfpjuhtd vyczsü b n g k l cegjd zfgbnrjd b ükt f RZJGRF K LF ZF GFHE Zföfnbt zf äne rzjgre bcgjkmpetncy lky ghbujnjdktzby zf gfhe hs s vycf b rkëwtr RZJGRF CGHFDRF Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre ljcnbuftncy ds jh cktle obü aezrwbq fdnjgecr pfobnf jn ltntq ltvjzcnhf...

Page 9: ...Ü W X I O S M Ä Y erdf Bzlbrfwby erdf Bzlbrfwby erdf Bzlbrfwby DS HFNM VTZ PFOBNF JN LTNTQ WSG KTZJR Ckjdj Bzlbrfwby Ckjdj Bzlbrfwby Ckjdj Bzlbrfwby UHBKM BZAJHVF WBY J ZFÖFNM ZEÖZE ZFÖFNM4 ZFÖFNM3 Ckjdj Bzlbrfwby Ckjdj Bzlbrfwby Ckjdj Bzlbrfwby RZJGRFÜ RZJGRE Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...

Page 10: ...njd d ztq Aezrwby DSDJLF BZCNHERWBQ zf lbcgktq dscnfdktzf pfghjuhfvvbhjdfzf bpujnjdbntktv zf heccrbq ypsr Bzcnherwbb gjydky ncy zf lbcgktt lky gjvjob ghb ddjlt ghjuhfvv D änjv herjdjlcndt bzcnherwbb ghbdjlyncy d cjrhfotzzjv dblt Djpvjözj gjkextzbt bzcnherwbq zf heccrjv fzukbqcrjv bkb vfkfqcrjv ypsrfü Dsdjl bzcnherwbq zf lbcgktq djpvjötz zf heccrjv fzukbqcrjv b vfkfqcrjv ypsrfü Jgbcfzbt gthtrk xtzb...

Page 11: ...bcgktt gjydkytncy cjj otzbt zfgh 13 45 Zfövbnt rzjgre CNJG C HJC b gjdnjhzj ddtlbnt dhtvy zfgh 1 45 Hf jnf xfcjd gtxb pfdbcbn jn xfcnjns bcnjxzbrf gbnfzby D ztrjnjhsü htubjzfü c vtzy otqcy xfcnjnjq njrf xfcs vjuen cgtibnm bkb jncnfdfnm Htrjvtzletncy gthbjlbxtcrb rjhhtrnbhjdfnm dhtvy zf xfcfü Tckb Ds pfüjnbnt epzfnm ntreott dhtvy dj dhtvy ghbujnjdkzby bkb d htöbvt nfqvthf zfövbnt rzjgre XFCS Gjrf D...

Page 12: ...htvy dslthörb xnj gjpdjkbn tve gjkzjcnm ghbujnjdbnmcy b ghb änjv zt gjlujhtnm E tlbntcm d njv xnj ghbcencnde n ghbpzfrb njuj xnj ntvgthfnehf ghbujnjdktzby skf ljcnbuzenf Nfrbvb ghbpzfrfvb ydky ncy gfh gjlzbvftncy hfdzjvthzj cj dctq gjdthüzjcnb ghjlernf f zt njkmrj c rhfëd cecnfds zjötr gnbws ldbuf ncy kturj cdbzbzf b vycj gnbws zt bvt n hjpjdjuj jnntzrf hs f zt ghjphfxzfy b kturj hfcckfbdftncy dbk...

Page 13: ...zb ghbujnjdktzby fdnjvfnbxtcrb jcnfzjdbncy Gjckt njuj rfr ldthm eltn pfrhsnf b zföfnf rzjgrf SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR dzjdm zfxztncy jncxtn dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby Tckb Ds üjnbnt epzfnm ehjdtzm vjozjcnb d ghjwtcct ghbujnjdktzby gbob nj zfövbnt rzjgre VJOZJCNM Gjrf ds rfcftntcm gfkmwtv lfzzjq rzjgrb zf lbcgktt eltn dscdtxbdfnmcy ehjdtzm vjozjcnb Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwb...

Page 14: ...jkytn pflfzbt lj nhtü gjcktljdfntkmzjcntq ghbujnjdktzby c djpvjözjcnm fdnjvfnbxtcrjuj gthtrk xtzby c jlzjuj ehjdzy vjozjcnb zf lheujq J hfnbnt dzbvfzbt zf nj xnj gthtl ddjljv gjcktljdfntkmzjcnb ghbujnjdktzby zeözj ddtcnb ehjdtzm vjozjcnb Ghtlgjkjöbv Ds üjnbnt ujnjdbnm k lj 10 vbzen ghb chtlztv ehjdzt vjozjcnb f pfntv 5 vbzen ghb dscjrjv ehjdzt vjozjcnb Lky pflfzby dnjhjq gjcktljdfntkmzjcnb ds thbn...

Page 15: ...NTKMZJ VTLKTZZJUJ GHBUJNJDKTZBY CGTWBFKMZST PFVTXFZBY JNZJCBNTKMZJ VTLKTZZJUJ GHBUJNJDKTZBY CGTWBFKMZST PFVTXFZBY JNZJCBNTKMZJ VTLKTZZJUJ GHBUJNJDKTZBY CGTWBFKMZST PFVTXFZBY JNZJCBNTKMZJ VTLKTZZJUJ GHBUJNJDKTZBY Lky njuj xnj s kexit ghbujnjdbnm k lj dctulf cnfhfqntcm 1 hfphtpfnm rjvgjztzns zf zt jkmibt recjxrb 2 lj fdkynm cjjndtncnde oe öblrjcnm zfgh djle cjec b cnfhfnmcy xnj s rjvgjztzns zfüjlbkb...

Page 16: ... cbkmzj zfuhtdf ncy DJ BP TÖFZBT JÖJUF ghb bpdktxtzbb ghjlernjd b gjdjhjnzjuj cnjkbrf bp gtxb gjkmpeqntcm njkcnsvb herfdbwfvb lky hf jns c gtxm Nfqvth djpj zjdkytn j hfnzsq jncxtn Gj ljcnbötzbb zektdjuj pzfxtzby dct bzlbrfnjhs gjufczen b gtxm gjlfcn pderjdjq cbuzfk Dtznbkynjh jükföltzby eltn hf jnfnm lj gjkzjuj jükföltzby rfvths gtxb x 3 0 0 0 2 4 Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR Nfqvth zf...

Page 17: ...nzsq cnjkbr b gjlcnfdrf gjl gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr dscjrfy b zbprfy gjlcnfdrb k lf b d jcj tzzjcnb zbözbq zfuhtdfntkmzsq äktvtzn cbkmzj zfuhtdf ncy DJ BP TÖFZBT JÖJUF ghb bpdktxtzbb ghjlernjd b gjdjhjnzjuj cnjkbrf bp gtxb gjkmpeqntcm njkcnsvb herfdbwfvb lky hf jns c gtxm 3 6 0 0 x 2 Ghtlgjkjöbv Ds üjnbnt ujnjdbnm 4 gjhwbb gbwws dtcjv jr 360 u 6 vbzen c bcgjkmpjdfzbtv htöbvf Uhbkm CDX ckf jt c dthüzbv z...

Page 18: ...zjuj d herjdjlcndt cktletn ujnjdbnm d hexzjv htöbvt Cv gjdfhtzze rzbue 4 Ghb ddjlt dtcf jrheukyqnt xbckj lj 0 1 ru 100 u Zfghbvth dvtcnj 1 65 ru cktletn ddtcnb 1 7 ru 5 Lky njuj xnj s bpvtzbnm jrjzxfntkmzjt pzfxtzbt ddtltzzjt gthtl ghbujnjdktzbtv bkb hfpvjhföbdfzbtv gj chfdztzb cj cnfzlfhnzsv pzfxtzbtv gthtl zföfnbtv rfrjq kb j bp rzjgjr fdnjvfnbxtcrbü aezrwbq SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR cktletn zfö...

Page 19: ...fy gbwwf Cdtöfy gbwwf njzrfy Cdtöfy gbwwf njkcnfy 18 C ntvgthfnehf pfvjhjprb 20 25 C rjvzfnzfy ntvgthfnehf 20 25 C rjvzfnzfy ntvgthfnehf 0 1 0 5 ru Gbwwf 0 6 1 3 ru Gbwwf 0 8 1 6 ru Gbwwf Bpdktxm bp egfrjdrb Gjkjöbnm ghyvj zf gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr Gjckt ghbujnjdktzby jcnfdbnm zf ztcrjkmrj vbzen Cv htwtgn zf cnh 17 Cv htwtgn zf cnh 17 5 PIZZA PIZZA INSTANT COOK START KG AUTO HELP ru fdnj KG AUTO COOK H...

Page 20: ...m ntcnj Gjkjöbnm tuj d uke jre vbcre b zfrhsnm gktzrjq Jcnfdbnm zf 30 vbzen 2 Cltkfnm bp ntcnf rheuke ktgtire lbfvtnhjv 20 bkb 30 cv Gjlzynm jkmibvb gfkmwfvb rhfy nfr xnj s gjkexbkcy j jl b gjkjöbnm ktgtire zf gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr cvfpfzzsq hfcnbntkmzsv vfckjv 3 Ckbnm öblrjcnm bp rjzcthdbhjdfzzsü njvfnjd gjhtpfnm bü üjhjij cvtifnm c njvfnzjq gfcnjq b cgtwbyvb Hfphjdzynm cvtcm zf ktgtirt Lj fdbnm nthn...

Page 21: ...hwe Vbuftn bzlbrfnjh COOK Zfxbzftncy j hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby lj zeky Rjulf ghjpdexbn cbuzfk gtxm jcnfzjdbncy b zfxztn vbufnm bzlbrfnjh ADD Zfxbzftncy j hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby lj zeky Gj ljcnbötzbb zektdjuj pzfxtzby pdexbn jnxtnkbdsq cbuzfk b zf lbcgktt gjydkytncy cjj otzbt x 1 AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd JCNJHJÖZJ Ëvrjcnm gtxb ldthwf gjdjhjn...

Page 22: ...txbrb zf zbprjq gjlcnfdrt Gjckt ghbujnjdktzby jcnfdbnm zf ztcrjkmrj vbzen Hfpkjöbnm fhfübc zf gjdjhjnzjv cnjkbrt Gjckt njuj rfr gtxm jcnfzjdbncy gthtvtifnm b ghjljköbnm ghbujnjdktzbt Gjckt njuj rfr gtxm jcnfzjdbncy tot hfp gthtvtifnm F pfntv ghjljköbnm ghbujnjdktzbt Gjckt njuj rfr gtxm jcnfzjdbncy tot hfp ljcnfnm fhfübc cvtifnm tuj c zt jkmibv rjkbxtcndjv hfcnbntkmzjuj vfckf b cjkb b jgynm hfdzjvt...

Page 23: ... ghjlernjd b gjdjhjnzjuj cnjkbrf bp gtxb gjkmpeqntcm njkcnsvb herfdbwfvb lky hf jns c gtxm Zfxbzftncy j hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby Rjulf ghjpdexbn jnxtnkbdsq cbuzfk gtxm jcnfzjdbncy b zfxztn vbufnm bzlbrfwby GTHTDTHZENM Bzlbrfnjh KG ujhbn zt vbufy Zfxbzftn vbufnm bzlbrfnjh COOK 0 1 5 3 Gjgthtvtzzj vbuf n ckjdf AUTO GRILL AUTO GRILL INSTANT COOK START INSTANT COOK START KG AUTO HELP ru fdn...

Page 24: ...jgrf VTZMIT lky gjkextzby zfbkexibü htpekmnfnjd Nofntkmzj dsvsnm hs e b elfkbnm xtie Cltkfnm ztcrjkmrj zflhtpjd zf ntkt hs s ghjrjkjnm ukfpf Ckturf c hspzenm djljq b j vfpfnm hfcnbntkmzsv vfckjv Gjvtcnbnm zf dscjre gjlcnfdre cvfpfzze zt jkmibv rjkbxtcndjv hfcnbntkmzjuj vfckf b zt zfrhsdfnm Rjulf gtxm jcnfzjdbncy gthtdthzenm b ghjljköbnm ghbujnjdktzbt Rjulf gtxm jcnfzjdbncy jgynm gthtdthzenm Xnj s ...

Page 25: ...sdfnm Gjcnfdbnm d wtznh gjdjhjnzjuj cnjkbrf 1 xfirf D ckexft hfpjuhtdf 2 4 xfirb hfccnfdbnm bü gj rhf cnjkbrf Gjckt hfpjuhtdf gjvtifnm Zt zfrhsdfnm Gjcnfdbnm d wtznh gjdjhjnzjuj cnjkbrf 1 xfirf D ckexft hfpjuhtdf 2 4 xfirb hfccnfdbnm bü gj rhf cnjkbrf Gjckt hfpjuhtdf gjvtifnm D ckexft hfpjuhtdf 1 2 kjvnbrjd gjkjöbnm bü zf jlzj evfözjt gjkjntzwt b zfrhsnm lheubv D ckexft hfpjuhtdf 3 4 kjvnbrjd gjkj...

Page 26: ...ktzb ghbujnjdktzbt hbcf AUTO HELP fdnj COVER PCS in AUTO COOK COVER HELP fdnj ghbujnjd PCS in AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd Vbuftn bzlbrfnjh PCS b COVER GHBVTXFZBT GHBVTXFZBT GHBVTXFZBT GHBVTXFZBT GHBVTXFZBT 1 Lky änjq aezrwbb lfzs erfpfzby gj ghbujnjdktzb hbcjdjuj jndfhf b rfib tp ljgjkzbntkmzsü bzuhtlbtznjd Bzajhvfwb j nfrbü bzuhtlbtznfü bü rjkbxtcndt b gjhylrt ghbujnjdktzby cv d Herjdjlcndj gj g...

Page 27: ...jnjdzjcnb vjözj ds hfnm zföfnbtv rkfdbi JKMIT bkb VTZMIT Cv cnh 35 Zeöze cntgtzm ujnjdzjcnb vjözj ds hfnm zföfnbtv rkfdbi JKMIT bkb VTZMIT Cv cnh 35 Zeöze cntgtzm ujnjdzjcnb vjözj ds hfnm zföfnbtv zf rzjgrb JKMIT bkb VTZMIT Cv cnh 35 Hbc Hbc Hbc Hbc Hbc Hbcjdsq jndfh Hbcjdsq jndfh Hbcjdsq jndfh Hbcjdsq jndfh Hbcjdsq jndfh Rfif Rfif Rfif Rfif Rfif Dfhbfzns vtz Vjözj dztcnb hfpzjj hfpbt d vtz lj fdk...

Page 28: ... wbahfvb ddtlbnt rjkbxtcndj Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf x 1 3 Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq STEAM MENU STEAM MENU 3 Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR INSTANT COOK START AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd Zfxbzftncy j hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby Gj ljcnbötzbb zektdjuj pzfxtzby gtxm gjlftn pderjdjq cbuzfk Zf lbcgktt gjydky ncy cjj otzby JCNFDBNM ZFRHSNM AUTO COOK COVER HELP...

Page 29: ... 5 vbzen Hfpkjöbnm rkëwrb zf nfhtkrt d zfghfdktzbb jn të dztiztuj rhfy r të wtznhe Zfrhsnm gktzrjq lky vbrhjdjkzjdjq gtxb Gjcnfdbnm zf zbpre gjlcnfdre Gjckt ghbujnjdktzby jcnfdbnm gjl gktzrjq zf 1 vbzene S 1 S 2 Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy ntvgthfnehf ntvgthfnehf ntvgthfnehf ntvgthfnehf ntvgthfnehf 1 3...

Page 30: ...y 1 Pfvfhbzjdfnm recjxrb rehbws c dsvjxtzzsvb uhb fvb b ghbghfdjq Cvtifnm c kjvnbrfvb bv bhy b ptktzjuj kerf 2 Zfrhsnm gktzrjq lky vbrhjdjkzjdjq gtxb b ldf hfpf zföfnm zf rzjgre K LF ZF GFHE vycj Bzuhtlbtzns 280 u recjxrjd rehbws 40 u ceitzsü uhb jd dsvjxbnm kjvnbrb bv bhy kjvnbrb ptktzjuj kerf Ghbghfdf 1 2 x k cjkb 1 2 x k cfüfhf 1 5 x k cjtdjuj cjecf 1 2 x k rerehepzjuj rhfüvfkf 1 5 x k rezöenzj...

Page 31: ...buftn bzlbrfnjh PCS Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR 3 2 4 Bzlbrfnjh PCS ujhbn zt vbufy zfxbzftn vbufnm bzlbrfnjh COOK Jnrhjqnt ldthwe Gthtdthzbnt rfhnjatkm Pfrhjqnt ldthwe Gjgthtvtzzj vbuf n ckjdf Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR AUTO COOK AUTO COOK INSTANT COOK START INSTANT COOK START PCS AUTO HELP in fdnj PCS AUTO COOK HELP in fdnj ghbujnjd AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd AUTO COO...

Page 32: ... cv rbnfqcrfy rfgecnf wtkbrjv bkb gjkjdbzrb rfgecnf ctkmlthtq recjxrb igbzfn gjkjdbzrb ker recjxrb rerehepf d gjxfnrfü wtkbrjv bkb gjkjdbzrb ptktzsq gthtw gjkjcrb Herjdjlcndj gj vtz fdnjvfnbxtcrjuj ghbujnjdktzby Vtz Vtz Vtz Vtz Vtz Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby vtz vtz vtz vtz vtz GHBVTXFZBT GHBVTXFZBT GHBVTX...

Page 33: ...t dtc EASY DEFROST EASY DEFROST INSTANT COOK START INSTANT COOK START Jnrhjqnt ldthm Gthtdthzbnt recjxrb wsgktzrf b pfrhjqnt ldthm Bzlbrfnjh KG ujhbn zt vbufy Zfxbzftn vbufnm bzlbrfnjh COOK Gj ghjitcndbb ghbvthzj 2 3 dhtvtzb hfpvjhjprb gtxm gjlfcn pderjdjq cbuzfk b jcnfzjdbncy Zfxztn vbufnm bzlbrfwby GTHTDTHZENM Gj ljcnbötzbb nfqvthjv zektdjuj pzfxtzby pdexbn jnxtnkbdsq cbuzfk b zf lbcgktt gjgthtv...

Page 34: ...gthtdthzenm b j thzenm bü rhfy gjkjcrfvb ajkmub Lky ghjljkötzby hfpvjhföbdfzby zföfnm zf rzjgre GECR Gj bcntxtzbb dctuj dhtvtzb hfpvjhföbdfzby jcnfdbnm ghjlern gjcnjynm gjl fk vbzbtdjq ajkmujq zf 5 30 vbzen Pfrhsnm rhfy gjkjcrfvb ajkmub ibhbzjq jr 2 5 cv Gjkjöbnm recjr vycf zf gjlcnfdre lky hfpvjhföbdfzby gjcnzjq xfcnm ddthü gj djpvjözjcnb Gjckt jcnfzjdrb gtxb gthtdthzenm b j thzenm ajkmujq ntgkst...

Page 35: ...ckb gjckt ifuf 7 jnrhsnm ldthwe nj lky ghjljkötzby hf jns d htöbvt FDNJGECR cktletn pfrhsnm ldthwe b zföfnm rzjgre GECR Lky jnvtzs htöbvf FDNJGECR zfövbnt rzjgre CNJG C HJC Njxzjt dhtvy cenjr ljközj snm ecnfzjdktzj lj bcgjkmpjdfzby aezrwbb FDNJGECR J njv rfr ecnfzjdbnm xfcs xbnfqnt zf cnh 8 Zfövbnt rzjgre XFCS Ddtlbnt zeözjt dhtvy gecrf Zfövbnt rzjgre c wbahjq 1 4 3 2 6 5 Ddtlbnt zeözjt dhtvy ghbu...

Page 36: ...Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Zfövbnt rzjgre c wbahjq 2 2 INSTANT COOK START Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Zfövbnt rzjgre CNJG C HJC 3 Ntgthm gfztkm eghfdktzby pf kjrbhjdfzf Ghb zföfnbb zf k e rzjgre zf lbcgktt gjydkytncy bzlbrfwby PFOBNF Lky jnrk xtzby ae...

Page 37: ...GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECRfl Lky jnvtzs ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf Lky jnvtzs ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf Lky jnvtzs ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf Lky jnvtzs ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf Lky jnvtzs ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf Gjckt dsgjkztzby ltqcndby 2 erfpfzzjuj dsit 3 Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Zfö...

Page 38: ...ntzbyvb cktletn gjkmpjdfnmcy aezrwbtq jkmit b vtzmit rjnjhfy gjpdjkytn cjjndtncndtzzj edtkbxbdfnm b evtzmifnm dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby x 3 Nfqvth zfxbzftn j hfnzsq jncxtn C gjvjom rkfdbi c wbahfvb ddtlbnt dtc 0 1 Zföfnm zf rkfdbie GHJCNFY HFPVJHJPRF 1 Rzjgrb JKMIT b VTZMIT vjuen bcgjkmpjdfnmcy lky ecnfzjdrb dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby d cktle obü htöbvfü GBWWF ÜHECNYOFY PFRECRF FDNJ UHBKM HFPJUHTD VTZ K L BP...

Page 39: ... vj otv chtlcndt Lky cbkmzj pfuhypztzzsü exfcnrjd dzenhb gtxb njkmrj djcgjkmpeqntcm ckf sv xbcnyobv chtlcndjv lky zthöfdt otq cnfkb Zt gjkmpeqntcm bv lky jxbcnrb dzenhtzztq gjdthüzjcnb ldthws Dsnhbnt ljceüf b e tlbntcm xnj dct xbcnyobt chtlcndf elfktzs Gj jrjzxfzb hf jns c gtxm jcnfnrb ghjlernjd elfkbnt c rhsirb djkzjdjlf vyurjq dkfözjq ue rjq Pflsvbnmcy bkb pfujhtnmcy jn gthtuhtdf vjötn öbh zf cn...

Page 40: ...v ntüzbxtcrjuj j ckeöbdfzby abhvs Ifhg GHBVTXFZBT 1 Tckb jncxtn dhtvtzb zf lbcgktt bltn jxtzm scnhj ghjdthmnt ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Gjlhj zjcnb cv zf cnh 34 2 Zbötgthtxbcktzzjt zt ydkytncy ztbcghfdzjcnm Rfölsq htöbv bvttn jghtltktzzjt vfrcbvfkmzjt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby D ckexft ghtdsitzby änjuj dhtvtzb ghjbcüjlbn fdnjvfnbxtcrjt czbötzbt vjozjcnb Vfrcbvfkmzjt dhtvy lky rföljuj htöbvf ghbujnjdktzby e...

Page 41: ... repair the oven yourself The oven must be adjusted or repaired by a qualified service technician trained by SHARP 8 Do not operate the oven if it is not working correctly or damaged until it has been repaired by a qualified servicetechnician trained by SHARP It isparticularly important that theoven door closes properly and that there is no damage to 1 Door warped 2 Hinges and Latches broken or lo...

Page 42: ...ator such as microwave and heat proof dinner plate between the turntable and the browning dish Eggs fruits nuts seeds vegetables sausages and oysters Popcorn Baby food General Canned foods Sausage rolls Pies Christmas pudding Meats Utensils Aluminium foil Browning dish Cook eggs in shells This prevents explosion which may damage the oven or injure yourself Reheat whole eggs Overcook oysters Dry nu...

Page 43: ...d for example next to a conventional oven unit The oven should be installed so as not to block ventilation openings Allow at least 40 cm on top of the oven for free air space 5 Neither the manufacturer nor the distributors can accept any liability for damage to the machine or personal injury for failure to observe the correct electrical connecting procedure The A C voltage must be single phase 220...

Page 44: ...ime you press the control panel to make a correct entry In addition theoven will beep for approximately 2secondsat theend of thecooking cycle or 4timeswhen a cooking procedure is required Control Panel Display 1 2 3 1 TOP HEATER SYMBOL The symbol will light when the top heater is in use 2 BOTTOM HEATER SYMBOL The symbol will light when the bottom heater is in use 3 MICROWAVE SYMBOL The symbol will...

Page 45: ...lar menus AUTO GRILL PAD Press to select 5 popular grill menus RICE COOK PAD Press to cook rice con gee or porridge M ORE LESS PADS Press to adjust the done nessoffoodinoneminute increments during cook ing or to increase de creasethetimewhilstpro gramming the automatic operations SLOW COOK PAD Press to cook slowly and longer time GRILL PAD Press to select GRILL mode NUMBER PADS Press to enter cook...

Page 46: ...der To remove the cause of the smoke and odor operate the oven without food for 20 min on Grill using top and bottom heaters before the first use and after cleaning Heating without Food Step Procedure Pad Order Display Ensure that no food is in the oven Press the GRILL pad 3 times Press the INSTANT COOK START pad IMPORTANT During this operation some smoke and odor will occur Therefore open the win...

Page 47: ...e STOP CLEAR pad and re enter the time of day Ex 1 45 The clock of the oven works based on the frequency of power source So it may gain or lose in some area where the frequency varies It is recommended that you should adjust the time occasionally If you wish to know thetimeof day during thecooking mode presstheCLOCKpad Aslong asyour finger is pressed the CLOCK pad the time of day will be displayed...

Page 48: ... top to bottom and from the center of the dish to the outside After cooking ensure adequate standing time Remove food from oven and stir if possible Cover during standing time can allow the food to finish cooking completely Look for signs indicating that cooking temperature has been reached Doneness signs include Steam emits throughout the food not just at edge Joints of poultry can be torn apart ...

Page 49: ...necessary to select 50 30 or 10 power levels Suppose you want to cook Fish Fillets for 10 minutes on MEDIUM power 2 Press the INSTANT COOK START pad 3 If the door is opened during cooking process the cooking time in the readout automatically stops The cooking time starts to count down again when the door is closed and the INSTANT COOK START pad is pressed If you want to check the power level durin...

Page 50: ...sequence will appear and the timer will begin counting down to zero again The timer begins to count down to zero When it reaches zero 4 Instant Cook 1 For your convenience Sharp s Instant Cook allows you to easily cook for one minute on HIGH power The timer begins to count down Press the INSTANT COOK START pad until desired time is displayed Each time the pad is pressed the cooking time is increas...

Page 51: Try to add especially salt soon after or just after finish 5 Cook with the casserole lid on Also please do not open the lid during cooking as this may disturb the cooking sequence 6 Stir and stand for 10 minutes after cooking Slow Cook Suppose you want to cook stew chicken on SLOW COOK HIGH for 1 hour 30 min Step Procedure Pad Order Displa The cooking time will count down to zero After cooking...

Page 52: ...hen the timer reaches about 2 3 of the way through the cooking time open the door and turn over the steak And then close the door COOK will flash on and off 5 3 2 Warning The oven cavity door turntable turntable support racks dishes and especially bottom heater will become very hot use thick oven gloves when removing the food or turntable from the oven to PREVENT BURNS The timer begins to count do...

Page 53: ...ttom heater 1 Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the GRILL MIX pad twice Enter desired cooking time PresstheINSTANTCOOK STARTpad COOK will flash on and off 2 3 The timer begins to count down When it reaches zero all indica tors will go off and the oven will beep The cooling fan will re main on until the oven cavity has cooled 6 0 0 Suppose you want to reheat 4 pieces of pizza approx 360g for 6...

Page 54: ...uantity or weight listed in each MENU GUIDE cook manually Refer to cook book 4 When entering the weight of the food round off the weight to the nearest 0 1kg 100g For example 1 65kg would become 1 7kg 5 To change the final cooking or defrosting result from the standard setting press the MORE or LESS pad prior to pressing each automatic operation pad See page E 34 6 The final cooking result will va...

Page 55: ... 3 PZ 2 PZ 1 Frozen Pizza Fresh Pizza thin crust Fresh Pizza thick crust 18 C Frozen temperature 20 25 C Room temperature 20 25 C Room temperature 0 1 0 5 kg 1 pizza 0 6 1 3 kg 1 pizza 0 8 1 6 kg 1 pizza Remove from package Place directly onto turntable After cooking stand KG stops flashing and re mains on display COOK flashes on and off 5 PIZZA PIZZA x 1 KG AUTO HELP ru fdnj KG AUTO COOK HELP ru ...

Page 56: ...let stand for 30 min utes 2 Roll out the dough to a round sheet with diameter 8 inches or 12 inches Raise the edge with the thumb to form a rim then put the sheet of dough onto the turntable brushed with oil 3 Drain the canned tomatoes and cut into pieces mix well with tomato paste and the spices varieties Spread the mixture onto the sheet of dough Then add grated cheese followed by the topping va...

Page 57: ... COOK will flash on and off The cooking time will begin counting down to zero when it reaches zero an audible signal will sound and STAND will be displayed CRISPY SNACK CRISPY SNACK x 1 AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd The cooking time will begin counting down When the audible signals sound the oven will stop and ADD will flash on and off INSTA...

Page 58: ...s stopped again stir And then continue to cook When oven has stopped again take out the peanuts and mix sparingly with oil and salt then spread the peanuts evenly on the turntable again Continue to cook After cooking stir and stand Remove from package Put onto the turntable lined with oil brushed foil paper When oven has stopped turn over And then continue to cook When oven has stopped again turn ...

Page 59: ...und the oven will stop and TURN OVER will flash on and off KG stops flashing and re mains on display COOK flashes on and off x 1 0 1 AUTO GRILL AUTO GRILL INSTANT COOK START KG AUTO HELP ru fdnj KG AUTO COOK HELP ru fdnj ghbujnjd AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd The cooking time will begin counting dow n to zero when it reaches zero an audible signal will sound and STAND will be dis played AUTO COOK H...

Page 60: ...ok uncovered 1 2 1pc or 1 2pcs of lobster can be cooked each time But whenever small size of lobster is cooked make sure the LESS pad is entered for best results Wash fish thoroughly and remove scales Make a few slits on the skin of fish pierce the eyes of fish Pat dry then brush oil on fish body Place on the high rack brushed lightly with oil uncovered When oven stops turn it over Continue to coo...

Page 61: ... towel and cover with another paper towel For 3 4 pcs put onto a plate lined with paper towel and cover with another paper towel When you reheat only one piece of bread place it off center Menu Procedure Menu No Quantity Initial Temperature approx 2 REHEAT REHEAT Thecooking timewill appear and count down to zero After cooking an audible signal will sound STIR will be displayed AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ...

Page 62: ...UTO COOK COVER HELP fdnj ghbujnjd PCS in AUTO HELP fdnj COVER PCS in The cooking time will begin counting down When it reaches zero the oven will beep STAND COVER STIR will be displayed PCS and COVER will flash on and off NOTE 1 For this function plain congee or porridge without any ingredients is instructed If you want to include ingredients follow the Rice Cook menu guide in page E 23 for ingred...

Page 63: ...Menu No Quantity Rice Wash rice until water runs clear Place rice and water into a deep cas serole about 2 and soak for 30 mins Stir and cook with cover After cooking stir lightly and stand coverd for 5 mins Wash rice until water runs clear Place rice and water into a deep cas serole about 2 and soak for 30 mins Stir and cook uncovered After cooking stir and stand Wash rice until water runs clear ...

Page 64: ...r pad to enter quantity Pad Order 3 Display STEAM MENU STEAM MENU x 1 AUTO COOK COVER HELP fdnj ghbujnjd PCS in PCS and COVER will flash on and off PCS stops flashing and re mains on display COOKand COVERwill flash on and off Press the INSTANT COOK START pad INSTANT COOK START AUTO COOK HELP fdnj ghbujnjd The cooking time will begin counting down When it reaches zero the oven will beep STAND COVER...

Page 65: ...ver with microwave wrap After cooking stand covered for 3 5 minutes Arrange the dumplings from outside to inside of dish Cover with microwave wrap Place on the low rack After cooking stand covered for 1 minute S 2 Quantity Initial Temperature 1 3 serves Whole fish or Fish fillet 8 12 C Serving s 1 serve 2 serves 3 serves Fish 130 199g 200 300g 301 420g Serving s 1 serve 2 serves 3 serves Meat 180 ...

Page 66: ... mushrooms soaked Ginger slices Green onion slices Seasonings 1 2 tsp Salt 1 2 tsp Sugar 1 1 2 tsp Soya sauce 1 2 tsp Cornstarch 1 1 2 tsp Sesame oil Method 1 Marinate the chicken pieces and soaked mushrooms with seasonings Then mix together with ginger and green onion slices 2 Cover with microwave wrap and press STEAM MENU pad twice to Meat Beef Patty Ingredients 330 g Ground beef 50 g Preserved ...

Page 67: ...the INSTANT COOK START pad Press the INSTANT COOK START pad 5 2 3 2 4 The cooking time will begin counting down The oven will beep 4 times and will stop TURN OVER will flash on and off PCS stops flashing and re mains on display COOK will flash on and off The cooking time will be gin counting to zero when it reaches zero the oven will beep will be displayed repeatedly Open the door Turn over potato...

Page 68: ...itre bowl Add in cooled boiled water 20 25 C 1 serve 500ml 2 serves 800ml Cover with microwave wrap or glass lid After cooking stir and stand for 5 min utes Broccoli florets Cauliflower florets Asparagus strips Corn on the cob whole or halves Green Beans 0 1 1 0 kg Frozen Vegetables 18 C Frozen temperature 1 6 pieces 1 piece approx 220 g 20 25 C Room temperature 1 2 serves 1 serve approx 50g or 10...

Page 69: ...isplay COOK will flash on and off Press the INSTANT COOK START pad Press number pads to enter weight Press the EASY DEFROST pad 2 EASY DEFROST INSTANT COOK START KG AUTO COOK DEFROSTHELP ru fdnj ghbujnjd When the cooking time reaches zero audible signal will sound and will be displayed repeatedly The oven will beep about 2 3 of the way through the defrost time and will stop TURN OVER will flash on...

Page 70: ...zen minced meat on a defrost rack Shield edges When oven has stopped remove defrosted portions turn over and shield edges with foil strips Press start to continue defrosting After defrost time stand covered with aluminium foil for 5 30 minutes Shield the edge with foil strips about 2 5cm wide Place joint with lean side face upwards if possible on the defrost rack When oven has stopped turn over an...

Page 71: Start Press the STOP CLEAR pad once to cancel Auto Start The correct time of day must be set before using Auto Start see clock setting on page E 7 Press the CLOCK pad Enter the desired start time Press the number 1 pad 4 2 Set the desired cooking mode for microwave cooking on ME DIUM press the POWERLEVEL pad 3 times Enter the desired cooking time Press the INSTANT COOK START pad 1 4 0 3 Thetime...

Page 72: ...hild Lock Display Step Procedure Pad Order Press the number 2 pad PresstheINSTANTCOOK STARTpad 2 3 The control panel is now locked each time a pad is pressed the display will show LOCK To unlock the control panel After step 2 above Display Step Procedure Pad Order Press the STOP CLEAR pad The time of day will appear in the display The oven is ready to use The time of day will appear in the display...

Page 73: ...e Pad Order Press the STOP CLEAR pad The time of day will appear in the display 3 4 Language The oven comes set for Russian You can change the language to English and Malay by pressing the number 4 pad To change press the HELPpad and the number 4 pad Continue to press the number 4 pad until your choice is selected Then press INSTANT COOK START pad 5 Help Each setting of Automatic Operations has a ...

Page 74: ... Order 1 4 Select power leve by pressing the POW ER LEVEL pad as required for MEDIUM press three times Press the INSTANT COOK START pad Press the MORE pad twice to increase time by two minutes 3 To adjust the cooking time to your individual preference use the more or less feature to either add more or reduce less cooking time x 3 The timer starts to count down x 2 Press the INSTANT COOK START pad ...

Page 75: ...water Interior walls Wipe spatters and spills with a little dishwashing liquid on a soft damp cloth For heavier stains inside the oven cavity only use a mild stainless steel cleaner applied with a soft damp cloth Do not apply to the inside of the door Wipe clean ensuring all cleaner is removed After use wipe the waveguide cover in the oven with a soft damp cloth to remove any food splashes Built u...

Page 76: ...of the above questions please check your wall socket and the fuse in your meter box If both the wall socket and the fuse are functioning properly CONTACT YOUR NEAREST SERVICE CENTER APPROVED BY SHARP NOTE 1 If time in the display is counting down rapidly check Demonstration Mode Please see E 33 for detail 2 The following thing is not trouble Each cooking mode has a maximum cooking time If you oper...

Page 77: ... tv dvd and othes Manual users user manuals user guide manual owners manual instruction manual manual owner manual owner s manual guide manual operation operating manual user s manual operating instructions manual operators manual operator manual product documentation manual user maintenance brochure user reference pdf manual Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...
