Jacket Potatoes
1, 2, 3 or 4 pieces
• Pierce each potato in several places, place towards the
(1 potato = app. 250g)
edge of the turntable.
• Stand for 2-3 minutes.
Minced Meat
250g, 500g, 750g,1kg
• Place minced meat into a bowl.
• Place on the turntable.
• Do not cover.
• Stir when the oven indicates.
• Stand for 2 minutes after cooking
It is not possible to use the
key for minced meat.
Fresh Fish
150g, 300g, 450g
• Arrange in a single layer in a large flan dish, cover dish
(whole fillets, steaks)
tightly with microwave cling film and pierce in several
places. Place on the turntable.
• After cooking, leave to stand for 5 minutes before serving.
Fresh Vegetables
150g, 300g, 450g
• Place the prepared vegetables into a casserole dish.
• Add 1 tbsp of water per 100g of vegetables.
• Cover with microwave cling film and pierce in 5 places.
• Place on the turntable.
• Stand for 2 minutes before serving.
Rice / Pasta
100g, 200g, 300g
• Add 300ml (1/2 pint) boiling water per 100g (4oz) rice.
Do not cover.
• Stir when oven indicates.
• Stand for 3-4 minutes before draining and rinsing in
boiling water.
Canned Food
200g, 400g, 600g, 800g • Place the contents of the can into a casserole dish.
eg: Baked beans,
• Cover with microwave cling film.
Chilli, Curry,
• Place on the turntable.
Soup, Stew.
• Stir when oven indicates.
• After cooking, stir and stand for 2 minutes before serving.
Sponge Pudding
1 piece
• Lightly grease a 1.2L PYREX pudding basin with
(1 piece = app. 400g)
margarine. Spoon the jam into the bottom of the basin.
100g margarine
• Cream together the margarine and sugar until light and
100g caster sugar
2 eggs (medium)
• Beat in the eggs. Fold in the flour and finally stir in the
100g self raising flour
1 tbsp (15ml) water
• Spoon the mixture into the basin and smooth (do not cover)
3 tbsp (45ml) jam
• Place the basin in the centre of the turntable.
• After cooking stand for 2 minutes.
700g, 1000g
• Prepare the cake referring to the recipes on pages 48-49.
• Place the prepared dish on the turntable.
• Stand for approx. 10 minutes after cooking.
• Remove the cake from the dish.
For converting to lb/oz see the conversion chart on page 27.
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