background image




10 – 10

9. MAIN Unit-9
































Summary of Contents for Aquos LC-32LE700S


Page 2: ... the resistor All checks must be repeated with the AC cord plug connection reversed If necessary a nonpolarized adaptor plug must be used only for the purpose of completing these checks Any reading of 1 05 V peak this corresponds to 0 7 mA peak AC or more is excessive and indicates a potential shock hazard which must be corrected before returning the monitor to the owner SAFETY NOTICE Many electri...

Page 3: ...r than the conventional lead solder by 40 C and as it has poor solder wettability you may be apt to keep the soldering bit in contact with the PWB for extended period of time However Since the land may be peeled off or the maximum heat resistance temperature of parts may be exceeded remove the bit from the PWB as soon as you confirm the steady soldering condition Lead free solder contains more tin...

Page 4: ...ue to inappropriate waste handling 2 In other Countries outside the EU If you wish to discard this product please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct method of disposal For Switzerland Used electrical or electronic equipment can be returned free of charge to the dealer even if you don t purchase a new product Further collection facilities are listed on the homepage of www swico ...

Page 5: ... 99 ch ATV Auto Label Auto Sort STEREO BILINGUAL NICAM A2 Audio amplifier 10 W x 2 Speaker 35 mm x 100 mm x 2 Terminals Antenna UHF VHF 75 Din type analogue digital RS 232C D Sub 9 pin male connector EXT 1 SCART AV input Y C input RGB input TV output EXT 2 SCART AV input monitor output Y C input EXT 3 COMPONENT IN Y PB CB PR CR RCA pin AUDIO R L EXT 4 15 pin mini D sub HDMI 1 EXT 5 HDMI HDMI 2 EXT...

Page 6: ...V input monitor output Y C input EXT 3 COMPONENT IN Y PB CB PR CR RCA pin AUDIO R L EXT 4 15 pin mini D sub HDMI 1 EXT 5 HDMI HDMI 2 EXT 6 HDMI HDMI 3 EXT 7 HDMI HDMI 4 EXT 8 HDMI EXT 9 RCA pin AV input USB USB HDMI 2 PC AUDIO R L Ø 3 5 mm jack DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT Optical S PDIF digital audio output C I Common Interface EN50221 R206001 OUTPUT RCA pin AUDIO R L Headphones Ø 3 5 mm jack audio outpu...

Page 7: ...E RGB PC terminal Antenna terminal HDMI 2 HDMI terminal HDMI 2 PC AUDIO R L jack DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT terminal RS 232C terminal EXT 3 COMPONENT AUDIO terminals EXT 1 RGB terminal EXT 2 AV terminal OUTPUT AUDIO terminals WARNING Excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss Do not set the volume at a high level Hearing experts advise against extended listening at hig...

Page 8: ...en is running 10 11 12 END Exit the MENU screen R G Y B Colour buttons The coloured buttons are correspondingly used to select the coloured items on the screen e g EPG MHEG 5 Teletext INPUT SOURCE Select an input source EPG DTV Display the EPG screen RADIO DTV Switch between radio and data mode P INFO Press to display programme information which is transmitted through digital video broadcasting in...

Page 9: ... stand unit onto the base using the four screws with the screw driver as shown 32 inch models Use Screws B in the table in step 1 40 46 inch models Use Screws D in the table in step 1 1 2 Inserting the stand Insert the stand into the openings on the bottom of the TV Hold the stand so it will not drop from the edge of the base area Insert and tighten the four screws into the four holes on the rear ...

Page 10: ...4 0 554 0 300 0 200 0 300 0 200 0 300 0 200 0 300 0 200 0 612 0 502 0 612 0 502 0 77 9 77 9 93 0 93 0 91 9 91 9 93 1 93 1 240 0 240 0 270 0 270 0 390 0 390 0 420 0 420 0 887 8 700 0 887 8 700 0 394 5 394 5 500 4 500 4 321 0 321 0 377 0 377 0 135 0 135 0 170 0 170 0 LC 40LE700E LC 40LE700S LC 40LE700RU LC 40LX700E LC 40LX700RU LC 40LU700E LC 40LU700S LC 32LE700E LC 32LE700S LC 32LE700RU LC 32LX700E...

Page 11: ...7 0 1023 4 1157 0 1023 4 817 0 740 0 817 0 740 0 765 0 688 0 765 0 688 0 575 6 575 6 651 0 651 0 415 0 415 0 452 0 452 0 125 7 125 7 125 5 125 5 93 2 93 2 95 0 95 0 LC 52LE700E LC 52LE700S LC 52LE700RU LC 46LE700E LC 46LE700S LC 46LE700RU LC 46LX700E LC 46LX700RU LC 46LU700E LC 46LU700S LC 52LE700E LC 52LE700S LC 52LE700RU LC 46LE700E LC 46LE700S LC 46LE700RU LC 46LX700E LC 46LX700RU LC 46LU700E L...

Page 12: ...R 4 REMOVING OF MAJOR PARTS 1 REMOVING OF MAJOR PARTS 1 Removing of Stand Unit and Rear Cabinet Ass y 32 inch models 1 Remove the 4 lock screws and detach the Stand Unit 2 Remove the 1 lock screw 4 lock screws 8 lock screws and detach the Rear Cabinet Ass y 䎔 䎖 䎘 䎗 䎕 䎶䏗䏄䏑䏇䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎵䏈䏄䏕䎃䎦䏄䏅䏌䏑䏈䏗䎃䎤䏖䏖䎊䏜 ...

Page 13: ...LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 4 2 40 46 52 inch models 3 Remove the 4 lock screws and detach the Stand Unit 4 Remove the 1 lock screw 5 lock screws 6 lock screws and detach the Rear Cabinet Ass y 䎙 䎛 䎔䎓 䎜 䎚 䎶䏗䏄䏑䏇䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎵䏈䏄䏕䎃䎦䏄䏅䏌䏑䏈䏗䎃䎤䏖䏖䎊䏜 ...

Page 14: the Side Terminal Angle Ass y 2 Remove the 4 lock screws 1 lock screw 4 lock shafts and 5 lock screws and detach the Main PWB Shield 3 Disconnect SP wire 4 Detach the Speaker L Speaker R 5 Remove the 2 hooks and detach the Bottom Cover Ass y 䎶䎳 䎘 䎖 䎗 䎙 䎕 䎰䏄䏌䏑䎃䎳䰣䰎䙤 䎶䏋䏌䏈䏏䏇 䎕 䎔 䎶䏌䏇䏈䎃䎷䏈䏐䏌䏑䏄䏏䎃 䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈䎃䎤䏖䏖䎊䏜 䎶䏓䏈䏄䏎䏈䏕䎐䎵 䎶䏓䏈䏄䏎䏈䏕䎐䎯 䎛 䎚 䎥䏒䏗䏗䏒䏐䎃䎦䏄䏙䏈䏕䎃䎤䏖䏖䎊䏜 䎜 䎶䎳 Hook Hook ...

Page 15: ...ontrol Unit LP LW PL 4 Detach the R C LED Unit 5 Detach the ICON Unit 6 Disconnect the following connectors from the R C LED Unit RA IM 7 Disconnect the following connector from the ICON Unit IM 8 Detach the Control Button Ass y 9 Disconnect the KEY Unit from the Control Button Ass y and disconnect the connection cord from the KM Connector 䎮䎰 䰘䰎 䰘䰜 䰜䰐 䎵䎤 䎬䎰 䎵䎤 䎮䎰 䰘䰜 䰜䰘 䰘䰣 䰘䰣 䰜䰘 䰜䰐 䰘䰎 䎬䎰 䎮䎨䎼䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎦...

Page 16: ...R Unit and MAIN Unit 1 Remove the 4 lock screws 32 inch models 6 lock screws 40 46 52 inch models and detach the POWER Unit 2 Remove the 3 lock screws and detach the MAIN Unit 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎔 䎔 䎔 䎖 䎗 䎕 䎕 䎕 䎗䎙䎒䎘䎕䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖 䎖䎕䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖 䎗䎓䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 ...

Page 17: ...e sure to get C7015 discharged first Because oth erwise residual voltage may be still in the PFC circuit Getting C7015 discharged Keep a discharge resistance 2 2KΩ 10W in contact between the terminals A and B of C7015 for 2 3 seconds see below In so doing the C7015 will get discharged Discharge resistance 2 2KΩ 10W VRW KQ4AC222J Discharge the capacitor with a resistance as close to the above as po...

Page 18: ...and Support Angle 4 Remove the 4 hooks 46 inch models 4 hooks 52 inch models and detach the LCD Panel Module Unit 䎗䎙䎒䎘䎕䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖 䎖䎕䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖 䎶䏘䏓䏓䏒䏕䏗䎃䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈 䎔 䎔 䎔 䎔 䎶䏘䏓䏓䏒䏕䏗䎃䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈 䎗 䎗 䎶䏘䏓䏓䏒䏕䏗䎃䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈 䎗 䎔 䎔 䎹䎨䎶䎤䎃䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈 䎖 䎹䎨䎶䎤䎃䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈 䎖 䎕 䎕 䎗䎓䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖 䎫䏒䏒䏎䎃 䎋䎖䎕䎒䎗䎓䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖䎌 䎫䏒䏒䏎䎃 䎋䎖䎕䎒䎗䎓䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖䎌 䎫䏒䏒䏎䎃 䎋䎗䎙䎒䎘䎕䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖䎌 䎫䏒䏒䏎䎃 䎋䎗䎙䎒䎘䎕䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖䎌 䎫䏒䏒䏎䎃 䎋䎗䎓䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖䎌 䎫䏒䏒䏎䎃 䎋䎗䎓䎃䏌䏑䏆䏋䎃䏐䏒䏇䏈䏏䏖...

Page 19: the 16 Push Rivets and 4 Support Pins and detach the Reflection Sheet 5 Remove the 32 Push Rivets 6 Remove the 8 Terminators and 8 connections and detach the 4 LED8 PWB1 Units and 4 LED8 PWB2 Units 7 Detach the 4 LED5 PWB1 Units and 4 LED5 PWB2 Units 8 Disconnect the connecting cords from the 8 connectors of the LED5 PWB1 2 Unit 9 Detach the Back Light Chassis 10 Detach the 2 Connecting Cord an...

Page 20: ...S Top Side Bottom Side C PWB side RUNTKA598WJ01 RUNTKA598WJ02 RUNTKA598WJ01 RUNTKA598WJ02 RUNTKA598WJ01 RUNTKA598WJ02 RUNTKA598WJ01 RUNTKA598WJ02 Same for other 7 lines Connect LED PWBs Set and connect LED PWBs Boss fitting showing in blue circles RUNTKA595WJ01 02 RUNTKA598WJ01 02 LED PWB Boss of BL CHASSIS TERMINATOR is Attached LED PWB set direction arrow mark to harness side LED PWB set directi...

Page 21: ...the 21 Push Rivets and 8 Support Pins and detach the Reflection Sheet 5 Remove the 54 Rivets 6 Remove the 9 Terminators and 18 connections and detach the 10 LED6 PWB1 Units and 8 LED6 PWB2 Units 7 Detach the 5 LED5 PWB1 Units and 4 LED5 PWB2 Units 8 Disconnect the connecting cords from the 9 connectors of the LED5 PWB1 2 Unit 9 Detach the Back Light Chassis 10 Detach the 2 Connecting Cord and 2 Fe...

Page 22: ...NTKA596WJ01 㬍5 RUNTKA596WJ02 㬍4 㽴Set LED PWB 6LED 㬍9 It being alternated RUNTKA WJ01 and RUNTKA WJ02 RUNTKA WJ01 RUNTKA WJ02 RUNTKA WJ01 RUNTKA WJ02 RUNTKA WJ01 RUNTKA WJ02 RUNTKA WJ01 RUNTKA WJ02 RUNTKA WJ01 Note Set sequential LED PWB as below bottom C PWB side Top side Top side Insert the connector horizontally mutually Do not add inadequate power bottom C PWB side FRONT BACK Peel off the lamin...

Page 23: ...nd 11 Support Pins and detach the Reflection Sheet 5 Remove the 66 Push Rivets 6 Remove the 11 Terminators and 22 connections and detach the 6 LED8 PWB1 Units 5 LED8 PWB2 Units 6 LED6 PWB1 Unit and 5 LED6 PWB2 Unit 7 Detach the 6 LED5 PWB1 Units and 5 LED5 PWB2 Units 8 Disconnect the connecting cords from the 11 connectors of the LED5 PWB1 2 Unit 9 Detach the Back Light Chassis 10 Detach the 2 Con...

Page 24: ...WJ02 RUNTKA WJ01 RUNTKA WJ02 RUNTKA WJ01 RUNTKA WJ02 RUNTKA WJ01 Same for other lines INSIDE of BL CHASSIS Connect LED PWBs Set and connect LED PWBs Boss fitting showing in blue circles RUNTKA595WJ RUNTKA596WJ RUNTKA598WJ LED PWB Boss of BL CHASSIS TERMINATOR is Attached WIRE HARNESS LED PWB set direction arrow mark to harness side LED PWB set direction arrow mark to harness side LED PWB set direc...

Page 25: ... the 43 Push Rivets and 11 Support Pins and detach the Reflection Sheet 5 Remove the 72 Push Rivets 6 Remove the 12 Terminators and 24 connections and detach the 12 LED8 PWB1 Units and 12 LED8 PWB2 Units 7 Detach the 6 LED6 PWB1 Units and 6 LED6 PWB2 Units 8 Disconnect the connecting cords from the 12 connectors of the LED6 PWB1 2 Unit 9 Detach the Back Light Chassis 10 Detach the 2 Connecting Cor...

Page 26: ... circles LED PWB Boss of BL CHASSIS TERMINATOR is Attached RUNTKA596WJ RUNTKA598WJ Reference The insertion process of the LED6 PWB 1 2 and LED8 PWB 1 2 㧨CAUTION㧪 It being alternated RUNTKA WJ01 and RUNTKA WJ02 RUNTKA598WJ01 WJ02 and TERMINATOR RUNTKA596WJ01 WJ02 RUNTKA598WJ01 WJ02 RUNTKA598WJ01 WJ02 and TERMINATOR LED PWB set direction arrow mark to harness side LED PWB set direction arrow mark to...

Page 27: ...heet Please do not touch by the hand with the bord the bar code and the serial number part Otherwise it causes scratches dirt adhesion 4 Please put in parallel to the connector and horizontally and insert it in the interior surely when you insert the connector Moreover please use gloves etc not to touch the connector terminal directory by bare handed 5 Please turn off the power supply and the sign...

Page 28: ...r the process adjustment mode in AVC 2 Use the cursor keys and P keys of R C to select the item MODEL NAME on the page 17 17 3 Verify that the Model name is displayed 4 If the Model name doesn t match select the values of the Model nmae with the VOL keys 5 After selection in Step 4 press the OK key and it is completed with OK displayed NOTE This function is effective from v1 11 for MAIN software P...

Page 29: ...e lest the users should know how to enter the adjustment process mode If the settings are tampered with in this mode unrecoverable system damage may result Remote controller key Main unit key Function P P Moving an item line by one UP DOWN VOL VOL Changing a selected item setting 1 1 Cursor Turing a page PREVIOUS NEXT Cursor Changing a selected line setting 10 10 INPUT INPUT Input source switching...

Page 30: ...ction Level appears in green on the upper right 3 17 1 RF AGC ADJ Enter RF AGC auto adjustment execution 2 TUNER ADJ Enter TUNER auto adjustment execution 3 PAL TUNER ADJ Enter PAL TUNER auto adjustment execution 4 RF AGC 16 RF AGC auto adjustment execution CA 8CH 5 TUNER ADJ SMPTE Enter TUNER auto adjustment execution SMPTE 6 PAL TUNER ADJ SMPTE Enter PAL TUNER auto adjustment execution SMPTE TUN...

Page 31: ...CUTOFF 64 SCART B CUTOFF adjustment value 5 SCART R GAIN 44 SCART R GAIN adjustment value 6 SCART G GAIN 44 SCART G GAIN adjustment value 7 SCART B GAIN 44 SCART B GAIN adjustment value 10 17 1 VCOM ADJ 0 Common bias adjustment 2 LCD LUMA ADJ Enter Upper and lower brightness difference adjustment 3 LCD LUMA UP 0 4 LCD LUMA DOWN 0 11 17 1 DDRA TEST1 Enter Execute DDRA test 1 2 DDRA TEST2 Enter Exec...

Page 32: ...Y CAUSE RESET OFF Reset stand by cause 17 17 1 EEP SAVE OFF Writing setting values to EEPROM 2 EEP RECOVER OFF Reading setting values from EEPROM 3 MONITOR ERROR CAUSE RESET OFF Reset of monitor error cause 4 MODEL NAME LE700 A MODEL NAME LE700 LE700 A 5 PANEL SIZE 32 Panel size setting 32 40 46 52 6 SHORT CHECK MODE Enter Check LED Back light 7 SHORT CHECK CURRENT 60 8 CURRENT SW LOW 9 PRODUCT EE...

Page 33: ...f the above phenomenon 1 occurs 5 times it becomes impossible to turn on the power The power LED remained red 2 Measures 1 Checking with lamp error detection OFF Enter the adjustment process mode referring to 2 Entering and exiting the adjustment process mode If there is a problem with the lamp or lamp circuit the lamp will go out The power LED is green Then you can check the operation to see if t...

Page 34: ...y input the Pass Word is judged c Check the Pass Word by inputting three digits If the Pass Word is it shifts to the PUBLIC Mode setting screen In another case the screen is erased and it operates in the ordinary mode 2 Exiting the Public Mode screen There are two following ways to exit the Public Mode setting screen 1 Turn off the power 2 Select Execution in the PUBLIC_Mode to execute it Activate...

Page 35: ... Movement to the selected item Decision ok Execution Used by the items Execution and RESET PUBLIC Mode R C Ordinary operation mode It enters the PUBLIC Mode PUBLIC MODE Flag is set to PUBLIC Mode It exits the PUBLIC Mode PUBLIC MODE Flag does not change Any set item in PUBLIC Mode is not initialized Public Mode POWER ON FIXED VARIABLE SHUT DOWN MODE NORMAL MAXIMUM VOLUME 60 VOLUME FIXED VARIABLE V...

Page 36: ...ED_ALL function related standby factors see below doesn t work and not selecting OFF TIMER Sleep No operation OFF No signal OFF including the power management Option NORMAL or QUICK Default NORMAL Function This function decides whether scanning digital tuner is enabled or disabled when the power is standby NORMAL QUICK Scanning digital tuner is enabled when the power is standby Scanning digital tu...

Page 37: ...s selected in VOLUME FIXED the setting cannot be selected and changed VOLUME can be abbreviated to VOL Option RESPOND NORESPOND or LIMITED loop enabled Default RESPOND Function The operation of the remote control s keys is set RESPOND NO RESPOND LIMITED the remote control s keys in the normal state are enabled the remote control s keys in the normal state are disabled The POWER key RECEPTION STAND...

Page 38: is changed Exception In receiving the sound select direct keys AV POSITION key OPC DOLBY key etc only the actual state is displayed no setting is changed Since the settings for the hotel mode are retained after the personal data is initialized each item for the AV position and image adjustment and each value for the sound adjustment are not initialized Option YES NO or LIMITED loop enabled LIM...

Page 39: ... TVRCD loop enabled Default OFF Function The item decide whether the signal received by the remote control s light receiving section is output to the blank pin 9pin of RS232C OFF ON TVRCE ON TVRCD this function is not active this function is active and remote control is active too this function is active but remote control is not active Exception In the case of ON TV RCD the start operation in the...

Page 40: ...te level PB PR level 0 7Vp p 0 02Vp p Analog RGB signal RGB level 0 7Vp p 0 02Vp p Adjustment point Adjustment conditions Adjustment procedure 1 Setting Signal PAL Full field colour bar com posite signal Terminal EXT1 SCART IN Feed the PAL full field colour bar signal 75 colour saturation to EXT1 SCART IN 2 Auto adjustment perfor mance Adjustment process PAL ADJ page 4 17 Bring the cursor on PAL A...

Page 41: ...P15K 50Hz 100 Full field colour bar Signal Terminal EXT3 COMPONENT IN Feed the COMPONENT 15K 100 full field colour bar signal 100 colour sat uration to EXT3 COMPONENT IN 2 Auto adjustment perfor mance Adjustment process COMP15k ALL ADJ page 6 17 Bring the cursor on COMP15k ALL ADJ and press OK COMP15k ALL ADJ OK appears when finished Adjustment point Adjustment conditions Adjustment procedure 1 Se...

Page 42: ...r mance Adjustment process ANALOG PC ADJ menu page 8 17 Bring the cursor on ANALOG PC ADJ and press OK ANALOG PC ADJ OK appears when finished Adjustment point Adjustment conditions Adjustment procedure 1 Setting Signal RGB 15K 50Hz 100 Full Field Colour Bar Signal Terminal EXT1 SCART RGB IN Feed the RGB 15k 50Hz 100 full field colour bar signal 100 colour satura tion to EXT1 SCART IN 2 Auto adjust...

Page 43: ...s menu to save the white balance adjustment value 11 Confirmation item 1 HDMI CEC Inspection The thing that the HDMI CEC circuit operates is confirmed 12 Initialization to factory settings CAUTION When the factory settings have been made all user setting data including the channel settings are initialized The adjustments done in the adjustment process mode are not initialized Keep this in mind whe...

Page 44: ...ically After the set starts the upgrade screen like the figure below is displayed 5 If any of the procedures fails the following upgrade failure screen shows up For the failing procedure NOTE In such case try to upgrade the software again If it still fails the hardware may be in trouble LE700 MAIN SUB MICON 0 PANEL EEPROM MAIN Versiin SUB MICON Version PANEL EEPROM Software Update 0 0 NO DATA 1 00...

Page 45: ...e upgrading USB flash memory It takes about 20 seconds until the AC power supply is turned off perfectly 8 Now the software has been upgraded NOTE Then get the set started and call the process adjustment screen 1 17 to check the main software version CAUTION 1 Do not take out and put in the USB flash memory during formatting 2 It takes about one minute to the rewriting completion Please confirm th...

Page 46: ...of connector CN7003 when the power switch is turned on NO Check pin 59 of IC2002 UCON on MAIN PWB YES Is the AC_DET signal sent to pin 9 of connector CN7003 when the power switch is turned on NO Check the peripheral circuits PC7007 Q7004 PC7002 etc YES Is a DC voltage of approx 400V applied to both ends of C7015 NO Does the PFC circuit normally work Check IC7002 L7003 TH7001 IC7001 Q7005 Q7006etc ...

Page 47: ...power switch is turned on NO Check the peripheral circuits such as PS_ON circuits of Q7503 PC7103 Q7118 Q7114 and PC7104 Q7501 Q7502 YES Is a DC voltage of approx 400V applied to both ends of C7144 NO 40 inch models Does the PFC circuit normally work Check IC7104 L7105 TH7101 RL7101 IC7200 Q7109 Q7110 etc and the peripheral circuits YES 46 52 inch models Does the PFC circuit normally work Check IC...

Page 48: ...d from pin 8 of CN7008 NO Check the STB signal line on the MAIN_UNIT side P9602 pin 49 of IC2002 IC2007 AH3 of IC3302 etc and the peripheral circuits YES Is each control signal of CN7008 normally function Pin 7 OFL PWM light control signal input Pin 6 ERR Error output NO Check each control circuit YES Is LAMP_ERROR indicated with 5 in a process mode NO LAMP_ERROR is returned to the default value i...

Page 49: ...2 IC2007 AH3 of IC3302 etc and the peripheral circuits YES Is each control signal of CN7605 normally function Pin 7 OFL PWM light control signal input Pin 6 ERR Error output NO Check each control circuit YES Is LAMP_ERROR indicated with 5 in a process mode NO LAMP_ERROR is returned to the default value in a process mode YES Is BL_ON supplied from pins 2 of CN7603 when the power switch is turned on...

Page 50: ...2701 POWER_AMP normal NO Check IC2701 and its peripheral circuits YES Is the audio signal output of pins 1 2 L ch 4 3 R ch of P2701 SP terminal normal NO P2701 SP terminal and the peripheral circuit L C filter are checked YES Check Speaker right and left and wire harness No sound during the reception of TV ANALOG broadcasting Does not the sound go out though the picture has come out when UHF VHF i...

Page 51: ...utput from pins 16 17 of TU1101 NO Check the tuner and its peripheral circuits Replace as required YES Is IF signal sent to pins 14 15 of IC1102 Multiplexer NO Check the line between TU1101 and IC1102 YES Are pins 9 10 11 of IC1102 at H YES Is IF signal sent to pins 41 INM 42 INP of IC1106 NO Check the line between IC1102 and IC1106 YES Is signal output to pins 17 TS_CLK 18 TS_SYNC 19 TS_VALID 21 ...

Page 52: ... the audio signal input to EXT3 go out Is there a audio input signal in pins 2 COMP_IN_L and 4 COMP_IN_R of EXT3 J502 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects with EXT3 YES Is there a audio input signal in pins U29 COMP_L and U28 COMP_R of IC3302 Digital AV decode Main CPU from J502 NO Check the line between J502 and IC3302 YES Refer to No sound output in all modes No sound f...

Page 53: the setting of an external input device that connects with EXT8 YES Is there a audio input signal in pins R28 CVBS_L and T28 CVBS_R of IC3302 Digital AV decode Main CPU from J505 NO Check IC3302 and its peripheral circuits YES Refer to No sound output in all modes No sound from external input devices 5 Does not the sound of the audio signal input to EXT4 5 6 HDMI go out Does not the picture sou...

Page 54: a audio output signal in pins N27 TUNER_OUT_L and N28 TUNER_OUT_R of IC3302 Digital AV decode Main CPU YES Check the line between IC3302 and SC503 Is there a audio output signal in pins M30 MONITOR_L and M29 MONITOR_R of IC3302 Digital AV decode Main CPU YES Check the line between IC3302 and SC502 NO Check IC3302 and its peripheral circuits The audio signal is not output 2 No audio signal outpu...

Page 55: ...NO Is audio signal HP_L R input to pins M28 HP_L M27 HP_R of IC3302 YES Check the line between IC3302 and J504 NO Check IC3302 and its peripheral circuits The audio signal is not output 4 No sound from DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT terminal Is the audio signal output to pins 1 of sound output terminal D520 YES Check D520 and or peripheral circuits NO Is SPDIF_MUTE signal F7 SPDIF_MUTE of IC3302 MUTE A_ALL ...

Page 56: ...SEL_0 1 TEMP3 2 1 OS_EN SHIP_EN and PE YES PANEL_UNIT Is the LVDS signal input to connector LW of the panel module NO NO Wire harness LW is checked YES Check the panel module No picture on the display 2 Does not the picture come out when VHF UHF is received Is the video signal TUNER_CVBS output from pin 6 of TUNER TU1101 NO Check the tuner and its peripheral circuits Replace as required YES Is the...

Page 57: ...e of the Y C video signal input to EXT2 go out Is Y C video signal sent to pins 20 Y and 15 C of EXT1 SC503 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects with EXT1 Is Y C video signal sent to pins 20 Y and 15 C of EXT2 SC502 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects with EXT2 YES Is Y C signal from EXT1 SC503 sent to pins AG29 SC1_CVBS_Y and AG28 SC1_C1 of IC3...

Page 58: ...UB terminal go out Are the video signal and the synchronized signal input from pin 1 2 3 R G B 14 and 13 V H Sync of EXT4 SC501 NO Check the connection and setup with the external DVI devices YES Are the video signal and the synchronized signal input from pins AK17 PC__R AK16 PC__G AH15 PC__B and AK14 PC_HSYNC AJ14 PC_VSYNC of IC3302 Digital AV decode Main CPU NO Check the line between SC501 and I...

Page 59: ... a HDMI 3 SC1506 Check the peripheral circuit of SC1502 1503 1506 1501and IC1504 Is EDID data pins 34 HDMI2_SCL 33 HDMI2_SDA of IC1504 accessed and is it read from pins 15 16 of a HDMI 4 SC1501 YES Is TMDS signal input into pins 12 11 HDMI3_CLKP N 14 13 HDMI3_D0P N 16 15 HDMI3_D1P N 18 17 HDMI1_D2P N of IC1504 from HDMI 1 SC1502 NO Check the line between HDMI 1 SC1502 and IC1504 Is TMDS signal inp...

Page 60: ... Is CVBS signal input to pin 6 of IC504 from pin 2 of IC507 MUX YES Check the IC504 and their peripheral circuits Is CVBS signal input to pin 1 of IC508 from pin AJ24 CVBS_MONI_OUT of IC3302 Digital AV decode Main CPU YES Check the IC508 and their peripheral circuits NO Is TUNER_CVBS signal input to pin 6 of IC507 from TUNER TU1101 YES Check the IC507 and their peripheral circuits IC3302 Is TUNER_...

Page 61: ...e IC3302 and their peripheral circuits NO Is IF signal output from pins 16 17 of TU1101 YES Check the line between TU1101 and IC3302 NO Whether the TUNER circuit operates correctly is checked During external connection No picture on the monitor 2 2 No picture appears on EXT1 EXT2 connected monitor during the DTV reception Is CVBS signal output into pin 19 of EXT1 SC503 from pin 67 of IC504 TUNER O...

Page 62: ... IC3302 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects with EXT1 During external connection No picture on the monitor 4 No picture from EXT8 appears on EXT2 connected monitor Is CVBS signal output into pin 19 of EXT2 SC502 YES Check the setting of an external input device that connects with EXT2 NO Is CVBS signal input to pin 1 of IC508 from pin AJ24 CVBS_MONI_OUT of IC3302 Digital...

Page 63: ...reen Is the on screen image rippling or distorted Is there any portion which some screens were darkish or became whitish Replace the LCD panel LCD failure 2 The backlight func tions Does not the image come out in the LCD screen screen black Does the entire LCD screen look whitish all over Does the QS drive func tion Are the data bit drop out No solution even when turning on and off the QS drive Is...

Page 64: Flashing example for service persons Power OPC Displayed by the specific operation Item For customers For service persons Cause Power OPC Power OPC Inverter Lamp system failure Red flashes once Off Red flashes once Flashes once Lamp error Power PWB failure Power Red flashes once Off Red flashes once Flashes once AC_DET error failure etc Flashes twice UR 13 5V error Flashes 3 times D3 3V error F...

Page 65: ... error H Regular communication time out 16 Panel related error Lamp failure 1A Other error 2 Monitor temperature failure 1D Power supply error 1 PS_ON AC_DET failure 1E Power supply error 2 D_POW DET_12V failure 1F Power supply error 3 D_POW DET_D3V3 failure 21 Power supply error 5 Panel power failure 23 Other error 3 Error standby request from the main CPU Error type Power LED operation 1 cycle N...

Page 66: ...communication from the main CPU is not received Request for the monitor model No is not received Communication line failure or main CPU start up failure Start up confirmation reception failure Flashes twice H On L Off Start up reason confirmation from the main CPU cannot be received Startup communication until start up reason notification command is not received Main CPU start up failure or monito...

Page 67: ...24C64WN 1Y I2C bus type 64K E2PROM The BR24S64W is a 64Kbit 2 wire I2C bus type serial EEPROM that can be pro grammed electrically This IC stores the menu data and the adjustment value data of adjustment process mode etc The data is given out by commands from the main microprocessor IC506 VHiM3221EiP 1Y RS232C DRIVER The MAX3221E is a single driver single receiver RS 232 solution operating from a ...

Page 68: ...h 15W or less stereo it drives by 10W in 26 and 32 types POWER INVERTER UNIT IC7102 TNY274PN BU5V SW REG CTL This IC is IC for the switching regulator with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range In this model non reg BU5V power supply is generated IC7101 UCC28061 UR13V P FACTOR This IC is IC that improves Power Factor in 13V_Regulator circuit of 46 type power supply circuit The protection f...

Page 69: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 7 3 2 Detailed ICs Information 2 1 IC8401 RH iXC721WJQZQ 2 1 1 Block Diagram ...

Page 70: ... Rising edge of Write Enable WE 9 CE I CHIP ENABLE This input controls the selection of the device When the device is busy CE low does not deselect the memory 18 WE I WRITE ENABLE This input acts as clock to latch Command Address and Data The IO inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE 8 RE I READ ENABLE The RE input is the serial data out control and when active drives the data onto the I O bus ...

Page 71: ...PROT_M O EEPROM Write Protect 27 I2C_SCL I2C I2C Clock 28 I2C_SDA I2C I2C Data 29 TXD Debugger connection 30 RXD Debugger connection 31 SCLK Debugger connection 32 BUSY Debugger connection 33 DET_POW0 I No function 34 DET_POW1 13V I Power Error Detection 13V 35 DET_POW2 PNL12V I Power Error Detection PNL12V 36 DET_POW3 D3V3 I Power Error Detection D3V3V 37 DET_POW4 I No function 38 DET_POW5 I No f...

Page 72: ...communication signal input 77 PM_REQ O Communication Reset 78 SRESET O D Main CPU Reset 79 OPC I OPC input 80 QSTEMP I Thermistor Input 81 AFT AGC I No function 82 KEY1 I Key operation input 83 KEY2 I Key operation input 84 KEY3 I No function 85 N C I No function 86 MAIN_TEMP I No function 87 N C I No function 88 PNL_DET6 I No function 89 PNL_DET5 I No function 90 PNL_DET4 I No function 91 PNL_DET...

Page 73: ... configuration For x16 configuration ODT is applied to each DQ UDQS UDQS LDQS LDQS UDM and LDM signal The ODT pin will be ignored if the Extended Mode Register Set EMRS is programmed to disable ODT K7 L7 K3 RAS CAS WE I Command Inputs RAS CAS and WE along with CS define the command being entered F3 B3 DM VDM UDM I Input Data Mask DM is an input mask signal for write data Input data is masked when ...

Page 74: ...S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 7 8 A7 B2 B8 D2 D8 E 7 F2 F8 H 2 H8 VSSQ Ground DQ Ground J1 VDDL DLL Power Supply 1 8V 0 1V J7 VSSDL DLL Ground J2 VREF I Reference voltage for inputs for SSTL interface Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function ...

Page 75: ...hort description Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function 1 OUT O Output OUT is the source of the P channel MOSFET 2 GND Ground 3 EN I Enable The P channel MOSFET turns on when EN is logic HIGH 4 NC No connect This pin is not internally connected 5 GND Ground 6 IN I Input IN is the drain of the P channel MOS FET It is the supply input of the IC ...

Page 76: ...ion 1 VIN I Power supply input terminal It is an input terminal to the switch and a power supply input terminal of an internal circuit 2 GND Ground 3 EN I Switch enable input terminal The switch is turned on by inputting the high level 4 OC O Over current notification terminal When the over current is detected it becomes a low level Open drain output 5 VOUT O Switch output terminal ...

Page 77: ...ction 1 N C I No Connect No internal electrical connection is present 2 N C I No Connect No internal electrical connection is present 3 N C I No Connect No internal electrical connection is present 4 GND Ground 5 SDA I O Serial data Input Output 6 SCL I Serial clock input Bidirectional mode 7 VCLC I CLCK Input Transmit only mode Write Enable Bidirectional mode 8 VCC Power supply ...

Page 78: ...7 2 Pin Connections and short description Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function 1 1Y I O Independent input or output 2 1Z I O Independent input or output 3 2E I Enable input active HIGH 4 GND Ground 5 2Y I O Independent input or output 6 2Z I O Independent input or output 7 1E I Enable input active HIGH 8 VCC Supply voltage ...

Page 79: ...Power Switch Terminal Connect output LC filter Moreover connect the above mentioned capacity between BOOT terminals 4 GND Ground 5 FB I Feed Back Terminal The output voltage is set by the division resistance between the output voltages 6 COMP I Phase Compensation Terminal The phase amends external capacity and the resistance of the DC DC converter close loop are connected 7 EN I Enable Terminal Th...

Page 80: ...y big capacity 10µF 2 or more between GND 3 SW I Power switch terminal Connect the output LC filter Connect the above mentioned capacity between BOOT terminals 4 GND Ground 5 FB I Feedback terminal The output voltage is set by the division resistance of output voltage Vout FB GND 6 COMP I Phase compensation terminal Connect external capacity and resistance for the phase compensation of the DC DC c...

Page 81: ...ion Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function 1 E0 I Chip Enable Input 2 E1 I Chip Enable Input 3 E2 I Chip Enable Input 4 Vss Ground 5 SDA I O Serial data 6 SCL I Serial clock 7 WC I Write Control 8 VCC Power supply M24C64 Shift EEPROM Register XDEC MEMORY CONTROL LOGIC GENERATOR HV Address Register and Counter Data Register YDEC 1 page I O SCL E2 E1 E0 WC SDA ...

Page 82: Pump Capacitor 6 C2 Negative terminal of inverting Charge Pump Capacitor 7 V 5 5V generated by the charge pump 8 R_IN I RS 232 Receiver Inputs 9 R_OUT O TTL CMOS Receiver Outputs 10 INVALID I Output of the Valid Signal Detector INVALID is enabled high if a valid RS 232 level is present on any receiver input 11 T_IN I TTL CMOS Transmitter Inputs 12 FORCEON I Drive high to override automatic circ...

Page 83: ... Diagram 2 12 2 Pin Connections and short description Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function 1 VDD Voltage supply pin 4 NC No connection 5 Vout O Output pin NC No connection 2 GND Ground pin 3 CE I ON OFF control pin Connect CE pin with VDD pin when it is not used 㩷㩷㪚㪜㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㪭㫆㫌㫋 㩷㩷㩷㪣㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㪦㪝㪝 㩷㩷㩷㪟㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㪦㪥 ...

Page 84: ...O NAND Flash Data bit 0 PDD0_ 115 CI_DATA1 I O NAND Flash Data bit 1 PDD1_ 95 CI_DATA2 I O NAND Flash Data bit 2 PDD2_ 102 CI_DATA3 I O NAND Flash Data bit 3 PDD3_ 101 CI_DATA4 I O NAND Flash Data bit 4 PDD4_ 100 CI_DATA5 I O NAND Flash Data bit 5 PDD5_ 99 CI_DATA6 I O NAND Flash Data bit 6 PDD6_ 98 CI_DATA7 I O NAND Flash Data bit 7 PDD7_ 94 CI_CEB I NAND Flash Chip enable CI_CE 106 CI_RB O NAND ...

Page 85: Phone Plug HP_PLUG 4 GPIO3 O General purpose I O bit 3 Amp Standby AMP_STBY 19 GPIO4 I O General purpose I O bit 4 open 20 GPIO5 O General purpose I O bit 5 Antena_5V_SW ANT_5V_SW 21 GPIO6 I O General purpose I O bit 6 open 91 GPIO7 I O General purpose I O bit 7 open 92 GPIO8 I O General purpose I O bit 8 open 93 GPIO9 O General purpose I O bit 9 Common Interface VCC Enable CI_VCCEN 118 GPIO10 ...

Page 86: ...ction 2 CI_CARDDET2 38 VS1_ I PCMCIA voltage sense 1 C_VS1 65 VS2_ I PCMCIA voltage sense 2 TS_CIOUT_CLK 79 BVD1 I PCMCIA battery voltage detection 1 TS_CIOUT_SYNC 77 BVD2 I PCMCIA battery voltage detection 2 TS_CIOUT_VAL 72 INPACK_ I PCMCIA input port acknowledge CI_INP_ACK 70 WAIT_ I PCMCIA wait CI_WAIT 40 IORD_ O PCMCIA IO read strobe CI_RD 42 IOWR_ O PCMCIA IO write strobe CI_WR 74 REG_ O PCMC...

Page 87: ... LC 52LE700E RU S 7 21 2 14 IC1107 VHiPQ1LA505 1Y 2 14 1 Block Diagram 2 14 2 Pin Connections and short description Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function 1 Nr I Noise Control 2 GND Ground pin 3 Vc I ON OFF Control 4 Vin I DC input 5 Vo O DC Output ...

Page 88: ...2LE700E RU S 7 22 2 15 IC9610 VHiPQ1LAX95 1Y 2 15 1 Block Diagram 2 15 2 Pin Connections and short description Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function 1 Vadj I Output Voltage Control 2 GND Ground pin 3 Vc I ON OFF Control 4 Vin I DC input 5 Vo O DC Output ...


Page 90: ... I O Pin Function 1 OUT O Voltage detection output terminal RESET detecting voltage 2 VDD Voltage input terminal 3 VSS Ground terminal 4 NC No connection It is an opening electrically 5 CD I External capacitor connection terminal for delay S D G VSS OUT CIRCUIT VIN 2 DELAY RESET OUT VDD CD S80928NM 2 8V VREF 3 5 VOLTAGE DETECTOR 1 S80927NM 2 7V S80920NM 2 0V S80944NM 4 4V ...

Page 91: ...EC Controller CEC_D 60 61 58 59 56 57 DSDA1 DSCL1 TMDS DPLL DEC SCDT HDCP REG HDMI PORT PROCESSOR 43 44 LOCAL I2C 29 30 14 13 16 15 18 17 68 67 70 69 72 71 38 POWER_DOWN HPD0 HPD1 PORT2 BOOTING SEQUENCER 51 DSDA4 DSCL4 CPI REG 62 63 39 40 33 34 HDCP ENGINE 22 21 24 23 26 25 PORT1 CSCL CSDA 2 1 R0PWR5V R1PWR5V R2PWR5V R3PWR5V R4PWR5V ALWAYS_ON 31 35 41 45 SiI9287 NV RAM CONFIG STATUS REG INT DSDA2 ...

Page 92: ...CSCL I Local Configuration Status I2C Clock Chip configuration status is accessed via this I2C port This pin is a true open drain so it does not pull to ground if power is not applied 53 CSDA I O Local Configuration Status I2C Data Chip configuration status is accessed via this I2C port This pin is a true open drain so it does not pull to ground if power is not applied 48 DSCL4 I DDC I2C Clock for...

Page 93: ...drain and requires an external pull up resister This pin typically connects to a local CPU if the CEC functions are performed by the CPU directly and not the CEC controller inside the device Power and Ground Pins 9 27 64 VCC33 Analog and digital core VCC Must be supplied at 3 3V 37 MICOM_VCC33 During normal mode this pin provides 3 3V power to external micro controller Maximum output current is 30...

Page 94: ..._CLOCK 18 TS_SYNC O TS_SYNC 19 TS_VAL O TS_Data Valid 20 TS_ERR O TS_Packet Error 21 TS_DATA 0 O TS_DATA0 22 TS_DATA 1 O TS_DATA1 23 TS_DATA 2 O TS_DATA2 STV0297E ADC Demodulator is a complete QAM quadrature amplitude modulation demodulation and FEC forward error correction solution I2C Repeater Lock status IT generator INP INM GPIO LOCK AGC and delayed AGC Derotator Adjacent channels removal filt...

Page 95: ...round GND 41 INM I Negative input for IF and baseband configuration 42 INP I Positive input for IF and baseband configuration 43 VCCAISO_D 2 5v Analog ISO neutral polarization 2 5V 44 INCM O Internal common mode 45 REFM O Internal negative reference 46 REFP O Internal positive reference 47 GNDA_AD12 ground GND 48 VCCA_AD12 supply Analog supply 2 5V 49 GNDD_AD12 ground GND 50 VDDD_AD12 1 0v Analog ...

Page 96: ...0 2 20 IC1103 VHiTCR5SB25 1Y IC9609 VHiTCR5SB33 1Y 2 20 1 Block Diagram 2 20 2 Pin Connections and short description Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function 1 VIN Voltage supply pin 2 Ground Ground pin 3 Control I Control signal pin 4 NC No connection 5 Vout O Output pin ...

Page 97: ... amplifier output terminal Rch 12 OUTPR O Digital amplifier output terminal Rch 13 PVSSR The ground terminal for a digital amplifier output Rch 14 OUTMR O Digital amplifier output terminal Rch 15 OUTMR O Digital amplifier output terminal Rch 16 PVDDMR The power supply terminal for a digital amplifier output Rch 17 SLEEPN I Sleep control terminal 18 PROTN O Error flag output terminal 19 MUTEN I Mut...

Page 98: ...fier output terminal Lch 29 PVSSL The ground terminal for a digital amplifier output Lch 30 OUTPL O Digital amplifier output terminal Lch 31 OUTPL O Digital amplifier output terminal Lch 32 PVDDPL The power supply terminal for a digital amplifier output Lch Pin No Pin Name I O Pin Function ...

Page 99: ...03 P9601 P9602 DUNTKF306WE 2 SC502 PC_AUD HDMI2 10 SC1503 IC4405 SC4401 1 20 SC504 MAIN_UNIT P2003 EXT4 6 EXT6 HDMI2 P3301 EXT9 CVBS PD AUDIO_OUT EXT3 1 1 SC4801 P4804 1 15 1 4 P4803 41 T7501 T77002 L7002 L7001 CN7002 9 LB 1 CN7008 1 4 CN7001 12 CN7003 1 PD 1 4 PL CN7004 ICON_UNIT DUNTKF314WE 1 IM P201 2 2 1 P101 IM IC5154 SC7002 SC7001 1 LN1 6 LN2 1 1 1 8 0 80 12 CN7007 CN7006 U7053 Q7051 T7051 Q...

Page 100: ...P2003 EXT4 6 EXT6 HDMI2 P3301 EXT9 CVBS PD AUDIO_OUT EXT3 1 1 SC4801 P74804 1 15 1 4 P4803 41 ICON_UNIT DUNTKF314WE 1 IM P201 2 2 1 P101 IM IC5154 SC7002 SC7001 1 1 8 0 80 1 PL F7001 T5A 250V CN7501 POWER UNIT 40 CN7602 CN7801 L7501 5 10 CN7802 9 L7002 L7003 L7001 PSD 0690 9 LB CN7601 HS7502 5 LA1 1 4 5 CN7606 CN7002 LA2 C7144 CN7607 6 6 1 CN7804 AS 12 RL7101 D7101 1 1 RUNTKA609WJQZ 1 CN7001 HS750...

Page 101: ...RS 232C 19 1 J502 J503 PC_AUD HDMI2 LW 41 15 DUNTKF314WE SC4401 J504 J506 P2601 LBP9601 1 P201 1 SC504 RA 1 1 P151 EXT1 P3301 4 EXT8 HDMI4 SPEAKER_UNIT L 12 AUDIO_OUT SC503 4 CN7602 9 9 1 5 CN7802 1 CN7001 PD F7001 T6 3A 250V HS7101 CN7608 12 L7105 CN7604 PSD 0690 HS7601 1 CN7803 from LED BACKLIGHT UNIT CN7606 4 3 6 L7002 T7102 CN7503 12 L7004 LB CN7607 CN7605 L7501 R7 3 15A 450V HS7501 CN7801 9 R...

Page 102: ...7605 RL7101 RS 232C PSD 0690 CN7502 1 4 SC1502 80 RA P201 L7501 F7002 T6 3A 250V 19 HS7601 2 10 KEY_UNIT EXT9 CVBS CN7602 EXT6 HDMI2 1 R7 3 15A 450V 1 SC7001 1 CN7603 DUNTKE266WE CN7805 9 IC1504 SC504 J501 EXT4 6 J502 HS7501 SC1503 1 CN7803 T7103 9 IC1106 ANALOG_RGB_PC RA ANT_IN 1 IC8401 CN7801 J503 4 from LED BACKLIGHT UNIT PD 1 1 1 1 IC3502 1 SPEAKER_UNIT R 10 9 PC_AUD HDMI2 1 P4803 SC501 CN7501...




Page 106: ...ide B ICON Unit Chip Parts Side A C201 C202 D201 D202 D203 D204 P201 R201 R202 R203 R204 P 1 0 1 P 1 0 2 Q102 Q 1 0 3 Q 1 0 4 Q 1 0 5 Q 1 0 6 Q 1 0 7 F B 1 0 1 R 1 0 3 R 1 0 5 R 1 0 6 R107 R 1 0 9 R 1 1 0 R 1 1 3 R 1 1 4 R 1 1 5 R 1 1 6 R 1 1 7 R118 R 1 1 9 R 1 2 0 R 1 2 1 R 1 2 2 R123 R 1 2 4 C 1 0 1 C 1 0 2 C 1 0 3 C 1 0 4 D 1 0 2 D 1 0 3 D 1 0 4 I C 1 0 1 S155 R153 D152 S154 S152 R151 D151 S151...

Page 107: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 9 2 2 MAIN Unit MAIN Unit Side A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 108: ... VA508 R3309 C3331 IC3301 VA509 R8511 IC3302 R8512 IC3303 R8513 R8514 D3311 R3501 X1101 R8515 R3502 R8516 R8517 D3314 R8518 VA510 D3315 R8519 D3316 R3506 R3312 D3317 R3507 R3313 R3508 R3314 D3319 IC3501 FB501 IC3502 FB502 R3316 FB503 R8520 FB504 FB505 R8521 R8522 FB506 R8523 FB507 D3320 FB508 R3511 D3321 FB509 R3512 D3323 C3347 D3324 D3325 R3321 R3322 D3326 R3323 D3328 FB510 D3329 FB511 R501 R3325...

Page 109: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 9 4 MAIN Unit Side B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 110: ...501 Q502 Q503 R9664 Q504 R9665 R2711 R9666 R2712 R2713 R4460 R9669 R4464 R4465 R4466 R4467 R9670 C8504 R4468 R9671 R4469 C8505 R9672 R9673 C8507 R9675 R9676 R9677 C3303 C3305 R9679 R2726 R2727 C3307 R2728 C8510 C8511 C8512 C3501 R9681 C3502 R9682 R9683 C3504 C3505 C3311 R9685 C3312 C3506 C3313 C3507 C3314 C3508 C3315 C3509 C3316 C3317 C3318 C3319 C3510 C3511 C3512 C3513 C3320 C3514 C3515 C3322 C35...

Page 111: ... 1000Ω M MΩ 2 All resistors are 5 unless otherwise noted K 10 F 1 D 0 5 3 All resistors are 1 16W unless otherwise noted CAPACITOR 1 All capacitors are µF unless otherwise noted P pF µµF 2 All capacitors are 50V unless otherwise noted CAUTION This circuit diagram is original one therefore there may be a slight difference from yours SAFETY NOTES 1 DISCONNECT THE AC PLUG FROM THE AC OUTLET BEFORE RE...

Page 112: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 2 2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 1 MAIN Unit 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 113: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 3 2 MAIN Unit 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 114: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 4 3 MAIN Unit 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 115: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 5 4 MAIN Unit 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 116: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 6 5 MAIN Unit 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 117: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 7 6 MAIN Unit 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 118: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 8 7 MAIN Unit 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 119: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 9 8 MAIN Unit 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 120: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 10 9 MAIN Unit 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 121: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 11 10 MAIN Unit 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 122: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 12 11 MAIN Unit 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 123: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 13 12 R C LED Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 124: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 14 13 KEY Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 125: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 15 14 ICON Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 126: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 10 16 ...

Page 127: ...VISION Note The reference numbers on the PWB are arranged in alphabetical order PartsGuide 1 PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES 2 LCD PANEL 3 DUNTKE306FM01 MAIN Unit 4 DUNTKE266FM18 KEY Unit 5 DUNTKF308FM02 R C LED Unit 6 DUNTKF314FM02 ICON Unit 7 CABINET AND MECHANICAL PARTS LC 32LE LU LX700 8 LCD PANEL MODULE UNIT LC 32LE LU LX700 9 CABINET AND MECHANICAL PARTS LC 40LE LU LX700 10 LCD PANEL MODULE ...

Page 128: ...000p 50V Ceramic C529 VCKYCZ1HB102KY AB J Capacitor 1000p 50V Ceramic C530 VCKYCZ1HB471KY AB J Capacitor 470p 50V Ceramic C531 VCKYCZ1HB471KY AB J Capacitor 470p 50V Ceramic C532 VCCCCZ1HH101JY AB J Capacitor 100p 50V Ceramic C533 VCCCCZ1HH101JY AB J Capacitor 100p 50V Ceramic C534 RC KZA510WJPZY AB J Capacitor C535 RC KZA510WJPZY AB J Capacitor C536 VCKYCZ1HB471KY AB J Capacitor 470p 50V Ceramic ...

Page 129: ...Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C1141 RC KZA510WJPZY AB J Capacitor C1142 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C1143 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C1144 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C1145 RC KZA510WJPZY AB J Capacitor C1146 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C1147 VCCCCZ1HH150JY AB J Capacitor 15p 50V Ceramic C1148 VCCCCZ1HH150JY AB J Capacitor 15p 50...

Page 130: ...pacitor 0 1 10V Ceramic C3319 VCKYCZ1HB102KY AB J Capacitor 1000p 50V Ceramic C3320 VCKYCZ1AB473KY AB J Capacitor 0 047 10V Ceramic C3321 RC KZA616WJQZY AB J Capacitor C3322 VCKYCZ1EB103KY AA J Capacitor 0 01 25V Ceramic C3323 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J Capacitor 0 1 10V Ceramic C3324 VCKYCZ1EB103KY AA J Capacitor 0 01 25V Ceramic C3325 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J Capacitor 0 1 10V Ceramic C3326 RC KZA616WJQZY A...

Page 131: ...KYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C3502 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C3503 VCAAPE0JJ107MY AE J Capacitor 100 6 3V Electrolytic C3504 RC KZA510WJPZY AB J Capacitor C3505 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C3506 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C3507 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C3508 RC KZA576WJQZY AB J Capacitor C3509 RC KZA576WJQ...

Page 132: ...J Capacitor C9635 RC KZA616WJQZY AB J Capacitor C9636 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C9638 VCKYCZ1EF104ZY AA J Capacitor 0 1 25V Ceramic C9639 RC KZA114WJZZY AB J Capacitor C9640 RC KZA383WJZZY AC J Capacitor C9641 RC KZA114WJZZY AB J Capacitor C9642 VCKYCZ1EB682KY AB J Capacitor 6800p 25V Ceramic C9643 VCKYCZ1CB223KY AC J Capacitor 0 022 16V Ceramic C9644 RC KZA616WJQZY AB J Capaci...

Page 133: ...Zener Diode MAZ8039GHL D3324 RH EXA547WJZZY AB J Zener Diode MAZ8120GML D3325 RH EXA547WJZZY AB J Zener Diode MAZ8120GML D3326 RH EXA547WJZZY AB J Zener Diode MAZ8120GML D3327 RH EXA512WJZZY AB J Zener Diode MAZ8039GHL D3328 RH EXA547WJZZY AB J Zener Diode MAZ8120GML D3329 RH EXA547WJZZY AB J Zener Diode MAZ8120GML D3330 RH EXA520WJZZY AB J Zener Diode MAZ8051GML D8457 VHDMA152WK 1Y AB J Diode MA1...

Page 134: ...Not Available Ferrite Core PWB replacement item FB9603 RBLN 0207TAZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB9604 RBLN 0207TAZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB9605 RBLN 0207TAZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB9606 RBLN 0207TAZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB9607 RBLN 0207TAZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB9608 RBLN 0207TAZZY AB J Ferrite Core FL501 RFILN0003TAZZY AD J Filter FL502 RFILN0003TAZZY AD J Filter FL503 RFILN0003TAZZY AD J Filter FL504 RFILN00...

Page 135: ...vailable Peaking Coil PWB replacement item L504 Not Available Peaking Coil PWB replacement item L1101 VPSBN100J1R2NY AB J Peaking Coil 10µH L1102 VPCWM2R2MR10NY AC J Peaking Coil 2 2µH L1103 VPSBN2R2JR54NY AB J Peaking Coil 2 2µH L1104 VPSBN2R2JR54NY AB J Peaking Coil 2 2µH L2601 RCILFA119WJZZY AE J Coil L2602 RCILFA119WJZZY AE J Coil L2603 RCILFA119WJZZY AE J Coil L2604 RCILFA119WJZZY AE J Coil L...

Page 136: ...l Oxide R538 VRK SA1JF472JY AA J Resistor 4 7k 1 16W Metal Composition R541 VRS TQ2EF750JY AA J Resistor 75 1 4W Metal Oxide R544 VRS TQ2EF750JY AA J Resistor 75 1 4W Metal Oxide R547 VRS CG1JF101JY AA J Resistor 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R549 VRS CZ1JF102JY AA J Resistor 1k 1 16W Metal Oxide R550 VRS CZ1JF221JY AA J Resistor 220 1 16W Metal Oxide R551 VRS CZ1JF102JY AA J Resistor 1k 1 16W Metal Oxide...

Page 137: ...A J Resistor 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R638 VRS CY1JF000JY AA J Resistor 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R639 VRS CY1JF000JY AA J Resistor 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R640 VRS CY1JF000JY AA J Resistor 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R1101 VRS CZ1JF561JY AA J Resistor 560 1 16W Metal Oxide R1102 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Resistor 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R1103 VRS CZ1JF000JY AA J Resistor 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R1104 VRS CZ1JF472JY AA J Resistor 4...

Page 138: ...esistor 100k 1 16W Metal Oxide R2022 VRS CZ1JF333JY AA J Resistor 33k 1 16W Metal Oxide R2023 VRS CZ1JF473FY AA J Resistor 47k 1 16W Metal Oxide R2024 VRS CZ1JF102FY AA J Resistor 1k 1 16W Metal Oxide R2025 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Resistor 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R2026 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Resistor 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R2028 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Resistor 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R2029 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Re...

Page 139: ...Oxide R3312 VRS CZ1JF472JY AA J Resistor 4 7k 1 16W Metal Oxide R3313 VRS CZ1JF472JY AA J Resistor 4 7k 1 16W Metal Oxide R3314 VRS CY1JF220JY AA J Resistor 22 1 16W Metal Oxide R3316 VRS CZ1JF472JY AA J Resistor 4 7k 1 16W Metal Oxide R3318 VRS CZ1JF472JY AA J Resistor 4 7k 1 16W Metal Oxide R3319 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J Resistor 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R3320 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Resistor 10k 1 16W Meta...

Page 140: ...Y AA J Resistor 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R4411 VRS CG1JF470JY AA J Resistor 47 1 16W Metal Oxide R4413 VRS CZ1JF470JY AA J Resistor 47 1 16W Metal Oxide R4414 VRS CG1JF101JY AA J Resistor 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R4415 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J Resistor 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R4416 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J Resistor 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R4418 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Resistor 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R4419 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA ...

Page 141: ... Resistor 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R9613 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J Resistor 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R9614 VRS CZ1JF000JY AA J Resistor 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R9615 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Resistor 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R9616 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J Resistor 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R9617 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J Resistor 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R9620 VRS CZ1JF472FY AA J Resistor 4 7k 1 16W Metal Oxide R9621 VRS CZ1JF133FY AA J R...

Page 142: ... QSW K0003AJZZ AB J Switch S155 QSW K0003AJZZ AB J Switch S156 QSW K0003AJZZ AB J Switch S157 QSW K0003AJZZ AB J Switch 5 DUNTKF308FM02 R C LED Unit C101 VCKYCY1HF103ZY AA J Capacitor 0 01 50V Ceramic C102 VCEASX1CN106MY AC J Capacitor 10 16V Electrolytic C103 VCEASY1CN107MY AC J Capacitor 100 16V Electrolytic C104 VCKYTV1CF225ZY AB J Capacitor 2 2 16V Ceramic D102 RH PX0421CEZZY AD J Diode CL 165...

Page 143: ... 䏉 䎃 䏊 䎃 䎖䎕䎅䎃䎯䎦䎧䎃䎳䏄䏑䏈䏏䎃䎰䏒䏇䏘䏏䏈䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎮䎨䎼䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䏅 䎃 䎧 䎃 䎩 䎃 䎪 䎃 䎔 䎔䎐䎖 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎔 䎔䎐䎔 䎕䎓 䎕䎘 䎖䎕 䎕䎛 䎖䎖 䎗 䎕䎜 䎕䎖 䎖䎐䎕 䎖䎐䎔 䎖 䎔䎜 䎔䎓 䎔䎔 䎖䎛 䎖䎓 䎖䎔 䎗䎓 䎕䎐䎕 䎖䎙 䎖䎚 䎕 䎕䎐䎔 䎕䎐䎙 䎕䎐䎗 䎕䎐䎘 䎕䎐䎘 䎩 䎃 䎘 䎘䎐䎔 䎘䎐䎖 䎘䎐䎕 䎖䎘 䎖䎘 䎖䎗 䎖䎜 䎖䎜 䎔䎙 䎖䎜 䎕䎚 䏅 䎃 䏆 䎃 䏄 䎃 䏊 䎃 䏉 䎃 䎕䎕 䎕䎗 䎔䎚 䎔䎛 䏌 䎃 䏇 䎃 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎕䎐䎖 䎨 䎃 䎨 䎃 䎕䎐䎙 䎨 䎃 䎨 䎃 䎖䎜 䎙 䎖䎜 䎪 䎃 䎪 䎃 䎙 䎗䎐䎔 䎗䎐䎕 䎧 䎃 䎕䎔 䎕䎙 䏇 䎃 䎔䎕 䏌 䎃 䎖䎜 䎚 䎖䎜 䎗䎔 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䏎 䎃 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎖 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎕 䎔䎐䎗 䎔䎐䎜 䎔䎐䎕 䎔䎗 䎔䎗 䏍 䎃 䎛 䎛 䎔䎓 䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎙 䎔...

Page 144: ...eet 5 CANGKC375WJ01 AL S P Side Terminal Angle Ass y 5 1 Not Available N Side Terminal Label 5 2 Not Available N Side Terminal Angle 5 3 Not Available N Heat Protect Sheet 6 LANGKC345WJFW AN S P Support Angle x2 7 LHLDQA001WJ1A AF S P ECO Switch Holder 8 LHLDWA289WJKZ AC N J Wire Holder x3 9 LHLDWA175WJUZ AC J Wire Holder x5 10 LHLDWA176WJUZ AC J Wire Holder for FFC x2 11 LHLDWA280WJKZ AC J Wire H...

Page 145: ...䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 PUSH RIVET Insert PUSH RIVET LED PWB Insert it well to the depths Not being float 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎬䏑䏖䏈䏕䏗䎃䎳䎸䎶䎫䎃䎵䎬䎹䎨䎷䎋䎖䎕䎃䏏䏒䏆䏄䏗䏌䏒䏑䏖䎌 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎬䏑䏖䏈䏕䏗䎃䎳䎸䎶䎫䎃䎵䎬䎹䎨䎷䎋䎔䎙䎃䏏䏒䏆䏄䏗䏌䏒䏑䏖䎌䎃䏄䏑䏇 䎬䏑䏖䏈䏕䏗䎃䎶䎸䎳䎳䎲䎵䎷䎃䎳䎬䎱䎃䎋䎗䎃䏏䏒䏆䏄䏗䏌䏒䏑䏖䎌 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎘 PUSH RIVET SUPPORT PIN Insert PUSH...

Page 146: ...11 RUNTKA598WJ02 P LED8 PWB2 Unit x4 1 12 QCNCWA958WJZZ AD N J Terminator x8 1 13 RUNTKA595WJ01 AX J LED5 PWB1 Unit x4 1 14 RUNTKA595WJ02 AX J LED5 PWB2 Unit x4 1 15 LHLDZB497WJKZ AC N J Push Rivet x48 1 16 PMIR A254WJZZ N P Reflection Sheet 1 17 LHLDZB496WJKZ AC N J Support Pin x4 1 18 PCOVUA183WJZZ N P Diffusion Plate 1 19 PSHEPA973WJZZ N P Lens Sheet 1 20 PSHEPA963WJZZ N P Optical Sheet 1 21 CH...

Page 147: ...䏊 䎃 䎮䎨䎼䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䏅 䎃 䎗 䎖䎐䎕 䎖䎐䎔 䎖 䎗䎓䎅䎃䎯䎦䎧䎃䎳䏄䏑䏈䏏䎃䎰䏒䏇䏘䏏䏈䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎖䎓 䎕䎐䎕 䎖䎘 䎕 䎕䎐䎔 䎕䎐䎖 䎧 䎃 䎩 䎃 䏆䎃 䎃 䎧 䎃䎃 䎔䎛 䏇 䎃 䏈 䎃 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䏌 䎃 䏎 䎃 䎔䎐䎖 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎖 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎔 䎕䎓 䎕䎘 䎕䎖 䎕䎜 䎗䎐䎔 䎕䎛 䎗䎐䎕 䎗䎔 䎖䎔 䎖䎚 䎖䎜 䎩 䎃 䏄 䎃 䏊 䎃 䏉 䎃 䏌 䎃 䏇 䎃 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎔䎚 䎗䎔 䎕䎕 䎕䎗 䎨 䎃 䎙 䎖䎙 䎪 䎃 䎙 䎪 䎃 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎕 䎙䎐䎕 䎙䎐䎖 䎙䎐䎖 䎙䎐䎖 䎙䎐䎖 䎕䎔 䎗䎕 䎗䎕 䎗䎔 䎔䎕 䎚 䎚 䎖䎛 䎖䎚 䎖䎚 䎔䎜 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎕 䎔䎐䎕 䎪 䎃 䎨 䎃 䎨 䎃 䎗䎔 䎗䎔 䎔䎐䎗 䏅 䎃 䎕䎙 䎖䎙 䎛 䏍 䎃 䎔䎔 䎔䎔 䎜 䎜 䎜 䎘 䎘䎐䎔 䎘䎐䎕 䎖䎘 䎖䎘 䎖䎗 䎗䎔 䎗䎔 䎔䎙 䎔䎖...

Page 148: ...t Protect Sheet 6 CANGKC424WJ01 AT N P Support Angle Ass y x2 6 1 Not Available N VESA Bracket x2 6 2 Not Available N Support Angle 6 3 XHPS730P06WS0 AA J Screw for VESA Bracket x4 7 LANGKC480WJFW AB N P Side Lug x2 8 LHLDQA001WJ1A AF S P ECO Switch Holder 9 LHLDWA175WJUZ AC J Wire Holder x4 10 LHLDWA176WJUZ AC J Wire Holder x2 11 LHLDWA289WJKZ AC N J Wire Holder x3 12 LHLDZA587WJKZ AC J PWB Space...

Page 149: ...䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 PUSH RIVET Insert PUSH RIVE...

Page 150: ...10 1 13 RUNTKA596WJ02 AY J LED6 PWB2 Unit x8 1 14 QCNCWA958WJZZ AD J Terminator x9 1 15 LHLDZB497WJKZ AC J Push Rivet x75 1 16 PMIR A255WJZZ AW J Reflector Sheet 1 17 LHLDZB496WJKZ AC J Support Pin x8 1 18 PCOVUA185WJZZ AZ N J Diffusion Plate 1 19 PSHEPA965WJZZ AY N J Lens Sheet x1 1 20 CHLDZB517WJ01 AP N J Panel Chassis Ass y Top 1 21 CHLDZB518WJ01 AQ N J Panel Chassis Ass y Bottom 1 22 CHLDZB519...

Page 151: ...䏄 䎃 䏋 䎃 䏆 䎃 䏈 䎃 䏊 䎃 䎔 䎔䎐䎖 䎔䎐䎔 䎔䎐䎚 䏋 䎃 䎖䎔 䎗䎐䎔 䎕䎘 䎔䎙 䎖䎓 䎖䎕 䎗 䎕䎚 䎕䎖 䏉 䎃 䎔䎜 䎖䎛 䎗䎓 䎗䎓 䎗䎕 䎗䎖 䎗䎗 䎨 䎃 䎨 䎃 䎖䎚 䎖䎜 䎕䎐䎔 䎕䎐䎖 䎕䎐䎗 䎕 䎧 䎃 䎩 䎃 䎛 䎜 䎛 䎛 䎕䎐䎕 䏊 䎃 䏉 䎃 䎕䎗 䎕䎙 䎕䎔 䎕䎕 䏌 䎃 䏇 䎃 䎧 䎃 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䏌 䎃 䏇 䎃 䏈 䎃 䎕䎓 䎗䎔 䎔䎔 䏎 䎃 䎪 䎃 䎨 䎃 䎪 䎃 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎖 䎙䎐䎖 䎙䎐䎗 䎗䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎗 䎗䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎕 䎙䎐䎗 䎙䎐䎗 䎙 䎙 䎪 䎃 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎖 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎕 䎔䎐䎛 䎔䎐䎘 䎔䎐䎘 䎔䎐䎕 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎔 䎔䎐䎗 䎗䎐䎕 䎩 䎃 䎗䎔 䏅 䎃 䏆 䎃 䏄 䎃 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎔䎚 䎔䎖 䎕䎛 䎗䎔 䎚 䏍 䎃 䏍 䎃 䎔䎓 䎘 䎘䎐䎔 䎘䎐䎕 䎖䎙 䎖䎙 䎖䎘 䎗䎔 䎗䎔 䎔䎛 ...

Page 152: ...pport Angle Ass y x2 6 1 Not Available N VESA Bracket x2 6 2 Not Available N Support Angle 6 3 Not Available N Angle for Support 6 4 XHPS730P06WS0 AA J Screw for VESA Bracket x2 7 LHLDQA001WJ1A AF S P ECO Switch Holder 8 LHLDWA175WJUZ AC J Wire Holder x4 9 LHLDWA176WJUZ AC J Wire Holder 10 LHLDWA289WJKZ AC N J Wire Holder x3 11 LHLDZA587WJKZ AC J PWB Spacer x3 12 NSFTZA243WJFN AB J Shaft for D SUB...

Page 153: ... 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 䎔䎐䎔䎚 PUSH RIVET Insert PUSH RIVET LED PWB Insert it well to the depth...

Page 154: ... LED6 PWB2 Unit x5 1 14 RUNTKA598WJ01 P LED8 PWB1 Unit x6 1 15 RUNTKA598WJ02 P LED8 PWB2 Unit x5 1 16 QCNCWA958WJZZ AD J Terminator x11 1 17 LHLDZB497WJKZ AC J Push Rivet x95 1 18 PMIR A256WJZZ P Reflector Sheet 1 19 LHLDZB496WJKZ AC J Support Pin x11 1 20 PCOVUA186WJZZ N P Diffusion Plate 1 21 PSHEPA966WJZZ N P Lens Sheet 1 22 CHLDZB509WJ01 N P Panel Chassis Ass y Top 1 23 CHLDZB510WJ01 N P Panel...

Page 155: ...䎗䎐䎔 䎕䎖 䎖䎓 䎗 䎕䎘 䎕䎔 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎖 䎔䎐䎚 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎕 䎘䎕䎅䎃䎯䎦䎧䎃䎳䏄䏑䏈䏏䎃䎰䏒䏇䏘䏏䏈䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎭 䎃 䎮䎨䎼䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䏅 䎃 䎖䎐䎕 䎖䎐䎔 䎖 䎔䎚 䎗䎓 䏈 䎃 䏊 䎃 䏉 䎃 䎗䎔 䎖䎔 䎖䎕 䎕䎐䎕 䎖䎛 䎖䎜 䎕䎐䎔 䎕䎐䎖 䎕 䎨 䎃 䎨 䎃 䎧 䎃 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䏌 䎃 䏇 䎃 䏈 䎃 䎔䎛 䎖䎚 䎔䎔 䏎 䎃 䎪 䎃 䎖䎚 䎙䎐䎖 䎙䎐䎖 䎙䎐䎖 䎖䎚 䎙䎐䎖 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙䎐䎔 䎙 䎙䎐䎕 䎙䎐䎕 䎙 䏊 䎃 䏉 䎃 䎕䎕 䎕䎗 䎔䎜 䎕䎓 䏌 䎃 䏇 䎃 䎧 䎃 䎩 䎃 䎜 䎛 䎔䎖 䎪 䎃 䎔䎐䎕䎐䎔 䎔䎐䎗 䎔䎐䎙 䎗䎐䎕 䎩 䎃 䎖䎚 䏅 䎃 䏆 䎃 䏄 䎃 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎔䎐䎘 䎔䎐䎘 䎕䎙 䎖䎚 䎚 䏍 䎃 䎜 䎜 䎜 䎔䎓 䎔䎓 䎔䎘 䎔䎖 䎘 䎘䎐䎔 䎘䎐䎕 䎖䎙 䎖䎙 䎖䎘 䎖䎚 䎖䎚 䎔䎙 䎔䎕 䎔...

Page 156: ... 7 LHLDQA001WJ1A AF S P ECO Switch Holder 8 LHLDWA133WJKZ AC J Wire Holder for Power 9 LHLDWA175WJUZ AC J Wire Holder x4 10 LHLDWA289WJKZ AC N J Wire Holder x3 11 LHLDZA587WJKZ AC J PWB Spacer x3 12 NSFTZA243WJFN AB J Shaft for D SUB x4 13 PCLICA004WJKZ AC J Rivet 14 PMLT A608WJZZ AB P Gasket 8x16x5 5 15 PSLDMB651WJZZ AC P Conductor 10x60 16 PSLDMB665WJFW AM N P MAIN Shield 17 QCNW J979WJQZ AE P C...

Page 157: ... 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎔䎐䎔䎘 䎬䏑䏖䏈䏕䏗䎃䎳䎸䎶䎫䎃䎵䎬䎹䎨䎷䎋䎙䎓䎃䏏䏒䏆䏄䏗䏌䏒䏑䏖䎌 䎔䎐䎔䎘 PUSH RIVET Insert PUSH RIVET LED PWB Insert it well to the depths Not being float Fasten LED PWBs with PUSH RIVETs x 60 In the insertion ...

Page 158: ... P Bezel Ass y Top 1 27 CANGKC330WJ01 N P Bezel Ass y Bottom 1 28 CANGKC331WJ01 N P Bezel Ass y L 1 29 CANGKC332WJ01 N P Bezel Ass y R 1 30 LX EZA028WJF9 AB J Screw x18 1 31 LX HZA039WJF7 AB J Screw x9 1 32 TLABN2229TPZZ AA J Bar Code Label 1 33 LX HZA064WJF7 AB P Washer Screw x3 1 34 PSHEPB012WJZZ BU N P Optical Sheet 15 SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES X1 RRMCGA771WJSA AU P Remote Control Unit X2 QACCKA047W...

Page 159: ...ICE RANK NEW MARK PART DELIVERY DESCRIPTION X8 TGAN A801WJZZ AE P Warranty Card for U K Ireland X8 TGAN B078WJZZ AC P Warranty Card for East Europe X9 TGAN B079WJZZ AB P Warranty Coupon for East Europe X10 TGAN A802WJZZ AB P AQUOS Care Plan for U K Ireland 15 SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES ...

Page 160: ...LC 32 40 46LE700E RU S LU700E S LX700E RU LC 52LE700E RU S 34 16 PACKING PARTS NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM LC 32 40LE LU LX700 X1 X2 X3 X6 X5 S2 S3 S1 S3 S3 S5 S6 S3 S7 Not Replacement item X4 ...

Page 161: ...N Packing Case for 32 inch models S1 SPAKCF105WJZZ N Packing Case for 40 inch models S2 SPAKPB437WJZZ N Wrapping Paper for 32 inch models S2 SPAKPB438WJZZ N Wrapping Paper for 40 inch models S3 SPAKXC664WJZZ N Packing Add Top Bottom for 32 inch models S3 SPAKXC665WJZZ N Packing Add Top Bottom for 40 inch models S5 SSAKAA111WJZZ B5 Sack S6 SSAKHA054WJZZ S Pac for Screw S7 TLABM5584BMZZ Case Label ...

Page 162: ...S2 SPAKCF109WJZZ N Packing Case Bottom for 52 inch models S3 SPAKPB042WJZZ Wrapping Paper for 46 inch models S3 SPAKPB043WJZZ Wrapping Paper for 52 inch models S4 SPAKXC666WJZZ N Packing Add Top Bottom for 46 inch models S4 SPAKXC669WJZZ N Packing Add Top Bottom for 52 inch models S5 SPAKXC667WJZZ N Packing Add Top Center for 46 inch models S5 SPAKXC670WJZZ N Packing Add Top Center for 52 inch mod...

Page 163: ...QZ AY J Connecting Cord Main LCD Control LP N QCNW G625WJQZ AP J Connecting Cord Main Power PL N QCNW H184WJQZ AX J Connecting Cord Main Power PD N QCNW K036WJQZ N J Connecting Cord Main LCD Control Power LB N QCNW G440WJQZ AP J Connecting Cord Main Key KM N QCNW H348WJQZ AW J Connecting Cord Main R C LED RA N QCNW J413WJQZ AQ J Connecting Cord Main Speaker SP N QCNW G442WJQZ AK J Connecting Cord ...

Page 164: of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher SHARP CORPORATION AV Systems Group CS Promotion Center Yaita Tochigi 329 2193 Japan Aug 2009 SH KY ...
