The Middle Plate is usually fairly clean but give it a quick check. Look through the hole and
see if there is any dirt on the Radiation Source. Generally, it is not advised to lift this plate off
the “Donut” o-ring – it could cause a leak. If there is dirt that can’t be lightly blown off the
Source, then try inserting a wet corner of a tissue (such as a Kim Wipe) between the two bars
and gently drag it across the surface of the Source. Drag the dry end of the tissue across the
Source to absorb the excess moisture. Alternatively, try to gently lift the plate. If there is
resistance, then put the plate back down. If it lifts easily, then remove the plate to gain access
to cleaning the Source. Make sure you put the plate back the same way it came off, making
sure the 4 springs fit into the 4 holes. Clean any debris off the alignment pins. See Photo 7.
Photo 7 – Middle Plate and Source