The module contains 5 tables with different feelings. To know which
table is used, press the Table button
. The Mode & Table LEDs
indicate the selected table number by blinking. To navigate
through the tables, keep the Table button
pressed and use the
+/- Shift buttons
Quite similar as the Knight's Gallop first table. Straight and military !
As straight as possible
First of all, the module needs to be fed by a clock signal via its
Clock input
. The sequence generated by Out 1
determined by four parameters : Table type
, Length
& Shift
The Length potentiometer
& CV Input
adjust the
sequence’s length from 1 to 8 steps (extendable to 16). The Pulses
& CV Input
set the number of hits in the
sequence. Turned fully counter clockwise it mutes the outputs and
as the potentiometer is turned, the number of hits distributed across
the sequence increases.
Shifting of the sequence can be done with the -/+ Shift buttons
Press + once to shift the sequence one step forward and – to shift it
backward. The module also has a Reset input
, allowing to
restart the sequence at its first step.